The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1154: Meet people in the village

When did Gao Lianzhi receive such gaze, when everyone looked at him with surprise or jealousy in their eyes, Gao Lianzhi's heart was like a snare drum, and he danced nonstop. His face was flushed.

Seeing Gao Lianzhi's angry little daughter-in-law, Gao felt shocked, as if he had overturned a five-flavored bottle. This Gao Lianzhi is really not on the stage. When others say her, she changes. Became what it is now.

Gao cried and laughed, and he didn't know if the person he had found could obey him.

Seeing everyone looking at him mockingly, Gao Lianzhi didn't know where to put these hands and feet. He lowered his head and blushed, his hands and feet trembling, and his movements were extremely unnatural.

The group of young girls who were jealous of Gao Lianzhi's good-looking growth became like this before seeing her say a word, despising Gao Lianzhi even more, whispering to each other, looking at Gao Lianzhi mockingly.

"Look, that girl is good-looking, that is, she has a good-looking face. Look at her overall temperament, even we can't match it."

After all, seeing a place that was not as good as her, the little girls became happy, and the provocation and disgust of Chi Guoguo, who had no eyes at all, became disgusted.

She was a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl who looked better than herself and dressed better than herself. No one would be jealous in her heart, and the little flame of jealousy grew stronger.

But as long as they see what other people are inferior to their own, the pride in their hearts will flood like a flood. Anyway, as long as they see others inferior to themselves, the group of people will feel complacent, happy and complacent.

Looking at Gao Lianzhi, there was no hostility just now!

It's just that the elders in the village have never seen such a charming little girl.

White and beautiful, this face is as white as a peeled egg, so beautiful.

The group of elders and some courageous young offspring immediately all gathered around, facing the wife of Village Chief Liang, but without serious eyes, they looked at Gao Lianzhi from left to right, like that. It seems that you are going to pin your eyes on another girl's body!

"Ms. Liang, whose girl is this? She is so watery, I've grown up so much, and I've never seen such a watery girl!" Among them was a man with a little unclear speech and dark and yellow skin. He was lean, with yellow teeth, and looked at Gao Lianzhi squintingly.

When the other people saw him like this, they all laughed: "I said Wu Ergou, you are afraid that you will see a woman casually in your life. You think that people are very beautiful!"

Wu Ergou, who was talking, was staring at Gao Lianzhi with a squinted expression.

When Gao Lianzhi heard his obscene voice just now, he raised his head and glanced up, and saw the dim eyeballs in front of him looking at his middle-aged man, wearing greasy clothes, and I don’t know how long the hair has not been washed. The greasy piled up in one place, looking at it makes people nauseous.

Gao Lianzhi held back the meaning of vomiting, and quickly lowered his head, never daring to look at Wu Ergou anymore.

auzw.comWu Ergou is a poppy in the village who has settled down. If he sees any woman, he has to get together.

However, even though this person is a pervert, this person is a man with a color heart and a lack of courage. If he wants him to really do anything that hurts the world, then Wu Ergou would not dare!

When Wu Ergou saw people teasing that he had never touched a woman, he retorted displeasedly: "Who said I haven't touched a woman, then I would hold Cao Xinlian! That woman, the bones of her body are soft, I am soft. I'm all soft!"

Wu Ergou's face was fascinated, and his contented and cozy look seemed to be more than just a hug.

"Everyone is dead, you still arrange people, and you are not afraid of people crawling out of the ground to find you!" one of the women joked with contempt.

"It's better to climb out. It just happened that her guy dismissed her, so it's not right with me! There can be some ghosts." Wu Ergou said plausibly, as if he was not afraid at all.

When everyone heard that the ghost was about to crawl out, all of them were silent, afraid to speak.

People in ancient times believed in ghosts and gods. Now if they disrespect ghosts and gods and crawl out in the middle of the night to find someone, who can stand it.

Everyone stopped talking, and Wu Ergou saw that he had said that for a long time no one responded, so he had to shut up. He turned his squinted gaze at Gao Lianzhi: "Mrs. Liang, whose family is this girl? Why have I never seen it before!"

The men all came around and asked with a smile: "Yeah, yeah, I have never seen this Shui Lingling little sister, where did it come from!"

The Gao family saw everyone sneer at Gao Lianzhi. His face was ugly as if it were cloudy. Fortunately, there were still a few men who came over with amazing faces. Gao family felt more comfortable in his heart, although these men There is Wu Ergou, who he most dislikes, but somehow there are other young offspring.

Seeing two young descendants looking at Gao Lianzhi with amazing eyes, they smiled proudly and said, "This is my niece, and the girl's name is Lianzhi."

The men and women in the village are not very strong defenses, and men and women can sit together and chat. The eyes of the big masters were fixed on Gao Lianzhi's body. Gao Lianzhi felt very sick and frowned, but it was not easy to attack, so he could only keep hiding behind Gao's.

The Gao family saw his niece cringing, and even more hated that iron can't make steel.

He took Gao Lianzhi and sent it to him, and said with an affectionate expression: "Lianzhi, this is the son of the prince in the village, and that is the son of Li Sijia."

Gao Lianzhi was so embarrassed that he could find a hole to drill down, and he wanted to turn around and ran. But this arm was held by Gao Clan and couldn't move. Gao Lianzhi was afraid that he would annoy this aunt, so he had no choice but to greet everyone.

The movements of every move really surprised the girls present.

This etiquette is really standard!

All of them looked at Gao Lianzhi in amazement and envy, with a look of envy and jealousy, and there was a burning light in their eyes!

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