The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1260: Lu Tao admits

"Birth?" Xia Xia patted clearly, and slapped a palm on the arm of the chair. With a look of anger, he pointed at Lu Tao and cursed: "Lu Tao, I really underestimated you. So. For many years, your official position has not been changed. It turns out that you have put your mind on having fun with women. Lu Tao, don’t forget that when you entered the Guo family, you were in the presence of the ancestors and masters of the Guo family. Face, what did you swear to say!"

Xia Ming pointed to Lu Tao's nose like a grandson scolding!

Lu Tao didn't dare to reply at all, and even knocked his head: "Steward Xia, it's all my ghosts, all I am confused! It's her, it's her, it's this woman who seduced me first! Butler Xia, look at it. It’s just for the first time that I made this kind of mistake, so you feel sorry for me, don’t tell your wife and Master Yue about this, okay? Okay?"

Lu Tao pulled on Xia Ming's trousers and kept crying.

He pushed all the mistakes to Wan's body.

The Wan clan was already half-dead by Liu Qingshan, and now he was **** by the shackles. He could only stay aside with his head drooping honestly. At this moment, he heard that Lu Tao actually seduce her by himself. All the anger broke out at this moment: "Liu, you still shameless, who is begging me for nothing? You ungrateful, if things are revealed, just say that I seduce you! You wolf-hearted s things!"

Wan Shi was **** by the shackles and had no hands and feet to tear Lu Tao. If his hands and feet were still free, I was afraid that he would have to draw a knife and chop Lu Tao off.

Gu Xiaowan looked pitifully at the Wan clan swearing there, and Lu Tao turned back and sneered at each other. In the blink of an eye, the two of them became enemies.

Lu Tao and Wan Shi are all accusing themselves of seducing themselves.

The lotus, who had been kneeling on the side and did not speak, suddenly stepped forward and pulled Wan clan by one hand, and stopped him directly in front of him. He pointed to Lu Tao’s nose and cursed: "The last name is Lu, you Jinwu Cangjiao, blame others for seducing you! I always thought you were a gentleman, I was really wrong, madam, ignore this kind of person, ungrateful, this kind of man, let's not let it go."

The mixing of the lotus made Gu Xiaowan a little surprised.

Just now, this lotus was still accusing Wan Shi to be a vixen, so why did she fall on Wan Shi's side all at once, and she was in one mind with Wan Shi.

But thinking of Lu Tao's evil face after the incident was revealed, I am afraid that any woman will feel that she has missed it!

Lotus indeed thought so with Gu Xiaowan.

It turned out that she admired vanity and wanted to marry a wealthy family. Even a concubine would be good. As long as she can live a life of good quality, she was really afraid of being poor when she was a child.

As a result, she met Lu Tao and fell deeply into it because of Lu Tao's love for Wan's. I just thought how could there be such a perfect person in this world.

He is also an official, powerful, tender, and tender, and treats Wan's sincerely, once with lotus, once with envy.

So I thought about being close to Lu Tao and being Lu Tao's concubine.

Wan Shi also agreed to her, but after so many years, Lotus was still an old girl and did not move.

That Wanshi was still with Lu Tao like Jiao Didi's little girl. Lotus looked very envious.

People are like this, like something, day and night, and suddenly someone said that I will give you this thing in the future, so ecstatic.

So waited and waited, waited and waited, waited for a long time, but there was still no movement.

The person who said he wanted to give it to himself, he seemed to have forgotten this promise, and he was still very happy.

Lotus has thoughts about Lu Tao and naturally hates Wanshi.

It's just that this hatred is in the oil blending of Lu Tao and Wan's honey. When Lu Tao denies having an affair with Wan's, lotus is excited.

Anyway, I can't get it, you get it, it's the same as if you didn't get it.

But when Lu Tao said something sarcastic to Wan Shi, Lotus suddenly woke up.

Unbelievably looking at Lu Tao, who turned his face ruthlessly, there is no such thing as the gentleness of Wanshi in the past.

Both are the same two people, but everything has changed completely.

Lotus was puzzled, and the next thing made her suddenly awakened.

How hate Wan Shi was before, how hate Lu Tao is now!

This Lu Tao is really nothing!

Lotus thought of this, but before thinking about it, she rushed towards Lu Tao, pointed at Lu Tao and said sarcastically, "Master Lu, you just said that your wife seduce you, but in my opinion, I think it is. You Jinwu Cangjiao, for so many years, the lady has followed you without a name. You come if you want, don’t come if you don’t want to come, and leave if you want. For so many years, the lady has been waiting for you at home, afraid that you will have it anytime Maybe it's over! Madam treats you sincerely, you are so cruel!"

"What are you, you dare to point at my nose and swear! What a true heart, but you just fancy my silver and my power! A widow who drags her family and her mouth can climb on me, it was her predecessor She must be grateful for the blessings of Xiulai!" Lu Tao said harshly when he saw the lotus come to scold herself.

When he finished speaking, Lu Tao turned his head and looked at Xia Ming, with a look of horror: "Steward Xia, me and me"

"Huh! I don't know the shame!" Xia Ming just said a word, stood up directly from his position, without looking at Lu Tao, went straight to Master Zhao, and said, "Master Zhao, thank you very much. The Guo family saw this man's sordid face! This is a letter from my master, please read it, and please read it again!"

Master Zhao glanced at the letter, with ten lines. After reading it again, he raised his head and glanced at Lu Tao sympathetically. He wanted to return the letter to Xia Ming, and said embarrassingly: "Steward Xia, this was originally from the Guo family. Housework, I’m an outsider who reads it out, it doesn’t seem very good!"

Xia Ming looked at the letter handed to him, and said respectfully: "Master Zhao, you are Lu Tao's immediate boss, and it is appropriate for you to read it. Cao Min is just a housekeeper, and he is just a butler. !"

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