The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1171: Drink good tea

The old house of Gu's house in Ning is still the old house before, but the changes inside have left the Gao family stunned.

Gu Xiaowan redecorated the old house of Gu's house and added many things.

After re-decorating and adding many more things, the entire Gu's old house is completely different from before.

It has become more magnificent. In such a small village, it can be said to be incredibly luxurious!

The Gao family was still a village chief's wife anyway, and her family had some family background. After she came in, she was a little bit stunned when she saw the old house of the Gu family, let alone improve Daping and the Xu family.

The chairs they sit in are all from Huanghuali. The carpets that are stepped on by these feet are only used by large families, bright red and dark, making the whole house more warm and luxurious.

Gao Daping is okay. After all, he has seen a few things in the world. After sitting down, he no longer looks around.

Gao also looked at it for a few times, and then stopped.

Only the Xu family, after sitting down, Xu has never seen such a good house. Turning his head, looking left and right, he didn't even mean to stop.

Upon seeing this, Gao Daping coughed twice, but he still did not attract Xu's attention.

Because Gao Daping and Xu's seat are still far away, it is not easy to come down and warn Xu.

I can only look at Xu's nympho, and keep looking around.

Aunt Zhang’s tea was here and served to Gao Daping and Gao. Because Gu Xiaowan was seated on Xu’s left hand, she stood up and brought tea to Xu.

Then the Xu family reacted, somewhat flattered: "Anping County Lord"

Listening to her calling herself the county lord of Anping, Gu Xiaowan chuckled: "Auntie knows me?"

As soon as Xu heard it, he immediately opened the chatterbox: "Who doesn't know Wuxi Gu's family, although our village is far away, we have all heard of it!"

Gu Xiaowan covered her mouth and chuckled: "I didn't expect me to be so famous!"

Then the Xu family said, "Isn't it, you became the head of Anping County, and your brother was admitted as a scholar. I don't know how many people are looking at you with their eyes open!"

Gu Xiaowan said, "Oh? Really? Auntie knows what they are looking at with their eyes open?"

Xu's family was about to answer, suddenly Gao Daping coughed twice, and Xu's glance at him, immediately realized that he wanted to be confused by Gu Xiaowan just now, so he hurriedly said haha, "Speaking of you as a kid, It's not easy to take the whole family, but it still has the same face as it is now, it's amazing, amazing!"

When Gu Xiaowan saw Xu's words change, it seemed that these people had come prepared.

Xu slapped Gu Xiaowan's flattery, but the two Gao Daping brothers and sisters sitting on the top let out a long sigh of relief.

Think about it, just now Xu's nonsense, almost revealing the stuff.

After Gu Xiaowan brought tea to the Xu family, she returned to the seat opposite to the Xu family and sat down.

Gu Ning'an and others also stood behind Gu Xiaowan. This change of sitting seemed to have become a three-party negotiation model.

Gao Daping heard that this tea is the best tea in Gu's family. After the tea came, he immediately took a sip.

Because the water for making tea was hot, Gao Daping drank it in a big gulp. The tea water was still hot and hot, and he almost didn't burn his tongue in his mouth.

Gao Daping held a large sip of tea in his mouth, spit it out with a snort, waved his hands and cursed, "Why is this tea so hot? I'm burning to death!"

"This tea naturally requires boiling water to make the aroma of the tea leaves." Gu Xiaowan smiled, raised the tea cup in front of him, lifted the lid, carefully brushed off the tea foam on the surface, and sipped it. With.

The end is called an elegant posture, which makes people feel like a painting.

Gao Daping just made a fool of himself, and now he has learned to behave, drinking tea like Gu Xiaowan. """

It's just that when the people in this village have drunk tea like this, the more affluent people buy the cheapest tea foam, boil a large pot of boiling water, let it cool and drink it for a day!

Like Gu Xiaowan here, there are seven or eight tea leaves in the exquisite tea cup. The tea leaves are flushed with boiling water, and the whole tea leaves are reborn as if they have just been picked from the branches. of.

Open the lid, there is a fragrance of tea puffed into the nose, people can't help but want to chase the fragrance of tea.

Gao Daping has never drunk such a good tea. Seeing the tea leaves in his hands, there is a fragrance before drinking them. Wherever he can talk, he will drink the tea in his hands first.

Gao's is better.

She was originally considered to be a face and face in the village, and she would drink tea with Village Chief Liang on weekdays, so she naturally knew how the tea was drunk.

Seeing that Gao Daping took such a big gulp all at once, his embarrassed look when he was hot, Gao's heart was contemptuous.

Those who have not seen good things are those who have not seen good things.

However, if Gu Xiaowan's thigh is really caught, are you afraid of drinking something like this in the future?

Gao was proud, so he drank it too.

Although I don't understand this tea, it tastes sweet in my mouth and smells fragrance. I think it is a thousand times better than the tea at home.

Gao's heart couldn't help but feel a little aggrieved. She has been the wife of the village chief for a lifetime. She still drank such a delicious tea for the first time. She was not as good as her aunt Zhang before, and she was afraid that she could drink it every day.

She felt a little frustrated, but she was relieved soon.

If Gao Lianzhi married Gu Ning'an, her Liang family would be able to drink such good tea every day, and she couldn't help but feel more proud.

I thought in my heart that I must ask the Gu family to give Lianzhi a satisfactory explanation later.

After Gao took a sip, he put down the cup and tilted his head to look at Gao Daping.

What Gao Daping can use is to gobble up such a cup of tea, even the tea froth is on his lips, and he still feels unsatisfied with emotion: "Drinking tea in such a small cup, I drink it in just two mouthfuls. It’s not fun!"

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