The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1190: All fake family

"Father, mother, please, make me and Brother Tang perfect!" Gao Lianzhi's weak and boneless body kept knocking his head down. Inside the Gu family's old house, Gu Xiaowan refurbished it when it was repaired later. The bluestone slab, Gao Lianzhi, and then again, the knocking bluestone slab banged.

Time after time, the people present were shocked.

But Gao Daping and his wife seemed to have not heard or saw, pointing at Gao Lianzhi and cursing, completely ignoring Gao Lianzhi's bitter pleading at this moment.

Gu Xiaowan couldn't stand it anymore, Gao Lianzhi took the initiative to stand up and talked about her relationship with Tang Shanzu regardless of her reputation. It was really unexpected to her.

Today, Tang Shanzu is injured and unconscious, which is contending with Gao Daping and his wife, and now only Gao Lianzhi is left.

However, no matter how Gao Lianzhi cried and pleaded, Gao Daping didn't let go. Gao Lianzhi kept knocking his head, and there were blood marks on his forehead. It seemed that Gao Daping and Xu family didn't care.

He always scolded Gao Lianzhi, saying that Gao Lianzhi was a money-losing bastard. They had spent so much effort on her without any benefit. It was better to choke her to death when she was just born!

The words of the Xu family and Gao Daping were very vicious, extremely vicious, and shocked everyone present.

This Gao Lianzhi is still their biological girl, how could he curse her with such vicious words?

"You, a money-losing bastard, spent so much effort on Lao Tzu, who gave you all the good food and drink in the family. Originally, I expected you to be able to marry a good family when you grow up. I didn't expect you to be so unbelievable and let you If you don't marry the Gu family, you still have to marry such a pauper. What is the use of my daughter? I should choke you to death and save the money of my Gao family!" Gao Daping roared.

The sound directly confused Gao Lianzhi.

"Father, what are you talking about?" Gao Lianzhi still didn't recover, so she raised her head and fixedly looked at Gao Daping. The blood on her forehead was running down her forehead to her cheeks, on her white face. The red blood stain is very obvious, it is very clear.

Gu Xiaowan looked at Gao Lianzhi's injured forehead and his unbelievable look. At this moment, Gao Lianzhi looked so embarrassed and pitiful.

But Gao Daping's words hit Gao Lianzhi's weakness.

It turns out that in the minds of their parents, they have always been a bargaining chip they plan to use to marry a good family, and a money machine for their three brothers to get married.

Gao Lianzhi couldn't believe it, and murmured: "Father, mother, no, you have always been so good to me, no, you won't!"

"What's the use of your girl? Can it be passed on to the Gao family or inherited?" Gao Daping didn't care about Gao Lianzhi's thoughts at all, or said to himself: "I already have three sons. If you don’t have any money, how can you marry a daughter-in-law? Only if you marry a good person and take more gifts, I can marry your brother and daughter-in-law! You, too, did not suffer any bitterness when you were a daughter. After marrying someone, you still become a wife, you don’t suffer!"

Gao Daping kept saying that it was for Gao Lianzhi's consideration. Now Gao Lianzhi's impulse has ruined his hard work for more than ten years. Can he not be excited?

After listening to his words, Gao Lianzhi collapsed to the ground, her face pale, and she looked at the unsentimental Gao Daping and Xu family in a daze, as if looking at a stranger.

Gao also spoke up at this moment, as if to dispense with his own responsibility, and said loudly: "Lianzhi, if you hate, you hate your father and your mother, but don't hate me, your father and mother have long been I have already told me, let me take care to find you a rich family to marry. So as soon as possible I can give you some dowry to your brothers and sisters. This is all done by your father and your mother, it doesn’t matter to your aunt. what!"

After Gao said that, he was about to run. Gu Fangxi stopped her, just not letting her go: "You can't go!"

The matter between the Gao family and the Gu family has now become an internal matter of the Gao family and has nothing to do with the Gu family.

"Father, mother" Gao Lianzhi can't speak anymore, and her watery eyes are full of tears, and Gu Xiaowan feels distressed when she sees that pitiful look.

For Gao Lianzhi, and also for the woman of this era.

Gu Xiaowan glanced at Gao Daping and his wife who had discarded Gao Lianzhi at will. Both of them were immersed in their own grief, and did not see Gao Lianzhi's ashamed face at all.

"Father, mother, is it true that your love for me in the past is fake?" After living happily for so many years, I have been under my knees, but now I am told that my father and mother love you so much because you are a girl and you grow up. Beautiful, marrying a good family can change the destiny of the whole family!

In this case, I am afraid that no one can bear it!

Tang Shanzu was still lying in a coma. There was no one to lean on by Gao Lianzhi. She looked around blankly. All the people standing beside her were strangers. There was no one she could rely on. Some panic.

A pair of poor eyes looked around, from the initial panic to the final despair, the slightest change, Gu Xiaowan saw everything in his eyes.

No one can rely on, no one can say a word for her, Gao Lianzhi is going crazy.

She grasped the hem of her clothes and looked at the parents who were already going crazy. She only felt that she was like a rag doll, useless, and was abandoned at will.

Gao Lianzhi started crying in pain, and there was a deep despair in that voice: "Daddy, I am your daughter, how can you treat me this way, how can you treat me this way!"

After raising them for so many years, it turns out that this flesh-and-blood relationship is no better than the white silver, and Gao Lianzhi wished to die immediately.

It turns out that my parents have always said that they want to live a good life for themselves. They are all false. They want to be well for themselves, so they persuaded themselves to marry Gu Ning'an!

Gao Lianzhi was about to cry out of anger. She was a delicate little girl, but now she is crying even more heartbroken, making everyone present feel sad.

Gu Ning'an was also moved, but because of Gao Daping and Xu's family, Gu Ningan stood motionless, for fear of what he would do at that time, and let Gao Daping and his wife have some thoughts.

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