The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1192: Lovers get married

Gao Dao sits at the door of Gu's old house on weekdays. He doesn't do anything, so he keeps on guard, waiting for Gu Xiaowan to hand him out.

Gao Lianzhi was really in a dilemma. On the one hand, Gu Xiaowan, who had helped him, had no family affection, but she helped her sincerely. On the one hand, it was the parents who gave birth to him, but it was because he could marry a good family and get a good gift for the purpose. Gao Lianzhi really broke his heart.

In the end, in order to resolve this matter, Village Chief Liang also made a special trip.

It's nothing more than asking Gu Xiaowan to befriend someone as soon as possible. Otherwise, she would go to the government to sue Gu Xiaowan for hiding her privately.

Tang Shanzu's body is almost raised, he and Gao Lianzhi are already inseparable. Seeing their affectionate look, Gu Xiaowan is also happy for them. On the Gao family's side, if they can stop it, they will resist it for a while.

In the end, Gao Daping offered a price of five hundred taels, saying that he would not return to the Gao family after he left with Gao Lianzhi, and the deal was finalized with one hammer.

Gao Lianzhi cried bitterly and felt sad for such parents. Five hundred taels of silver was about to sell himself, but fortunately, there was the relief of his sweetheart around him, and the sadness caused by Gao Lianzhi to his parents' cruelty also faded. a little.

At the beginning of the five hundred taels, Tang Shanzu gritted his teeth and said that he would make money, and later gave them to Gao Daping in batches.

When the two sides negotiated, Gao Daping only wanted to see silver, no matter how thin Gao Lianzhi was getting thinner, in his mind, only silver was the closest!

Gao Lianzhi knew that he couldn't go back to that home again, and felt extremely sad. Fortunately, with Tang Shanzu's company and comfort, Gao Lianzhi recovered.

The days of negotiating with the Gao family were really a tug-of-war. The talks lasted for about seven or eight days. In the end, only three hundred taels of silver were given to Gao Daping to buy out Gao Lianzhi’s life. Only then agreed that Gao Lianzhi married with Tang Shanzu.

The three hundred taels of silver was given by Gu Xiaowan. It was originally a pitiful two people who wanted to give them a little hope in life, but did not expect them to pay it back.

How did you know that Tang Shanzu wrote a note to Gu Xiaowan in life and death, and promised that the money would be paid off within a few years, and the principal and interest would be repaid.

Tang Shanzu is a scholar, so naturally he doesn't accept other people's food, and he has to pay back what he owes others. Gu Xiaowan sees that he insists on this, so she can only give up.

Accepted the handwriting written by Tang Shanzu.

When asked about his plans for the future, Tang Shanzu said that he would leave their village with Gao Lianzhi and work elsewhere.

That's right, I can't go back to my hometown. Gao Daping and his wife are here. They don't care about Tang Shanzu's life or death. They live in a village all day and don't know what disputes will happen.

Later, Tang Shanzu and Gao Lianzhi were sent away. I heard that they went home to worship and married. There really is no one from the Gao family. On the second day after getting married, I heard that Tang Shanzu and Gao Lianzhi bought something and sent it to the Gao family as a return ceremony. The Gao family did not even open the door.

Tang Shanzu took Gao Lianzhi and left. Gao Daping and his wife were cruel, and their daughter was about to leave, so cruelly refused to meet for the last time.

As for where Tang Shanzu and Gao Lianzhi went, Gu Xiaowan did not care. However, what Tang Shanzu didn't know was that Gu Xiaowan gave Gao Lianzhi some advice.

Gao Lianzhi has a soft personality, and this time he left his hometown with Tang Shanzu to fight hard. Now he is newly married, Tang Shanzu may still be a good mate, but over time, what a man will become, I really don't know.

Gu Xiaowan promised to Gao Lianzhi that if Tang Shanzu treats her badly in the future, she will go to Liujiazhen to find Gu Xiaowan, and she will definitely help her make arrangements.

Gu Xiaowan really likes this little girl now, and she was married at a younger age than herself. The road ahead will be long, who knows what it will be like in the future.

In the end, he gave Gao Lianzhi some personal jewelry that she had hidden away for her to wear well. If Tang Shanzu treats her badly in the future, he will sell these jewelry and run away quickly.

Gao Lianzhi responded one by one. Gu Xiaowan didn't expect this stubborn girl to hear how much she could listen to. I hope she can live a peaceful life in her entire life. She doesn't need to be wealthy, but at least she can be safe and happy for a lifetime. This is the best ending.

In a blink of an eye, Gu Xiaowan and her family have been in Wuxi Village for almost a month. They thought they were here to relax, but unexpectedly, such a big thing happened. Gu Xiaowan sighed and wanted to relax. Unexpectedly, this bad thing is getting more and more.

No, then Village Chief Liang came to her and said that he wanted her son to work in the town, and let Gu Xiaowan arrange a good job.

Gu Xiaowan is not a local security guard, so if he knows which shop is hiring people, he wants to refuse this matter.

After all, the Gao Lianzhi incident was also the cause of the Gao clan, and no one knew how many bad ideas she had made in it!

Gu Xiaowan was too lazy to take care of the Liang family, so she locked the Gu family's old house overnight and returned to Liujia Town.

Back to Gu Yuan, lying in a comfortable bed, without so many bad things, Gu Xiaowan really felt that the day went well.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and it is only more than a month before the New Year.

Gu Xiaowan didn't go anywhere during this time, but stayed in Gu Yuan and Jinfu Tower.

Settling accounts, taking inventory, buying things, making new clothes, and updating the goods in the puppet shop in the capital, there was no idle moment.

When the Xu family came to pay a New Year's greetings during the New Year, Gu Xiaowan discovered that Xu Chengze had disappeared.

I asked Gu Ning'an secretly, only to discover that Xu Chengze had already left, and they had already left when Gu Xiaowan and the others went to Ruixian to celebrate Gu Ning'an's entrance into a scholar.

I heard that I went to travel everywhere. Only Mrs. Xu and Xu Xianlin knew where they went. Gu Xiaowan didn't ask too much, so she could only tell Xu Chengze to take care of her health.

Time flies, time flies, and the spring of the following year is in a blink of an eye.

After spring, Gu Ning'an is going to study in another place.

There are many good gentlemen in Ruixian County. Xu Xianlin likes Gu Ning'an as a student, so naturally he wants to introduce the best gentleman to him, so he recommends him a very prestigious gentleman.

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