The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1170: Sit down and talk slowly

When Gu Ning'an heard this, he immediately said with a serious face: "Sister, I am doing well and I am sitting upright. I am just trying to save myself. If this incident damages a girl’s reputation, I will compensate her. , But if you let me marry her, it is absolutely impossible!"

Although he has seen that Gao Lianzhi three times, he also knows that Gao Lianzhi is beautiful, but Gu Ningan has no feeling for her, and he will not be forced to marry someone he does not know because of such things. , A girl without feelings!

Not good for anyone!

Gu Ning'an was decisive, and Gu Xiaowan nodded.

"Although you were kind, you let them hold onto the handle. After this matter is over, you have to learn your lesson, and don't take any shots at will in the future!" Maybe, this is the Gao family's bureau, just wait. Gu Ningan's set.

This matter started because of Gu Ning'an, and Gu Ning'an had to solve it himself.

After speaking with Gu Xiaowan, she went to the front yard and mediated with that Gao Daping.

Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi were in the room. Aunt Zhang also looked anxious. Looking at the silent two, she asked anxiously, "Xiaowan, look at the posture outside, the Gao family is afraid Give it up, what do you think you can do now?"

Gu Xiaowan has also been thinking about what to do!

That Gao Daping kept saying that Gao Lianzhi was icy and clean, and that he had icy muscles and bones, but why did he meet Gu Ning'an so many times, was it accidental or deliberate?

This is related to the fame of a girl's family, but it is also related to Gu Ning'an's reputation.

If this matter was designed by someone to frame it, Gu Xiaowan would not care so much.

As long as Gu Ningan is well, she doesn't care about other things.

People don’t offend me, I don’t offend people. If anyone offends me, I will double it back.

The daughters of the Gao family want fame. Does Gu Ning'an allow the Gao family's slander so that fame is unnecessary?

Gu Xiaowan thought of this, and squeezed her fists fiercely, as if she was about to take away the tall and flat.

"What is the reputation of the Gao family in the village?" Qin Yizhi asked suddenly: "Wan'er, don't worry, let's figure out who is in the Gao family before talking about it! The people outside, first deal with them happily. Don't agree to their request, wait until I come back to talk about everything!"

Gu Xiaowan understood what Qin Mozhi meant, and after instructing him to be careful, she also went outside.

Gao Daping and his wife and Gu Ning'an were quarrelsome.

But most of the time, it was from the Gao family. Gu Ning'an just responded twice from time to time.

But in his response, the Gao family was obviously dissatisfied, and the voice was louder.

Gu Xiaowan came out of the house and finally suppressed the anger in her heart. She smiled and walked to the door: "Mother, let's talk carefully if you have something to say, so if you are arguing with me, don't let others watch our jokes!"

Between Gu Xiaowan's exit and entry, the whole person was like a 180-degree turn, Gao Daping and the Xu family were a little stunned. seems to be a little skeptical about how Gu Xiaowan started to look good at them. She glanced at each other, and then saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

Seeing that they didn’t believe in themselves, Gu Xiaowan continued: “Uncle, aunty, as the saying goes, if you don’t know each other, let’s get to know each other through this incident. If you have any ideas, let’s sit down and sit down. Speaking slowly, we've been arguing and making noises like this, and we can't solve the problem. Isn't it better to sit down calmly and speak slowly!"

Gu Xiaowan was amiable again, and Gao Daping and Xu's family were also clamoring.

The Gao family is also a personal spirit. He immediately burst into laughter, squinted and said, "Yes, yeah, Xiaowan is right. From now on, we will be a family. We are always so noisy and hurt. How can you be kind! Stop arguing, sit down and let's have a good chat!"

Gao Daping and Xu had to listen to Gao's words, and immediately bowed their heads and stopped talking.

As long as they don't speak, it's easy to handle.

Gu Xiaowan laughed at the engine and let them in. The Gao family didn't expect that Gu Xiaowan would be so enthusiastic this time. With excitement in her heart, she winked at Gao Daping and Xu family.

How could Gao Daping and Xu's family not understand Gao's meaning and smile at each other.

Seeing the interaction of the three of them, Gu Xiaowan saw it in her eyes and remembered it in her heart.

These three people are afraid that they agree.


Go next life!

Gu Xiaowan snorted coldly.

But the face is still very enthusiastic: "Ning'an, don't lead the uncle and aunts to sit in! Aunt Zhang, can you please bring out the best tea at home and serve the guests!"

Gao Daping's eyes brightened when he heard that he was going to bring out the best tea in the house.

The two people holding Xu's hand followed Gu Ning'an and entered the room.

The crowd of people onlookers saw that they had all entered, and the door to the Gu family's old house was immediately closed, and there was even the slightest movement, so they all slapped their tongues and left.

But this mouth still kept talking about what happened to the Gu family just now, and then guessed how the Gu family would handle this matter next.

Gu Xiaowan was the first to enter the house. After entering the house, she didn't rush to sit down, turned around, and stared at Gu Gao Daping and Gao Shi without a trace, but she saw the faces of the three of them. Gu Xiaowan snorted inwardly with the light that showed envy and greed.

If the Gao family really deliberately led Gu Ning'an to the bait and wanted to frame Gu Ning'an, then don't blame her for turning her face ruthless then.

Seeing that they were all coming in, Gu Xiaowan smiled, and pointed to the top two positions and said, "Uncle, Auntie, you are guests, please take a seat!"

Gao Daping definitely wanted to take a seat. Xu also wanted to sit, but Gao Daping glared at him, and saw that Gao was seated. Xu had no choice but to sit in the first position below. Up.

After seated, I kept looking at the surrounding decorations.

The Gao family had been to the old house of the Gu family, but it was also when Grandpa Gu was there and later when Cao Xinlian lived here.

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