The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1261: Lu Tao was dismissed

Seeing what Xia Ming said, Mr. Zhao couldn't refuse any more. He sold the Guo family's face and opened the letter again.

Before reading again, he glanced at Lu Tao again.

Lu Tao stood there, as if he had no bones, and his skin was soft. Seeing Master Zhao cast a sympathetic look at him, Lu Tao hesitated.

I heard Master Zhao starting to read the letter.

Sure enough, in the letter, the Guo family dismissed Lu Tao!

Master Zhao finished reading the letter, closed it, and returned it to Xia Ming again, but he was a little curious: "Steward Xia, I don't know something. How does Master Guo know that his three aunts are outside?"

Yes, Guo Jiayuan is in the capital and has never been in contact for many years. How could he know that Lu Tao had an outside room, and that the letter came so timely!

Depending on the distance from the capital to Liujia Town, I am afraid that this is the butler who has left several days ago.

Butler Xia took the letter, folded it again, and put it in the sleeve again, and said inexplicably, "Although my master is far away in the capital, after all, there is an uncle here. Naturally, I need to pay more attention!"

Care about the fart!

Wan Shi and Lu Tao have been together for six or seven years. Could it be that they only discovered this?

Lord Zhao didn't believe this Xia Ming at all.

If you really want to quit Lu Tao, you should come here a few years ago, but wait till now.

Lord Zhao didn't believe it, but he couldn't keep asking, so he could only turn the article.

Lu Tao was limp on the ground, like a puddle of muddy water.

Xia Xia sets out, and walks over condescendingly, just looking at Lu Tao with such an arrogant expression, as if looking at a pile of rubbish: "This is a divorce book, from now on, Lu Tao, you will never be the uncle of the Guo family Now, everything that belongs to the Guo family will be taken back! Lu Tao, please do it yourself!"

After saying this, Xia Ming turned around and bowed his hands to the adults: "Master Zhao, the master is still waiting for me to return, so Cao Min will leave first!"

"What? Housekeeper Xia is going back to the capital now?" Lord Zhao asked with a look of error.

This summer has just come! Is it just to send a divorce letter?

Master Zhao's doubts, including Gu Xiaowan's doubts!

Xia Xia Ming said, "My master said, if Lu Tao is really unfaithful to the Guo family, just dump the divorce and leave! No need to talk nonsense!"

It's like throwing away garbage, you can leave after throwing away.

Gu Xiaowan glanced at Lu Tao's desperate look, as if someone had taken away his bones and slumped to the ground.

He also muttered to himself: "How could this be, how could this be!"

Poor people must have something to hate. This Lu Tao has done so many wicked things. It's not that he didn't report it. The time has not come.

Gu Xiaowan couldn't pity this Lu Tao at all.

After Lu Tao was lost, he began to cry bitterly, crying to see Master Guo to see his wife, and to explain clearly to them, but Xia Ming ignored him, kicked him and kicked Lu Tao. To the side.

Then he said to Master Zhao: "Master Zhao, my master still has a word for his subordinates to pass to you. Lu Tao is no longer the aunt of the Guo family. Whatever he committed and what punishment he should be punished, please don’t hesitate. Order, don’t worry about the Guo family!"

When Xia Ming said this, Mr. Zhao screamed, and quickly came down and sent Xia Ming away.

Lu Tao wailed loudly from behind, yelling to come forward, but was stopped by the yakuza, pulled him, and pressed him to the ground severely, preventing him from moving at all.

Lu Tao couldn't move, and couldn't reach Xia Ming. Seeing that his Aunt Guo's identity suddenly disappeared, there might be a series of punishments waiting for him in the future.

When Lu Tao thought of his future situation, he was afraid not to fight.

The more I thought about it, the more sad it became. Finally, he let out a long hiss and howled and yelled: "You stinky lady, I have nothing, you stinky lady, vixen"

Lu Tao didn't know who to scold, so he told Wan Shi again and scolded him.

In the entire lobby, there was only Lu Tao's hysterical swearing. Wan Shi was scolded for nothing, and in turn began to scold Lu Tao.

The two of you say a word to me, neither will let the others off, and use the most rude and ugly words to abuse each other.

Even Liu Qingshan, a local ruffian, was a little stunned when he heard Lu Tao and Wan's scolding each other. It seemed that they couldn't believe it. A few days ago, the two were still hugging each other. , How come they turned into enemies and became enemies all at once.

Master Zhao came back. Because Lu Tao had committed a lot of things and was not minor, he directly asked the servants to take Lu Tao down and put him in the cell directly.

Lu Tao knew that he was so fierce and auspicious, and he simply knew what he knew, and also gave a rough idea of ​​the detrimental activities that Lei Dasheng did.

Lei Dasheng was not a good thing. He had Li Si’s ring, and later found in Lei Dasheng’s home that he hadn’t cleaned the Qixingsan. There was also Qixingsan in Li Si’s belly. In front of the hard evidence, Lei Dasheng He personally confessed his crime of killing Li Si.

It turned out that Li Si knew that the second master was dead, so he used this matter to threaten Lei Dasheng and let Lei Dasheng give the silver.

Lei Dasheng could not be disturbed at all. Anyway, he knew that Li Si had no father, no mother, and no relatives. He was released from the cell just now. I am afraid that few people know it. Even if he is dead, he will not. Who has found out.

But it's just that the ruffian is gone, who will find out.

So he also poured a cup of tea and put Qixingsan inside. After the medicine was poured on Li Si, in order to destroy the corpse, he dragged Li Si's body to the riverside, tied it with a stone, and sank directly. Bottom of the lake.

Anyway, it won't float up. By then, Li Si's body will be eaten by fish and shrimps. There is only one shelf. Who knows that this person is Li Si!

Lei Dasheng thought well and did it cleanly, but it was a pity that God was not beautiful, and a swim could bring Li Si's body up.

When he heard that Li Si's body had been found, Lei Dasheng was a little panicked. In his hands, two consecutive lives had been lost. Lei Dasheng didn't dare to say anything and hurriedly packed up the package and ran away.

However, he reacted quickly, and Gu Xiaowan reacted faster than him!

The evidence was so strong that Lei Dasheng admitted that he had used Qixingsan as a laxative to Gu Chuanlu, in order to stumble Gu Xiaowan so that Gu Xiaowan suffered a little bit, and there was no time to take care of Gu Xiaoyi's things back then.

Lei Dasheng killed two people and was taken away. He waited for all the paperwork to be processed, and after reporting to him, he asked directly.

Although Gu Chuanlu and Liu Qingshan didn't know that the thing was replaced with poison by Lei Dasheng, but the first thing was that Gu Chuanlu had bad thoughts.

Gu Chuanlu couldn't escape the sanctions, and Master Zhao directly sentenced him to a half-year prison. Although Liu Qingshan didn't know it, he was responsible for the medicine, but it was not that serious yet. He was kept in a cell for five months.

After Wan's experience of this incident, he was even more heartbroken. He almost wanted to commit suicide in the courtroom, but was stopped by the Yamen.

Wan's thoughts were totally ashamed, originally thinking that he had found a man whom the back of the body could rely on, but he didn't expect that it would be a disaster.

When it's good, hello, my hello, everyone.

When it's bad, I want to drag the opponent out to die for myself.

Wan cried and cried in the court, but the lotus was a strong one. He had said all bad things about Lu Tao in front of the Wan clan, hoping that he wanted to get out of Lu Tao's shadow as soon as possible.

It’s just that this kind of woman who is accustomed to living under the blessing of a man previously relied on Miao Er and later on Lu Tao. She has never experienced the hardships of life. Nowadays, the life of rich clothes and food is gone, how can she come out? .

It's not that Gu Xiaowan is cruel, this kind of woman, it's really better to die.

In the future, if her two children knew that their mother had followed others after their father died, they would hate Wanshi to the bone!

There was nothing wrong with the lotus and the Wan clan, and they went back after leaving the hall. Before leaving the house, Gu Xiaowan seemed to be able to hear the cries of the cries of the cries.

Without Lu Tao, God knows how she will live her life in the future!

Gu Xiaowan showed no sympathy to Wan Shi, knowing that Qin Yizhi was still locked in the cell, and hurriedly went to the cell to find Qin Yizhi.

Qin Yizhi was still in the interrogation room. When Gu Xiaowan entered, she saw Qin Yizhi's hands hung on the chain, his toes touching the ground, and he was resting with his eyes closed.

After only a few days of absence, Qin Yizhi's complexion was a little thinner. He wanted to come to this interrogation room, and he suffered hardship.

Hearing the sound of someone’s footsteps, Qin Mozhi opened his eyes and saw Gu Xiaowan leaping towards him distressedly. Qin Mozhi grinned and smiled. He looked at Gu Xiaowan affectionately, and said softly, “Wan’er, You came!"

Qin Yizhi's eyes were bright, and in this dim interrogation room there seemed to be a light that could not be ignored. It shone on Gu Xiaowan's body, a warm current and distress rushed over her face, Gu Xiaowan rushed over, her nose sore Of: "Brother Yui"

I haven't heard Gu Xiaowan's voice for several days, and she rushed toward her face softly and with a slightly dependent voice, and all the discomfort Qin Yizhi had in the prison cell was swept away!

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