The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1191: Aggressive Gao Jia

Gu Xiaowan stepped forward at this moment and came to Gao Lianzhi's side, holding the lonely girl with both hands: "Lianzhi"

But I don't know how to speak to relieve this little girl.

I thought that Gao Lianzhi really had such a good life. Although she was a poor family, she was a little girl, and although there were three older brothers on her, her parents still treated her so well and thought that the girl was living well. It's a happy one.

This girl did not touch Yang Chunshui with ten fingers and thought that her father and mother loved her and loved her. It turned out that the real face was there. After being torn apart, it was so unbearable.

It's really worse than not having such parents.

Gu Xiaowan complained for Gao Lianzhi.

This Gao Lianzhi has a cowardly personality. He listens to Gao Daping and the Xu family for everything. I don’t know what happened this time. There will be such a strong mental power to resist Gao Daping and the Xu family. Putting his reputation on the edge of the cliff, but is this not the result Gu Xiaowan wants to achieve in his heart?

Gao Lianzhi threw out the matter between herself and Tang Shanzu, and had nothing to do with the Gu family anymore.

Gu Xiaowan no longer resented Gao Lianzhi in her heart, and some just pityed.

How much power this little girl has to reveal her own affairs, show them to everyone, let everyone give pointers, and don't wrong people who are good to her!

Gu Xiaowan immediately changed her attitude towards Gao Lianzhi. She only felt that this little girl, although cowardly, had a distinct love and hatred. If you love someone, you must be with him. Gu Xiaowan held Gao Lianzhi on the shoulder and helped her up. .

Discuss with Gao Daping, who is already on the verge of anger: "Gao Daping, can Cheng Huan's knees of more than ten years be no better than white silver?"

"Cheng Huan's knees? I have three sons, I don't want that many." Gao Daping waved his hand and yelled displeasedly: "If you hadn't had a bad idea, Lianzhi would have been married a long time ago, so how could there be so many bad things? !"

"But she likes others, not Gu Ning'an!" Seeing that Gao Daping was still talking about marrying Gu Ning'an, Gu Xiaowan was also angry.

Could it be that if you want to marry someone, it's just that he is tall and flat, and you must marry if you want to marry?

Who is Gu Ning'an? Do they understand?

Gao Lianzhi likes it or not, do they understand?

"Whether you like it or not, it is fart, only silver is the best! With silver, anyone can!" Gao Daping roared, his eyes were red, like an angry lion.

Gu Xiaowan looked at Gao Daping's almost crazy look, and remembered those people in his previous life who would rather sit in a BMW car to cry than laugh while sitting behind a bicycle, but this person changed from a girl to a parent.

It also created batch after batch of those so-called I would rather you guard the golden house and keep the empty room alone than you would live in a wooden house singing and laughing.

Silver, money, deprived good men and women of the right to chase love.

And some parents, in the name of loving you so much for you, are doing the cruelest thing in the world!

Deprive you of love!

Gu Xiaowan looked at the self-proclaimed parents of Gao Lianzhi, but had been showing her aspirations in the name of love, and didn't intend to show them good looks.

"Really? As long as you have money?" Gu Xiaowan sneered: "Does the family relationship for more than ten years can't match your so-called money? Take the money from selling your daughters to marry your sons and wives, you Will you feel guilty about seeing your daughter-in-law in the future?"

"What am I guilty of? She was married to a good man's house to enjoy the blessing. What am I guilty of?" Xu screamed.

"Do you think that as long as you have talent, you are happy?" Gu Xiaowan really felt that if he said a word with such people, he would really be mad at this group of people.

"I don’t have the ability to make money, so I put the hope of getting rich overnight on your daughter. If you fail to achieve your goal, you use such vicious words to condemn her! Why do you ask a little girl to do things that you cannot do? Do it?" Gu Xiaowan was forced to be tall and silent, but this person's face is really invincible, and his thoughts that have been ingrained for more than ten years can be awakened by Gu Xiaowan in a few words!

In their eyes, after all, there are more sons than daughters. After all, in the countryside, sons are better than daughters!

Even if the daughter is so good to the sky, the son is better! The son can pass on them, but the daughter can't!

Gu Xiaowan didn't want to talk to Gao Daping anymore, winked, and Ahmad wanted to drive them away.

Gao Daping was unwilling, saying that he could go, hand over Gao Lianzhi, they want to take it away!

The two Gao Daping and his wife have such nasty thoughts. How could Gu Xiaowan give them Gao Lianzhi? Who knows what shocking things they will do next moment.

Gu Xiaowan disagreed, and Gao Daping and his wife started to quarrel again.

This whole morning, the door of Gu’s old house was very lively, like singing a big show, and it was almost noon for those pushing and shoving. There were still people around the door watching the good show, and they didn’t even go back to do it. .

They watched them with relish, and it's been a long time since I saw such a great drama.

Fortunately, Gao Lianzhi's family is not in Wuxi Village, otherwise the play would be even more exciting.

Gao Daping and his wife were about to start robbing people, Gao Lianzhi didn't want to go back, because her father and mother's words broke her heart, Tang Shanzu was still unconscious, she couldn't go back.

Gu Xiaowan wouldn't let her go back because the strange parents didn't know what to do next because of money matters.

Gao Daping started robbing people. Ahmad kept standing on the sidelines three times, threw the people out of Gu’s old house, and then stood in front of the Gu’s door, blocking the door. With incredible skill, Gao Daping dares to act rashly.

He could only resort to one cry, two troubles and three hang-ups, one cursing and one crying. Gao had already run away dingy and disappeared.

In this way, two cried at the door, and one cried at the door.

Gao Lianzhi was tired of crying and went to Tang Shanzu's bed.

Over there, how could Gao Daping just let it go, staring at the old house of the Gu family.

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