The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1189: Cruel parents

"You pauper, if it wasn't for you, Lianzhi would have been married long ago. We waited so hard for so long to have such a good opportunity. If we didn't know that Gu Ningan was there alone, how could we have The lotus sticks are pushed into the water, such a good opportunity, but you have ruined it!" Xu's disheveled, as if crazy.

The Gao family was still sober, and when she saw Gao Lianzhi's behavior, she was surprised. When she reacted, Xu family was kicked to the ground.

All this has been ruined.

Gu's family, they didn't get the slightest benefit, on the contrary

"Mother, what are you talking about? You said I was pushed into the water by you?" Gao Lianzhi hugged Tang Shanzu, his eyes were red, and the words from his mother's mouth that made her stunned.

"Yes, you were pushed into the water by us. I have discussed with your aunt and pushed you into the water, and then your aunt will call for someone. There is only Gu Ning'an there, and of course he will save you!" Xu laughed and became a lunatic.

Gao Daping was subdued by Ahmad and lay on the ground without saying a word.

Now, Gao Lianzhi has no use at all. What does it matter if you say it or not!

"I'm your daughter, how could you treat me like this!" Gao Lianzhi cried bitterly, isn't her father and mother who loves herself the most? How could you push yourself into the water? I must have heard it wrong, it must be!

"Because you are a daughter, and you look so beautiful, we have high hopes for you. We will give you everything good. We hope that you will be able to marry a good family when you grow up. But what about you? I'm not up for it, but we prefer one. Pauper poorer than ours, there are three older brothers above you, and they are not married yet. If you don’t marry a good family, what do they take to marry a wife, how can the Gao family pass on from generation to generation!" The ice, cold Gao Lianzhi shivered.

"I'm from the Gao family too!" Gao Lianzhi didn't expect that he had been raised for so many years, just for one purpose, as a tool to make money for his brother to marry a wife.

"Shut up, Gao Lianzhi, don't tell me that you are from the Gao family!" Gao Daping snorted at the moment, opened his mouth, his eyes were greedy, where is the kind of father in the past: "If you talk to him Let's go, yes, I will vomit all of the Gao family's food from the Gao family for so many years. Otherwise, I will kill you if I die!"

"Father" Gao Lianzhi didn't expect Gao Daping to become fierce, and the cannibalism made Gao Lianzhi a little scared.

She held Tang Shanzu, who was still bleeding outside, in her arms, her own parents on one side, and the man she loved so much on the other, she felt helpless for the first time.

Gao Lianzhi's hand kept pressing the **** part of Tang Shanzu, the blood was getting more and more, and Tang Shanzu's face became paler and paler, and he passed out directly. Gao Lianzhi shouted in fright, "Brother Tang, don't be scared. Me, don’t scare me, ooh"

Doctor Ma heard the call and ran quickly. It turned out that Gu Xiaowan asked Gu Ningping to invite Doctor Ma to come.

Doctor Ma trot over, followed by Gu Ningping who helped him carry the medicine box.

After looking at Tang Shanzu's wound, he breathed a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, the injury was not an important part, and the injury was not deep. The bleeding was all skin trauma.

After bandaging the wound, applying medicine, and instructing to heal the wound with peace of mind, Gao Lianzhi felt relieved. She has not left for half a step, and she has been hugging Tang Shanzu. Hearing that there is nothing serious, Gao Lianzhi burst into tears.

However, Gao Daping and Xu's family had been swearing, and they had to run to Doctor Ma to make trouble in the middle. Fortunately, someone subdued them and prevented them from messing around. Doctor Ma also helped Tang Shanzu to heal the wounds.

Tang Shanzu was injured and couldn't lie on the ground forever. Gu Xiaowan arranged for him to live in the old house of the Gu family. The lotus stick went in with him, and it really stabbed a hornet's nest.

Gao Daping and Xu's family yelled and rolled around at the door, all the vicious and unpleasant words were scolded.

And this curse, from Gao Lianzhi to Tang Shanzu, to Gu Xiaowan, Gu Ning'an, everyone was not spared, all in Gao Daping's swearing.

This time, everyone also figured it out.

Feelings, this Gao family originally wanted to find a wealthy family to marry Gao Lianzhi, so he directed and acted in a scene to save people.

Only Gu Ning'an and Gao Lianzhi were kept in the dark.

Gu Ning'an was full of blood, but he only saved a person.

The Gao family poured this dirty water on the Gu family, which is too wicked.

I don't know who spoke first, saying that Gao's people are not authentic. This slowly drowned out the shouts of Gao Daping and his wife.

The Gao clan stood aside all the time, watching the changes in the situation, and when all the contradictions focused on the Gao family, when they said that the Gao family was shameless, the Gao family couldn’t stand it anymore and wanted to find it. This opportunity is very lucky.

Why would Gu Xiaowan let her go?

How could this Gao Daping come to Wuxi Village to frame Gu Ning'an?

Is there no Gao's handwriting in it? Moreover, this Gao Lianzhi was brought by the Gao family!

"Ms. Liang, why are you leaving in a hurry? The matter is not over yet!" Gu Fangxi obviously also saw Gao's movements. Two steps forward, he stood beside Gao's, preventing her from letting her leave.

Gao's face was embarrassed: "Fangxi, how did I know? I always thought that Lianzhi had no one in her heart!"

Gao pretended that I was also a victim: "You have seen it too. At that time, I also advised my elder brother and sister-in-law not to be so impulsive. Later, I actually saw my eldest brother and sister-in-law love lotus sticks so much, so I agreed. !"

Gao glanced at the elder brother and sister-in-law who was still crying and howling. He wanted to run as soon as possible. If he didn't leave, he didn't know how to arrange her until the lack of roots came back.

Gao Lianzhi walked out at this moment with tears on her face. After Tang Shanzu was arranged, she ran out without stopping, ran in front of the Gao Daping and his wife, and knelt down with a thump.

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