The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1169: Do you marry

One is the prestigious Gu family, and the other is the elder brother of Liangcun’s mother-in-law. It happens to be a scandal that defiles the girl. It’s just waiting for the people who take care of Gu’s family to end!

When I passed by Gao Daping, I saw Gu Ning'an being **** by Gao Daping and held in his hands, and all his clothes were soaked.

Gu Ningan could be seen shaking unconsciously because of the cold.

When Gu Ningping saw that his brother was being treated like this, he hurriedly went to pull Gu Ning'an and shouted, "Who are you? Why do you treat my brother like this!"

Gu Ningping was naturally strong in learning the force. This tugging made the unprepared Gao Daping sway, and he saw Gu Ning'an ripped off.

Gu Ningping hurriedly wanted to untie his brother, but the tall Daping immediately reacted. How could he let him succeed? He went forward to pull Gu Ningping.

Standing behind him, Qin Yizhi pushed Gao Daping away and fell to the ground.

Upon seeing this, Gu Xiaowan and others hurried forward and directly pulled Gu Ning'an over.

Gu Ning'an was already frozen like a piece of ice. When Gao Daping was gripping him just now, he had been working hard to mediate with him. At this time, he could no longer support it and fell straight down.

Qin Yizhi was aside and quickly picked him up, and hugged him directly into the room.

Gao Daping was pushed by that just now and fell to the ground, feeling a little confused.

When he recovered, he saw Gu Ning'an being carried into the house, and immediately shouted: "Don't run, don't run, you don't give us an explanation, you can't run!"

Gao Daping got up from the ground as if he was crazy, and Xu's response was also reacted by Gao Daping's roar. He followed Gao Daping and rushed into Gu's old house hoarsely: "You can't run, you have to Give my daughter an explanation!"

Gao Daping and his wife rushed in like desperately, shouting while rushing, hysterical, as if they were crazy.

The same goes for the Gao family, yelling incessantly: "Gu Xiaowan, you are still the head of Anping County in vain. Your brother has done such a thing, and you still protect him. Are you right to play Gao Lianzhi? If she is dead, How can you bear with your family?"

Gu Xiaowan just wanted to save Ning An.

Gu Ning'an was soaked all over. Although the sun is also big this autumn, it is not as good as the summer sun. When the autumn breeze blows, it will make you shiver with cold!

Gu Xiaowan was afraid that Gu Ning'an would be frozen, and seeing Qin Yizhi get him back, her heart was relieved.

Seeing that they were about to rush in, Gu Ningping stood at the door with the stone.

Gao Daping saw that he was the little boy who had snatched people back from his own hand just now. Seeing him staring at him angrily, Gao Daping was a little bit frustrated, but now things are finally in this situation, how can he just do it in vain Let this happen! Gao Daping almost jumped up, stretched out his hand directly, and clicked on Gu Ningping’s nose: "What are you doing? You did something wrong and beat people! Gu Ning’an called out and defiled my daughters, so you must hide. Don’t think that your Gu family has a good face and you can bully our poor family. Tell you that our Gao family is very poor. If you do something wrong, you must Give my daughter an explanation!"

Gao Daping repeatedly said things like taint, making Gu Ningping stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses, Dasheng retorted, "Don't spit someone, my brother is a scholar, how could he do that dirty and nasty thing? !"

What kind of person Gu Ning'an is like does not need others to judge.

"I'm talking nonsense? I'm bloody? You ask everyone to judge, is it me nonsense, or Gu Ning'an is just a beast in a coat!" Gao Daping shouted.

The Xu clan behind him was crying loudly all the time, and he kept counting on Gu Ning'an's various crimes.

Because Gu Ning'an was taken away by Qin Yizhi, the scene fell into chaos once again.

Gao Daping's three people kept swearing and crying, making the scene panic.

Seeing Gu Ningping and the stone blocking the door, Gu Xiaowan took a cold look and walked directly into the house. She wanted to understand exactly what happened just now.

Just as Gu Ning'an changed his clothes, he immediately explained what had happened by the stream just now.

After listening to Gu Ning'an's words, Aunt Zhang also frowned: "Gao cried out loudly to save people? She obviously knows how to drink water!"

Gao's can tease water?

Gu Ning'an was also puzzled: "At that time, I didn't find them washing clothes by the creek, nor did I hear any sound. Then I heard Gao's hysterical roar. I didn't even think about it, so I rushed over and saved me. People are gone! But who knows, after someone rescued him, the Gao clan dragged me and said he wanted Gao Lianzhi to thank me. My clothes were wet, so I wanted to leave as soon as possible, but the Gao clan refused to let go. I had to wait for the tall girl, but who knows, when she came to me, she suddenly planted her whole body on my side. Behind me was a stone, and I couldn’t avoid it at all. The tall girl fell directly on me. At this moment, her father and mother appeared!"

Gu Ning'an was also full of doubts.

All this is a coincidence.

But the words of Aunt Zhang that the Gao clan would drink water made Gu Xiaowan suspicious.

The Gao clan would drink water, and when he saw Gao Lianzhi fall into the water, he did not save others by himself, but yelled desperately. Did she know someone was near the stream?

After saving people, Gu Ning'an wanted to leave, but Gao held on, saying that he must go after Gao Lianzhi thanked him?

Both of them were drenched all over, and Gao didn't care about his niece's body, but instead cared about these vain gifts. Gao Lianzhi had to thank him before leaving.

And thanks to this, I can't leave again.

Judging from Gu Ningan's encounter with the Gao Lianzhi for a while, Gu Xiaowan would rather believe that Gao Lianzhi was brought here by the Gao family and deliberately framed Gu Ning'an!

Gu Xiaowan seemed to have thought of something: "Ning'an, it is because of you that you have to solve it. My sister first asks you a question. The people of the Gao family want you to marry Gao Lianzhi as an explanation. Would you marry? "

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