The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1259: Talk about the broken bed

Xia Xia Ming frowned and accused Wan Shi. Wan Shi was flushed with shame and couldn't say a word.

Liu Qingshan on the side immediately said: "This lord, don't you know? This woman is Master Lu's outside room! I really saw the two of them in the bed, you and me!"

Wan's face was blushing at the moment, ashamed that he wished to have a hole in the hole, he was seen his intercourse, anyone would be ashamed to die!

Lu Tao stepped forward quickly, lifted his foot to kick Liu Qingshan, furious: "You shameless thing! What the fuck!"

Wan Shi was also embarrassed and unstoppable. He went forward to dig Liu Qingshan's face with his nails. Liu Qingshan couldn't dodge, and the two attacked in turn. Then Liu Qingshan was confused in a short while.

Several blood holes were dug out by Wan's face.

But Liu Qingshan was evasive, and he kept cursing in his mouth: "Why, you did that shameless thing, and you were afraid of being seen by others, and afraid of being said by others! I'm going to say, I'm going to say, you The big round **** waved under him, that bashful look, tsk tsk, no wonder the maid beside you said you are a fox."

Liu Qingshan was originally a local ruffian, thinking of what to say, and in front of everyone, he described everything he saw and heard last time.

Including Lu Tao yelling a few little slacks, Wan Shi yelling a few more, great, don't stop!

Liu Qingshan kept dodge the attack of the two, while vividly describing what he saw and heard that day.

Gu Xiaowan was still a girl who hadn't been out of the pavilion. He blushed when Liu Qingshan said such naked words. She looked elsewhere and did not go to see Liu Qingshan's peak performance.

Wan Shi was almost knocked down by Liu Qingshan's beautiful and charming words.

This was originally a bedclothes matter between two people. After Liu Qingshan saw it, he even repeated it vividly. It was her life!

Where does this put her face!

Wan cried and cried, seeing that he couldn't get close to Liu Qingshan's body at all, he shouted angrily, turned around and ran towards a servant with a waist knife next to him, and instantly drew the waist knife out and held the knife. With a loud cry, he chopped off towards Liu Qingshan.

Seeing this, the lobby suddenly became confused.

Azuo immediately stood in front of Gu Xiaowan and blocked Gu Xiaowan in front of him. He also held the sword in his hand, for fear that Wan's reckless hacking would hurt Gu Xiaowan.

Wan's eyes were red at the moment, his hands raised his waist knife high above his head, and he shouted and chopped off at Liu Qingshan.

Liu Qingshan saw Wan's appearance as a mad woman, and was shocked, without even thinking about it, he ran away, shouting as he ran, help, murder!

Lord Zhao frowned when he saw the chaotic appearance in the court hall, and he slapped the gavel, and shouted with majesty, "Come here, stop this Wanshi!"

Wan clan held up the knife and looked scary. In fact, it was a scary guise. One of the government officials stepped forward and hugged her. Wan clan couldn't move. Another government officer quickly grabbed her knife and took her home. Press in the hall.

"Bold Wanshi, dare to openly kill people on court papers, come here, arrest this Wanshi!"

Master Zhao also frowned. This Wan clan actually killed people in court. If this spreads, where will his face be put.

Besides, there is also a county head here, as well as a steward of the Guo family!

They are all people who cannot offend themselves. If they are accidentally injured by the insecure Wanshi, they really can't eat it.

Soon someone took the shackles to lock that Wanshi, and Wanshi yelled and twisted and said to kill Liu Qingshan. Because of the tear just now, Wanshi's beautiful and dignified hair was all scattered at this moment. Behind his head, with a hideous and terrifying look, Lu Tao was frightened when he saw it.

He had only seen this Wanshi for the first time.

Just now Wan Clan wanted to kill Liu Qingshan, Lu Tao really hoped that Wan Clan could hit this person at once, and he was still a little bit happy, and Wan Clan was caught.

After taking a peek at Xia Ming, this person's face was already dark.

At this moment, he stared at himself fiercely.

Lu Tao happened to look over and caught Xia Ming’s eyes. Lu Tao fell to the ground with a fright, and cried: "Steward Xia, I was wronged. I was wronged. Someone framed me. I didn't do anything I'm sorry Madam!"

Lu Tao said it was Liu Qingshan talking nonsense, and Xia Ming's expression remained unchanged!

Lu Tao is so afraid of Xia Ming, it seems that this person is very good at Guo's family.

Gu Xiaowan thought, in fact, she was right.

This summer, Ming’s father saved the life of the old man of the Guo family. Later, the Guo family developed. Naturally, he would not forget the kindness of the Xia family, so he invited the Xia family into the Guo family and became the steward of the Guo family.

In fact, in the entire Guo family, except for the master surnamed Guo, no one has a higher status than the Xia family.

Including, the three uncles of the three ladies of the Guo family, who in front of Xia Ming yelled Xia butler respectfully!

Not to mention that it is the uncle of the Guo family and the second uncle of the Guo family who have made progress today, and Lu Tao, who is still in circles today, is even more scared to death!

Lu Tao knelt on the ground and almost cried while pulling Xia Ming's pants.

Such cowardice, Gu Xiaowan looked away.

There was no arrogance just now in the way of crying and running.

"Steward Xia, I didn't do it, it was all the rogue who framed me! I didn't have it!" Lu Tao cried miserably.

How did Liu Qingshan make his wish: "This lord, don't listen to his nonsense. Just now, this man, his cousin, also said that this person asked him to prescribe an abortion pill to abort this woman! If you don't believe it , You ask this person!"

Xia Ming's eyes never left Lu Tao. The fierce look in his eyes made Lu Tao feel that there was a sharp blade on his neck, and he might fall off at any time, splitting his head and body in two.

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