The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1153: With thoughts

It's just that she didn't know whose girl it was, and Gu Xiaowan had to give it up.

Anyway, as long as they help Gu Ningping relieve their sadness, they will return to Liujiazhen.

Gao’s family took Gao Lianzhi back to the village, deliberately walked to the old house of Gu’s family, and walked to the door of the old house of Gu’s family. Gao’s family suddenly said to Gao Lianzhi mysteriously: "Lianzhi, do you know that this house lives? Who is this!"

Gao Lianzhi shook his head blankly: "I don't know!"

Gao said nervously: "Have you ever heard of the emperor personally canonizing a girl as the head of Anping County?"

When Gao Lianzhi heard it, he nodded and said: "Have heard, heard, I heard that the girl helped the victims to survive the disaster year! Even the emperor was moved by her!"

Gao nodded and said mysteriously: "It's the guest of Anping County, Xiaowan who lives here!"

"What?" Gao Lianzhi exclaimed when he heard it, probably because he was afraid that he would frighten others, he quickly covered his mouth and looked at Gu's old house with surprise.

An unbelievable look.

"You don't know yet! The county lord of Anping is our Wuxi villager. Later, because of other things, she moved out. No, they just came back to live for a few days some time ago!" Gao said, "You still I don’t know, the county lord of Anping, as well as a pair of twin brothers, seem to be the same age as you. That elder brother was admitted to a scholar this year!"

"It's amazing!" Gao Lianzhi heard it and exclaimed, "A scholar is amazing!"

Seeing Gao Lianzhi said that scholars are great, the joy of Gao's face secretly muttered something in his heart.

"They are more than powerful, they are handsome and handsome, and they are in the breeze! It's just that, now he is only twelve years old, I am afraid that if he waits a few years, the threshold of his family will be broken!" Gao's A look of envy.

Slanting his eyes to look at Gao Lianzhi, she saw Gao Lianzhi look at Gu's old house curiously, with a look of admiration.

Seeing Gao Lianzhi's shy look, the Gao family couldn't mention how proud he was.

In order not to arouse Gu Xiaowan's suspicion, she took Gao Lianzhi two glances and left immediately.

Gu Xiaowan is a shrewd girl. Before things are settled, don't let the dead girl see any clues.

Gao took Gao Lianzhi and went home.

Along the way, I still talked about the benefits of this family.

Gao Lianzhi kept chirping, lowered her head slightly, and couldn't see any changes on her face.

After returning home and having lunch, the Gao family went out again with Gao Lianzhi.

Gao Lianzhi didn't want to go out: "Auntie, I want to stay at home with you. I don't want to go anywhere!" Gao Lianzhi lowered his head slightly, his eyes avoiding the look that had been observing Gao.

The Gao family heard that she was not going, and was a little unhappy, but she didn't show it well on her face. He pouted and asked unwillingly: "Silly boy, how is the weather doing better, go out with aunt more!" "

When Gao Lianzhi saw Gao's hands start to pull himself, his complexion turned red all of a sudden, and said anxiously: "Auntie, Lianzhi came to accompany you, I will accompany you at home!"

The grievances on his face, like Gao's going to take her out, what a humiliation!

At this time, Gao's face is a little unsustainable: "You child, why don't you understand the aunt's mind! I heard your parents say that you like to stay at home on weekdays and don't go out and walk around, like you are so old. My girl’s house, stay at home all the time, don’t you get bored?"

There was a flash of tension and panic on Gao Lianzhi's face, as if she had been frightened.

She raised her head and looked at Gao with a look of expectation, with some hesitation in her heart.

She seldom goes out, even if she goes out, she just goes to the same place and comes back all at once.

Now, on the first day in Wuxi Village, the Gao family kept pulling himself out, and Gao Lianzhi felt a little strange in her heart.

Didn't the aunt bring herself to accompany her?

Why do you want to introduce a little girl to yourself?

I will not stay in this Wuxi Village for long!

When Gao Lianzhi thought of this, her complexion turned red again. She wanted to go home on the first day.

"Aunt, I didn't mean that, I just came to accompany you, if you don't need me to accompany, then I will go home!" Gao Lianzhi said anxiously.

Looking at Gao's face eagerly.

The Gao family didn't see the emotion in Gao Lianzhi's eyes, thinking that this girl had never left home, so he was homesick.

Helplessly, because of the thoughts in his heart, Gao sighed, and said with a bit of hatred for iron and steel: "Lianzhi, Lianzhi, you say you, aunt for your good, let you go out and see you more When you see the world, you have to pay back this and that, aunt's kindness, all of them have been extinguished by you!"

Gao's face was displeased, and this word fell in Gao Lianzhi's ears, but it was hitting her in the face, saying that she didn't know good or bad and was not filial!

Gao Lianzhi suddenly thought that when he and Gao came to Wuxi Village, his father and mother kept telling themselves in their ears that the aunt was the wife of the village head of Wuxi Village, and the most precious woman in Wuxi Village!

How could Gao Lianzhi do not know what this village chief’s wife means!

The wife of the village chief in her village, but her eyes are about to grow into the sky, no matter who sees her, they must greet her, and if anyone has any rare objects in the house, they must also buy one for the village chief’s wife. It's worth, otherwise, if she sees it, then she will suffer.

Gao Lianzhi saw her aunt's displeased look, and thought that her father and mother had always cared about this aunt, and felt a little bit frustrated. If she annoyed this aunt, she would be mad at herself. of.

Thinking of this, Gao Lianzhi quickly explained: "Aunt, no, aunt, me and me"

That Gao Lianzhi is also a clumsy mouth, I, I, I can’t say a word for a long time, his face is flushed like a monkey butt, and the whole person looks like a little girlish village girl who has never seen the world. Cringing.

The Gao clan looked at Gao Lianzhi's unrelenting appearance, and he was furious.

Then the Gu family, why would you want such a daughter-in-law who is not on the stage?

Moreover, even other wealthy people do not need such a wife?

Gao was a little annoyed, but his tone was calmer: "Lianzhi, Auntie knows you are kind, but why didn't Auntie want you to be kind. I looked at you and grew up in the blink of an eye. Come to accompany your aunt and take a look at the place outside. If you are waiting for you to marry, serve your in-laws and serve your parents-in-law, what time do you have to find those little sisters to play with! Why, just take advantage of your aunt’s By my side, I played for a few days and met a few more people. Even if you marry someone in the future, you still have a friend!"

Gao's words were soft and hard, so Gao Lianzhi nodded helplessly and agreed: "Okay, aunt, I'll listen to you!"

Seeing Gao Lianzhi's pleasing eyebrows, Gao didn't know how comfortable it was.

Going out with Gao Lianzhi.

Gao Lianzhi kept his head slightly lowered, and followed Gao clan, like an angry little wife.

Because in the afternoon, there was a circle of people sitting under the big tree.

The woman took the children and chatted in one place, the little girls whispered to each other in one place, and the elders gathered in one place and called you to me!

So lively!

Gao took Gao Lianzhi to the bottom of the tree.

The women, gentlemen, and little girls who were far away were dumbfounded when they saw Gao's followed by a charming little girl all the way.

The little girl had been seen by the villagers at first, but it was just a face-to-face meeting. Moreover, there was no such flamboyant as it is now.

But looking at that beautiful face, I felt that the girl's beauty was beautiful, and I felt that there was only one face all over her body.

But the girl is optimistic about the good-looking girl, after this glance, there is only a deep jealousy and resentment left in my heart!

They gathered together one by one, quietly talking about Gao Lianzhipin.

"Oh, who is this? Dressed like this, it looks like a lady's daughter!"

"You're just talking nonsense, how come the daughter-in-law came to our village? It looks like, but it's like a pretty maid next to the young lady!" Someone said sourly.

Gao's face immediately turned black when he heard these sour words.

However, what this group of people said is really correct!

Gao Lianzhi came down all over her body, this little squad, really like the long and good-looking maid beside the young lady.

Gao was angry, but at least he was his own niece. How could he tolerate everyone talking about these gossips and coughed heavily. When the group saw that Mr. Liang and her mother-in-law's face was dark, they dared to speak immediately. There was a silence.

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