The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1164: Come to discuss

The leader is Gao, and behind him is a strange middle-aged man. Between the eyebrows and eyes, it seems to be somewhat similar to Gao!

Gu Ning'an had a pale face, and the whole person seemed to be shocked by some huge shock, and could not say a word in a daze.

The whole person was pulled by Gao Daping and walked in a muddle-headed manner.

When Gu Xiaowan saw this, her heart started to feel.

Gu Ning'an's clothes were all wet, they were tightly attached to his body, from head to toe, I was afraid that there was no dry place.

Gu Xiaowan didn't have time to think so much, she opened the door and went out, her face solemn: "Ning'an"

Gu Ning'an had been held by Gao Daping all the time, and the whole person was muddled, with no expression on his face, like a rag doll that had lost his soul.

When Gu Xiaowan saw it, she felt that her throat was severely strangled, and her heart was cut as she watched Gu Ningan's loss of soul.

Just read a book by the creek, how come back, it became what it is now.

Gu Xiaowan rushed forward, trying to catch Gu Ning'an, but Gao Daping would be so easily snatched by Gu Xiaowan and dragged Gu Ning'an behind her.

This tugging made Gu Ningan's expression clearer, and the whole body was shocked, and when he raised his eyes, he found that his sister was standing in front of him, looking at him distressedly.

"Sister" Gu Ning'an whispered with a solemn expression.

All the things that happened by the creek just now came to my heart.

"Ning'an, what happened?" Gu Xiaowan saw her younger brother's dignified expression, and the desolation just now, as well as the Gao family and the middle-aged man who looked somewhat similar to the Gao family.

As smart as Gu Xiaowan, it seems to have guessed something!

Sure enough, I saw the man who looked similar to the Gao clan shouting sadly: "You are his sister? Are you the elder of the family?"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "I am his sister, who are you?"

"Who am I?" Gao Daping snorted coldly, "I am the father of the girl your brother insulted. If it weren't for my wife and I to visit my daughter in Wuxi today, I'm afraid we would never know that my daughter was killed by you. Son is indecent!"


That person said that Gu Ning'an indecently treated his daughter?

Gu Xiaowan glanced at Gu Ning'an, who was drenched and embarrassed. Gu Ning'an shook his head like a rattle: "Sister, I don't! I don't. The tall girl fell into the river, I just jumped down to save her!"

Gu Ning'an's few words made Gu Xiaowan's brows frown even tighter.

If at this moment, she hasn't guessed what happened, she is really as stupid as a pig!

I thought it was that Gao Lianzhi and I didn't know what moth was out. In order to save her, Gu Ningan took care of men and women. The clothes were thin and I could see everything when I jumped into the water. really

"Just jump down to save her?" Gao Daping snorted coldly, the force in this hand tightened.

I was originally a person who was used to doing farm work in the past few days. At this moment, with such hard work, Gu Ning'an could break free from him, and he felt that his wrists were being pulled so hot and painful!

"Chih" Gu Ning'an whispered.

The whisper fell in Gu Xiaowan's ears, seeing her younger brother being bullied, Gu Xiaowan wanted to go up and **** her younger brother from that hand.

It's just that Gu Xiaowan was aggressive when seeing the person in front of her, and she used her daughter's reputation to frame Gu Ning'an, which is really tricky!

"You said you just jumped down to save her? Who believes it? My daughter's long moon and shame flower, who knows what you made in the water, I don't know what you are in the water, but after you got ashore, you still hugged My girl-in-law didn't let it go. What does this mean? My wife and I saw it on the spot, but you still want to deny it!" Gao Daping wrote Zhuji and told the people present what he saw at the time.

"Brother, don't be excited! You are not in good health, don't be too excited!" Seeing Gao Daping's agitated and indignant look, Gao immediately went forward to follow his breath and said distressedly: "Brother, you Quit your anger, these people who care for the family are good people. They will definitely give Lianzhi a word. Don't be angry!"

Gao's side persuaded Gao Daping.

It seemed that Gao Daping didn't get too excited, but Gu Xiaowan frowned even more after hearing her words.

The Gao's words clearly admitted that Gu Ning'an had done something wrong and asked Gu Ning'an to give the girl an explanation.

If the matter is not clear, Gu's family should explain it?

How impatient the Gao family is!

Gu Xiaowan snorted coldly: "Mrs. Liang, I don't understand what you said. You clearly saw my family Ning'an jump into the river to save people. In a hurry, you would do this. It's human nature. Personally, it's too far-fetched to get the girl's reputation up."

It's too far-fetched!

Everyone also understood.

The feeling is that Gao Lianzhi fell into the river, and Gu Ningan jumped down to save her. This good thing was done, but the reputation was stinking.

It's nothing more than a word of thanks from other people, and it's also tied to the reputation of the girl's house.

Could it be that Gu Ning'an was supposed to stand by and let people drown in the river?

Gu Xiaowan is a county head, Gu Ning'an is also a talented person, and people who have long disliked the Liang village chief's family. At this moment, they are afraid of Gu Xiaowan's reputation and don't like the Liang family's style. They all stand on Gu Xiaowan's side.

But Village Chief Liang's family has been in Wuxi Village for many years and has already gained a lot of popular support. How could it be possible for others to say a word or two?

Ever since, this lineup has become antagonistic.

On one side of Gu Xiaowan, and on the other side of Liangcun’s wife, that is, the Gao family.

Your words and my words opened up the discussion for Gu Ning'an's practice at the time.

Some said that he did a good job, and some said that he did a bad job, one by one, they were chattering, looking lively.

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