The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1111: Beat to death

Tan Yushu was caught by those people and couldn't move anymore. Seeing that Gu Ningping was knocked out by those people again, he cried out distressedly: "Brother Ningping, Brother Ningping"

Ayu was also caught by these people.

After arresting these three people, the Jin family clan directly locked the three people into the wood shed and waited, when Jin Shikai came back and sent it away. Gu Ningping, Tan Yushu, and Ayu were imprisoned in the firewood room, with their hands and feet tied up.

Tan Yushu and Ayu were gagged, unable to make a sound.

Gu Ningping was still in a coma, lying there motionless, Tan Yushu was extremely worried, but her hands and feet were tied up, her mouth was covered again, and she couldn't make a sound at all, and she was so anxious that she screamed. , I can only lie down, move to Gu Ningping's place step by step, rubbing him continuously, making a hum

Gu Ningping was knocked unconscious by those little guys just now. At this moment, I heard someone crying beside him.

He woke up slightly again, and suddenly remembered that they had been **** by the Jin family, and immediately thought of Tan Yushu's situation, suddenly opened his eyes, and saw Tan Yushu tied up, looking at him sadly!

When Gu Ningping saw Tan Yushu still intact by his side, the stone in Gu Ningping's heart finally fell to the ground.

Tan Yushu's eyes lit up when Gu Ningping woke up.

"Woo", she wanted to say something, but her mouth was covered, and there was no sound.

Because Gu Ningping was knocked out by those people just now, he didn't have any cloth strips in his mouth, but his hands and feet were **** by those family members. He wanted to remove the cloth strips from Tan Yushu's mouth, but he suffered a lot. His hand was tied, and there was no way. Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he blushed and said, "Miss Tan, I will take out the cloth strip from your mouth!"

Tan Yushu nodded, as if Gu Ningping blushed, his whole body slowly leaned forward, getting closer and closer to Tan Yushu.

Seeing his gradually enlarged face, Tan Yushu suddenly thought of how he would remove the cloth for himself, and his face suddenly became red.

Although I was a little nervous, my heart kept beating, my face was as hot as fire.

Not only did she not have a trace of disgust, on the contrary, she had a little expectation.

Gu Ningping's face turned red when she saw Tan Yushu, and knew that she knew how to take out the strip of cloth from her mouth.

Seeing that she didn't refuse, Gu Ningping felt a little delighted, moving forward, the scent of Tan Yushu's body filled the tip of his nose more and more, sweet, like the taste of candy, not greasy at all, refreshing.

Gu Ningping forcefully resisted the throbbing in his heart and leaned forward slightly, getting closer, getting closer!

Tan Yushu's small nose bridge is close at hand. As long as he leans forward a little bit, the tips of the two people's noses will lightly touch.

Gu Ningping only felt that he was trembling a little all over. He trembled, went down a little, and opened his mouth to bite the piece of cloth in Tan Yushu's mouth.

With such a gentle pull, the piece of cloth will be taken out by him.

However, with such a rare contact with Tan Yushu at such a close distance, Gu Ningping couldn't bear to leave so quickly.

He bit the piece of cloth blankly, motionless.

His eyes were wide open, looking at Tan Yushu. At this moment, I just feel that my heart is running and jumping like a wild horse that has taken off its rein.

Tan Yushu is no better than Gu Ningping at this moment!

Her blush was bloody, and it seemed that the next moment, bleeding would come from her face.

She fluttered with big eyes and her long eyelashes looked like two small fans, fluttering endlessly.

The two people looked at each other, and only felt that each other's heartbeat could be sensed!

Suddenly, the door of the wood house creaked and was pushed open vigorously.

Gu Ningping was startled, and pulled the cloth strip from Tan Yushu's mouth.

The whole person looked at the door warily, and the whole body leaned against Tan Yushu.

When he saw that the person who came in was King Shikai, Gu Ningping hid Tan Yushu behind him, looked at the fierce people who came in, and said softly: "Miss Tan, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Kings Kelly came first.

He entered the wood shed with a lewd smile.

As soon as he arrived at the mansion, he heard that three people from the Jin family had just come to provoke him and said that he needed to settle the accounts.

King Shikai was too lazy to pay attention to them, so he wanted to let the family eat a good meal, and then throw out the Jin family, but after listening to the family, the two girls who caught the skin and tender meat were very beautiful. Moved crooked thoughts.

Entering the wood shed with a lewd smile, he opened the door and saw that the girl in front of him was the girl who didn't take advantage of that day.

The obscene smile in this eye is even more exuberant. Haha laughed loudly and said: "Haha, this is really no effort to find a place to break through iron shoes! Girl, let's meet again!"

Jin Shikai smiled maliciously, Gu Ningping was shocked, guarding Tan Yushu behind him, and shouting without showing any weakness: "King Shikai, if you dare to mess around, I will kill you!"

When King Shikai heard that this half-year-old child had been tied to Wuhuada by himself and was so dishonest, he couldn't help but smiled sarcastically, "Gu Ningping, are you not sure about the situation or what are you doing? You were all caught by me. , Do you think you can escape?"

When King Shikai came, he originally wanted to keep the two girls with delicate skin and tender flesh. The other one had a fight and threw it out, but now he has changed his mind.

This Gu Ningping, although he was not the one who humiliated him in the morning, but he was embarrassed because of Gu Ningping.

Jin Shikai suffered such a big loss at Jinfulou today, how could he let Gu Ningping so easily?

The Jin family's cruelty is not spread!

Because of the protection of the high officials in the capital, the lives of the people are no different from the ants to the Jin family.

King Shikai looked at Gu Ningping fiercely, and shouted: "Come here, don't you hurry up and drag this person down to me and beat him to death!"

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