The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1179: Others kissing

Gu Xiaowan stayed quiet, silently hid Gao Lianzhi's words in her heart, wetted her veil, and handed Gao Lianzhi to wipe her eyes: "Quickly wipe it, if your parents see you cry later, you should be sad again. Up!"

Gao Lianzhi said.

Gu Xiaowan saw that she didn't speak or speak, so she just sat aside and looked at her.

Gao Lianzhi felt aggrieved. Seeing Gu Xiaowan just sitting here, neither speaking nor speaking, she felt a little nervous: "Sister Xiaowan, where did you get this letter?"

Did Brother Tang find Wu Xi?

For so many days, Gao Lianzhi didn't visit him because of an emergency. When he left, he didn't say hello to him, fearing that he was going crazy in a hurry.

I don't know how many people I asked to find out that I was here.

"I heard that you are not at home, and the person waits for you at your house every day, but always doesn't see you. Later, your parents also left. The person inquired that you came to your aunt's house, so you came." Gu Xiaowan said Not going to tell the truth.

Hearing that Tang Shanzu was also here, Gao Lianzhi held the quilt tightly: "Then he already knows about me and Gu Ning'an?"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "I don't know! However, looking at his sad look now, if you know it, I am afraid it will be even more sad!"

To be honest, Gu Xiaowan felt a little unbearable.

Looking at Gao Lianzhi's sad look, Gu Xiaowan really didn't want to deceive the little girl, but if she didn't deceive her, the family would force Gu Ning'an to marry a woman she didn't like.

She is Gu Ning'an's older sister, so she can't just watch her younger brother do good deeds, and she still has to be a hooligan all her life.

Gao Lianzhi angered, tears streaming again.

"It's me, I'm sorry for him!" Gao Lianzhi said such a sentence for a long time.

"Oh? Why? Does that person have a close relationship with his sister?"

"I, I," Gao Lianzhi shook his head against his will: "He is from my village and takes good care of me, but when I came, I didn't tell him where I was and made him worry so much. I'm sorry for him!"

It seems that Gao Lianzhi really intends to follow Xu's words and execute it.

Gu Xiaowan saw that she had always been clearing her relationship with that person, and did not expose her.

Things have to come slowly, not in a hurry. Now, just plant a thorn on this person's body first.

"That person is still in the village now, but I heard that I hide from everyone every day. I'm afraid I just want to see if you're doing well! This person really cares about love and justice!" Gu Xiaowan finished This sentence is gone.

Gao Lianzhi was left stunned.

And Tang Shanzu really arrived at Wuxi Village.

It was Qin Yizhi who was knocked unconscious and tied up.

This Tang Shanzu was really arrogant and refused to come over at first, and he tried his best to argue that he had nothing to do with Gao Lianzhi. I want to come, this Tang Shanzu is also an upright gentleman, in order to protect Gao Lianzhi, even if he sacrifices his own feelings, he is considered a real man.

Gu Xiaowan couldn't help but admire this Tang Shanzu.

When Tang Shanzu woke up, it was already the next morning. When he woke up in an unfamiliar environment, Tang Shanzu's face was always cold. When he faced Gu Xiaowan's words, he treated it as if he hadn't heard anything.

"Gao Lianzhi and you are childhood sweethearts?" Gu Xiaowan thought of what Qin Mozhi said when he first came back, so she asked him.

I never thought that Tang Shanzu said nothing, just shook his head and objected.

When he saw Qin Fuzhi, Tang Shanzu's eyes still had slight anger.

Thinking of him, I blamed Qin Yizhi for not tying him over.

Seeing that he hadn't spoken all the time, Gu Xiaowan thought in her heart that this person was reluctant to say more, for fear of causing trouble to Gao Lianzhi, she couldn't help but admire her very much.

"Master Tang, you are so reticent, don't you know that sister Lianzhi is depressed because of you, and the wind and cold of these days has never been better."

"What are you talking about? You said Liu Er's body has always been bad?" Tang Shanzu almost jumped up when he heard that there was no calmness just now.

After listening to Gu Xiaowan's words, Tang Shanzu crazily wanted to see Gao Lianzhi right away.

Seeing his impulsiveness, Gu Xiaowan wanted to have a very unusual relationship between the two people, so she immediately promised him that they would meet in the evening.

Mr. Liang’s house had Zuo in his house, and Gu Xiaowan took Tang Shanzu in without any further effort.

By the time he entered Gao Lianzhi's house, Gao Lianzhi had already rested, but because he was thinking about things in his heart, he could not close his eyes when he fell asleep.

Suddenly heard the sound of a narrow rope coming from outside the door, Gao Lianzhi was a little frightened, and shouted, "A Zuo"

I never thought that the sound of footsteps in front of her was not the familiar Zuo, but the Tang Shanzu who made her dream and couldn't sleep.

There was no light in the room, and the only light was that Tang Shanzu came in holding a candle.

At first, Gao Lianzhi was a little confused, thinking that she was thinking about it day and night, thinking too much. Secretly mocking his own day and night dreams, it seems that it's really been a long time since I saw Tang Shanzu.

The more I thought about it, the heavier my mind became, and the heavier my affection for Tang Shanzu.

Tears flowed down: "Brother Tang, am I dreaming, you actually appeared in my dream! Haha"

Tang Shanzu hurried forward, took Gao Lianzhi in his arms, and said emotionally: "Silly Liuer, I am Big Brother Tang, you are not dreaming, you are not dreaming you touch my face"

Gao Lianzhi's hand was held by Tang Shanzu, and he felt the real touch. Only then did Gao Lianzhi realize that he was really not dreaming.

But at this moment, isn't Big Brother Tang still in the village? Why did you come to Wuxi Village?

Before she had time to ask, Tang Shanzu cupped her face and kissed Gao Lianzhi emotionally.

And Gao Lianzhi also enthusiastically hugged Tang Shanzu's waist and responded enthusiastically.

Gu Xiaowan was standing outside, seeing Gao Lianzhi and Tang Shanzu's proficient appearance, and she was afraid it might not be the first time they kissed.

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