The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1110: Ning Ping Yushu was arrested

Gu Ningping was looking for Jin Shikai to avenge him. At this moment, seeing the guy who looked like a small servant blocking them from entering, he pushed the gatekeeper away, and said, "Let the man named Jin come out."

The gatekeeper has always been the guy with the eyes above the top!

Although he is a goalkeeper, you have to see who is keeping the goal!

Isn't the gate of the Jin family just the gate of the earth emperor!

Who came to the Jin family, who was not trembling, and even the one who was watching at the door with him was nodding and bowing!

However, today it turned out to be the opposite.

This stinky brat even called the master by his name directly. This is going to be decapitated!

The little girl was a little surprised on his face, and then he smiled sarcastically, and almost hugged his stomach, haha!

Pointing to Gu Ningping, he laughed and said sarcastically, "I'm looking for my old man, the young man or the old man? You, a little guy who hasn't grown full of hair, dare to call my master like that. You are impatient, right? ?"

After speaking fiercely, the doorkeeper saw that these half-old children were easy to deal with, so he rolled up his sleeves and opened the door and punched Gu Ningping.

Gu Ningping knows martial arts, and seeing the young man throw a punch at him, his face changes color and his heart is not beating, he stretches out his hand to catch the man's fist and kicks him directly on the calf!

That little servant is just a fist embroidered with legs, and relying on his strength as an adult, he wants to get some bargains from Gu Ningping!

But he didn't expect that Gu Ningping would let him take advantage of it. He kicked it and kicked it straight so that his leg bones were about to be broken. He hugged his leg bones and howled on the ground: "Where do you come from? The unfinished hairy boy, dare to hit your uncle, oh oh, just wait for me, and see how I can clean you up later."

Tan Yushu is also a temperament who is not afraid of heaven and fear. Seeing that a boy guarding the gate is also so fierce and evil, the people who want to come to the Jin family have been doing majestic blessings in Ruixian for so many years, no one dares to control, and he is getting worse.

I couldn't help it for a long time, and I kicked it directly, and kicked it on the shoulder of the young man, and the young man who kicked again rolled: "Call me the surname Jin."

The young man suffered a loss here by Gu Ningping, how could he let them go so easily!

After rolling his eyes, he thought of a ghost idea, and quickly agreed: "Well, wait, I'll call my master!"

After speaking, he crawled in, but he went to call the Jin family, but went to find a helper.

The people who hula la carried things like wooden or iron rods in their hands, and hurriedly came towards the door.

Where is the Jin family at the moment!

Kaibao Bawang Jindingtian went to the fireworks restaurant to open the buds.

Jin Yougui went to calculate the silver!

King Shikai was not at home, and didn't know where he went.

The little boy doesn't care, he can take care of the three and a half-old children at this door!

The Jin family is not short of money or people. In this mansion, there are so many small servants, and there are too many to count. This little boy is specially used to train fights, is that girl? Naturally there are other uses.

The Jin family has silver, and is generous in their shots. Buying a servant girl is better than buying three or four servant girls in other houses!

This is a lot of money. Although knowing that sending the Jin family there is no different than a sheep's mouth, some people still want to send it!

This woman of the Jin family, besides serving to eat, drink, and sleep, she also serves as a tool for venting.

As long as someone who is a little conscientious, or a little brainy, he will not send his daughter to the Jin family. The maid of the Jin family is no different from the prostitute in the fireworks restaurant!

Therefore, some people have said that this Jin family is not only the overlord Jin family, but also **** on earth!

If a girl enters the door of the Jin family, she will peel off her skin if she doesn't die.

However, there are also some cruel parents who will sell their daughters to the Jin family for money.

Gu Ningping and Tan Yushu were waiting at the door. After a while, they saw a large group of families rushing out of the Jin family and surrounded the three of Gu Ningping and Tan Yushu.

Surrounded in the middle, Gu Ningping still did not forget to protect Tan Yushu, guarding Tan Yushu behind him, and coldly shouted, "What are you doing!"

At this time, the young man who had called someone came over, pointing at Gu Ningping and cursed: "It's them, they said they need our master to settle the accounts, and they hurt me!"

"This stinky young hairy boy dared to come to the Jin's house to make trouble, and he would die."

The clothes of the head of the house are a little different from the others, and this person has always held his head high, as if trying to show his difference from others.

I think it should be the head of these people.

After listening to the little guardian's words this time, he waved his hand directly: "Give me up, catch alive, these two little ladies are delicate and tender, the son will definitely like it when he comes back!"

Gu Ningping saw that the man had said such shameless insults to Tan Yushu, and he couldn't bear it anymore, and he screamed at the besieging house Ding Si.

Although Gu Ningping knows martial arts, his two fists are hard to beat four hands.

Tan Yushu has also learned a lot of kung fu following Tan Yexing, but unfortunately because of his laziness, he can only protect himself.

Gu Ningping saw that Tan Yushu was going to suffer, so he quickly put down here to protect Tan Yushu.

It's just that those family members are trained, and although they are all things that can't make it to the table, because there are many people, they are all adults, and they are much stronger than Gu Ningping.

After going back and forth, Gu Ningping was gradually defeated due to lack of physical strength.

Gu Ningping and Tan Yushu were subdued by these people, and they were tied up.

Gu Ningping saw that Tan Yushu was also tied up. Thinking of what those people said earlier, he was worried that Tan Yushu would suffer, and became anxious. He cursed, "Don't touch her, don't touch her!"

Gu Ningping was struggling to get rid of these people's imprisonment, but how could this group of people let Gu Ningping succeed?

Seeing him yelling constantly, I was afraid that it would be bad if someone saw him.

So one family member took a palm shot and directly slapped Gu Ningping fainted!

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