The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1163: Just married

The Xu family rushed to Gu Ningan desperately. Gao saw him, followed up, hugged Xu, and persuaded him loudly, "Sister-in-law, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive!"

"Why do you tell me not to be impulsive, this girl is my heart, now that I have lost her innocence, it is better to let her die! Just as I have never raised this girl, don't ruin the reputation of the Gao family!" He looked like he was thinking of the Gao family, and the loud roar made the whole scene suddenly messed up.

Gao Lianzhi also followed the Gao clan and grabbed the Xu clan. He didn't know what to say, so he could only cry and shout, "Mother, mother".

The Xu family couldn’t catch Gu Ning’an, and the whole person hissed: "Ah, my poor girl, a good girl has been ruined like this, how can I live in the future! Ah, don’t take me and let me go. Die, my daughter can't live, and I don't want to live anymore, ooh"

Gao Lianzhi did not expect that the incident just now would have caused such a situation, and his face was pale with fright. When he heard that the Xu family was about to die, Gao Lianzhi was shocked and took the Xu family's hand. Just don't let go.

Gu Ning'an stood there, looking at Xu's already crazy look, his face pale in shock!

Cries, noises, roars and chaos turned into a pot of porridge by the entire stream.

Gao Daping yelled: "Smelly boy, our family was murdered like this by you, what are you going to do now!"

Gao clan pulled the mad Xu clan and was almost unable to hold it back: "Brother, come and help me, Sister-in-law, I can't hold it!"

The excitement of the Xu family seemed to be desperately looking for Gu Ning'an. The Gao family seemed to be afraid that something might happen, so he pulled the Xu family firmly, just not letting go.

But at the moment Xu's family was in anger, and her strength was so great that even if Gao's and Gao Lianzhi were pulling, she couldn't resist Xu's struggle.

Gao Daping saw the heartbroken look of his mother-in-law, and he felt sad: "My child, mother-in-law, don't be like this, it's not your fault! If you blame it, blame this stinky boy, or he has defiled our lotus branches. It’s innocent, our family is still as innocent as before, and it’s not our fault that this happened now!"

Gao Daping comforted Xu, Xu collapsed into Gao Daping's arms, heartbroken, and burst into tears.

Gao Lianzhi also cried sobbing aside.

The family of three cried and hugged their heads and cried together. The heartbroken look seemed to be really aggrieved.

When he saw them like this, Gao also stomped his feet, and said: "I blame me, I blame me. If I hadn't taken the lotus branch to Wuxi to accompany my old lady, how could there be such a moth? it is my fault!"

Gao's expression of sadness seemed to take all these faults to his own body.

But as soon as the conversation turned, the matter turned to Gu Ning'an again.

"Big brother, sister-in-law, don’t be too sad. As the saying goes, the boat will go straight to the bridge. Lianzhi is a good girl. We must be able to think of a solution! This kid is kind-hearted and a good girl. There will be a good lover!" The Gao family looked at Gao Lianzhi, and kept consoling the Xu family.

Xu whimpered: "Well, if someone knows that she was hugged and hugged by someone else, and the body was seen by others, who else would marry her!"

"Sister-in-law, don't be discouraged. In front of this, isn't it a good candidate! Since Ning An did this thing, and he is responsible for Lianzhi, everyone is happy!" Xu suggested.

After hearing this suggestion, Xu stopped crying, Gao Daping stopped crying, and everyone stopped talking.

They turned their eyes to Gu Ning'an, who had a pale face and couldn't speak at all!

After Gu Ning'an heard Gao's words, his face became paler, and he refused directly: "Madam, I am saving people, and I didn't take half of her advantage!"

The implication is that I want me to marry her, no way!

As soon as Xu heard it, he began to roll over again: "Why is my life so bitter? After having three sons, I finally got such a small cotton jacket. I was really afraid of turning it in my mouth. I'm afraid of falling in my hand, and everything that is delicious, drinkable and well-dressed is tightly closed to her. The housework has never made her move her hands. I just want to raise her well and find someone who loves her when I grow up. Good beloved, live this life well, but now, all of this is ruined!"

Xu's word by word, sentence by sentence, stared at Gu Ning'an, as if to stare at him to death.

After Gao Daping listened to Gao's words, he didn't say anything. He let go of the Xu's, stood up directly, came to the side of Gu Ning'an, and said with a beard and staring: "My little sister, your method is good. Just follow this method! You kid, if you agree or disagree today, you have to agree, and you must give us an explanation today, otherwise, all three of our family will die in front of your house!"

Gao Daping looked fierce, staring at Gu Ning'an fiercely, as if to stare him out of a hole.

"Father Wu Wu" Gao Lianzhi cried bitterly.

"Master, you have to ask for justice for the lotus branch!" Xu cried bitterly.

Seeing this scene, everyone turned their attention to Gu Ning'an.

From what these people said, it seemed that Gu Ningan took advantage of Gao Lianzhi's advantage and was caught by Gao Lianzhi's parents.

The girl's daughter was so unexplainedly taken advantage of by others, where would she give up, naturally all these faults were pushed to Gu Ning'an.

No one has seen what Gu Ning'an did, but seeing the seriousness that Gao Lianzhi's parents said was definitely not an ordinary thing. Thinking about it, Gu Ning'an is about to admit it this time.

However, this tall lotus branch is so good-looking, Gu Ning'an doesn't lose much!

"Hey, Gu's family is a person with status. You are so persecuting them, so be careful when they see you off!" Someone joked.

As soon as he said this, Gao Daping was blown up.

"So what if I have an identity? If I take advantage of other girls' advantages, do I want to pat my **** and leave? Who do you think of my Gao family?" Gao Daping was dissatisfied.

"Ayeaheeee" Gao Lianzhi sneezed several times in succession, seeming to have suffered a cold.

Can it not be cold? I was soaked all over, and after the cold wind blowing here for so long, I couldn't hold it long ago, and kept trembling.

Seeing that Gao had already come up with such a good solution, Xu knew that he didn't need to stay any longer. If Gao Lianzhi was really infected with the cold, it would not be worth the gain.

So, I hurriedly said distressedly: "The master, the lotus branch is cold, I will take the lotus branch back and change my clothes to dry clothes!"

Gao Daping also looked distressed: "Go ahead, don't let the child catch a cold! Lianzhi, don't worry, Dad will definitely ask you for an explanation today!"

The Xu family and Gao Daping looked at each other, and then the Xu family took Gao Lianzhi to the Gao family's home.

Gao knew that he was still useful here, so he didn't go with him.

Turning his head to look at Gao Daping: "Brother, what should I do now?"

"What to do? Let's go to his family and ask for an explanation for Lianzhi!" Gao Daping pushed the already dumbfounded Gu Ning'an: "What are you doing here? Home, find your parents, and talk about it!"

"Big brother, there are no elders in his family, both father and mother are outdated!" Gao said helplessly.

"Then find someone who can be the master. He did such a damaging thing. Does he want to pass it like this? No, you have to give me a satisfactory answer today! Little sister, you brought me in front Go to his family!" Gao Daping tied Gu Ning'an's hands, dragged him and followed Gao's back, and went to the village.

Gu Ning'an's hands were tied tightly with a strap by Gao Daping, and his face was pale, and he didn't know if it was frightened or cold.

The people on the side of the stream, seeing that there was still a good show to watch later, hurriedly followed and followed.

On the way, Gu Ning'an was pulled by Gao Daping like a bereavement dog, and went home.

More and more people watched the excitement, and they all followed behind.

Gao Daping felt more and more proud of seeing more and more people behind him.

The more people you know, the better, and it's up to Gu Ning'an to deny it.

By the time Gu's old house, the Gu's people didn't know what had happened. The first person to tell them was Liang Yao, who was next door.

Liang Yao's family just came over from there, and saw Gu Ning'an being **** to the Gu family's old house. Liang Yao's family ran to the Gu family's old house for fear that something might happen.

Anyhow, before Gao Daping and the others came, Liang Yao ran to the old house of Gu's family.

Just as Gu Fangxi was drying clothes in the yard, Liang Yao's panting: "Fangxi, it's not good, something happened!"

Immediately afterwards, he told Gu Fangxi what he had just seen, and when Gu Fangxi heard it, the bowl in his hand fell to the ground.

When they heard the voice, Aunt Zhang and Gu Xiaowan both ran out. After listening to Liang Yao's words, before Gu Xiaowan said anything, they saw a group of people who were mighty and blocked directly at the door of Gu's old house.

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