The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1178: Who is the writer

Moreover, Gao Daping likes to drink. As long as there is a little money in the family, he will have to drink a meal first.

Therefore, although the Gao family has the support of the Gao family, their lives are still tight.

When Xu saw Gao Daping drinking again, the wine jar at this table was afraid that he had spent a lot of money on drinking.

I felt a little distressed, but I didn't dare to touch Gao Daping's Ni scales.

Gao Daping likes to drink, so he has such a hobby. Xu is also a self-conscious person. Seeing that he only has a hobby of drinking, he just follows him.

"My head, I just came from Lianzhi, why is that girl's illness still not getting better at all?" Xu asked with some worry.

Gao Daping is now drinking too much, and his mouth is trembling: "It's okay, just get sick. Didn't you take care of Gu's family so generously? I have to go to Gu's another day and let them give some more money to Lianzhi to see a doctor. !"

Xu's family was a little nervous, thinking of what Gao Lianzhi had said to her today, and asked worriedly: "The master, I'm afraid that Lianzhi's illness will not get better soon, and things will change!"

"What's the change?" Gao Daping's tongue is a little knotted: "If he dares to change, Lao Tzu will sue him. Don't think that he is a talented master, it is great, my good girl's family will be lost by him. responsibility!"

Gao Daping stood up, holding a wine glass in his hand, his face was red, shaking, and about to fall.

The Xu family knew that Gao Daping really drank too much, so he hurriedly stepped forward to help him: "Master, I am not afraid of changes in the Gu family, I am afraid of changes in the lotus branch!"

Gao Lianzhi still thinks about Tang Shanzu. Today, she has finally turned Gao Lianzhi with affection. If that day Tang Shanzu stops in front of her, Lianzhi's dead girl will be a softhearted person, maybe Tang Shanzu was so disturbed, things went horribly wrong again.

"What are you afraid of!" Gao Daping waved his hand and said: "If he wants to marry my daughter, let him take out the money. If he can't take it out, let him go! My Gao family doesn't need such a poor son-in-law! "

Seeing that Gao Daping really drank too much, Xu sighed when he said the first half of the sentence. He only felt that he couldn't calm down at all.

After Gu Xiaowan heard the news from Zuo that Gao Lianzhi and Xu had also talked about a person named Tang Shanzu, Gu Xiaowan smiled.

The letterhead in his hand was given to Qin Mozhi, and after Qin Mozhi looked at it, he also smiled: "What do you plan to do next?"

"Isn’t there a letter from Tang Shanzu to Gao Lianzhi here? I think it’s time for us to take it out and put it to good use! Brother Jizhi, I have to trouble you. I will run again and take that Tang Shanzu Secretly take it over, Gao Lianzhi is afraid that he likes this Tang Shanzu very much. If Tang Shanzu can be used to organize Gao Lianzhi, I am afraid it will work!"

As long as the people of the Gao family don't have one mind, it will be much easier to break through all of them.

On the second day, Gu Xiaowan went to find Gao Lianzhi and brought some supplements.

Gao Daping heard that Gu Xiaowan was here, so he dragged Gu Xiaowan and refused to let her go. Everywhere in his words, he expressed his urgent need for money.

And what this word says is nothing more than Gao Lianzhi is sick, needs money, needs supplements and so on.

Gu Xiaowan smelled the strong smell of wine on his body, smiled, did not refuse, gave him a dozen silvers, and then went on happily. These ten taels of silver are enough for him to spend a few days.

As long as he got close to Gu Xiaowan's thigh, Gao Daping didn't believe that he couldn't get money from Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan let him go, she wished Gao Daping would come and ask him for money.

As long as Gao Daping came to ask for the silver, if the time comes, Gu Xiaowan will be able to get rid of the Gao family's conspiracy on the grounds that he has given the silver to the doctor.

When Gu Xiaowan gave Gao Lianzhi the letter again, she also said that it was when she was entrusted to give it to Gao Lianzhi alone.

Gao Lianzhi was shocked. Looking at the envelope in front of him, he couldn't recover for a long time.

Gu Xiaowan motioned to her to see that Gao Lianzhi couldn't wait to take it apart.

The familiar words hit his face, and Gao Lianzhi suddenly thought of what kind of expression Brother Tang had when he wrote this letter.

Gao Lianzhi still knew a lot of characters following Tang Shanzu, and Tang Shanzu also took care of her, writing the characters that he had taught Gao Lianzhi on weekdays.

Therefore, although Gao Lianzhi had never entered the school, it was effortless to read the letter.

Gu Xiaowan was surprised that Gao Lianzhi was literate, but when someone said that Gao Lianzhi would go to the study hall if nothing happened, she also guessed that Tang Shanzu might have taught her.

After reading the letter, Gao Lianzhi hid his face and wept.

Gu Xiaowan glanced, Zuo immediately went out, standing at the door of the room listening to the movement outside.

There were only two people in the room, Gu Xiaowan and Gao Lianzhi. Gu Xiaowan asked at this time: "Sister Lianzhi, what's wrong with you? Who is yours who is writing to you?"

Gu Xiaowan deliberately pretended to be ignorant, and then she said: "When that person sent the letter and asked me to hand it to you, she looked very sad, and she also told me to be when your father and mother were away. Give you!"

Gu Xiaowan's face was puzzled. After Gao Lianzhi heard this, the tears became even more unbearable, and she fell down.

"Sister Xiaowan, Sister Xiaowan, I, I" Gao Lianzhi swallowed speechlessly. I haven't said a complete sentence for a long time. Gu Xiaowan nodded and motioned for her to speak slowly, and would wipe her tears with her kerchief affectionately. .

Gao Lianzhi had cried, red eyes, looking at Gu Xiaowan's caring face, Gao Lianzhi woke up.

Should I say it myself.

Thinking of this, Gao Lianzhi hid the letter paper in the bed without a look, with a solemn expression on his face.

Gu Xiaowan felt suspicious when she saw the contrast between her front and back.

I heard Gao Lianzhi say: "Thank you Sister Xiaowan, that is a letter written to me by a friend of mine. He said that I was sick and could not come to see me. He was very worried, so he let me recover from the illness."

A joke, although Gu Xiaowan didn't read the letter, it was obviously not the same as she said when Gao Lianzhi was crying and crying just now.

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