The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1258: Xia Ming

The Guo family really doesn’t like the third son-in-law. The third wife of the Guo family heard that they even had a good relationship, even the children might

When Master Zhao thought that he was about to speak, suddenly a government officer rushed in and said, "My lord, there is a man outside who claims to be from Guo's family in Chengnan who wants to see him!"

Seongnam Kwok House?

How come here at this time?

Master Zhao was very curious: "Please come!"

Gu Xiaowan pursed her lips. The Guo family's speed is really fast!

After a while, a fifty-year-old man in a cyan robe walked in, walking with wind. This came from the capital. This man was afraid of the sun and the moon, but he did not see any dust on his face. Coming.

The man walked in with his head held high, with a look of majesty. When he saw the visitor, Lu Tao fell to the ground with fright and looked at the visitor in horror.

I heard the man's deep voice, arched his hands, and bowed his hands as a salute to Master Zhao: "Master Zhao, Caomin Xia Ming, the housekeeper of the Guo family in the south of the city! This time I come to Liujiazhen, I am here to visit Master Zhao!"


Master Zhao sneered in her heart. He was not an official in Liujia Town. Besides, he had been in Ruixian for so long, and he hadn't seen anyone from the Guo family come once. Master Zhao didn't think he was really doing it for himself this summer. Come.

"Steward Xia is polite. This capital is far away from Liujia Town, and it's dark again. Butler Xia rushed over in such a hurry. What's the matter?" Mrs. Zhao was very curious. This Lu Tao just happened. , Why did the Guo family come here?

Could it be that the Guo family already knew about Lu Tao, so they sent someone?

But it doesn't look like it!

"My lord, no need. Cao Min is here to listen. My master and the third lady said that if the uncle did something that was sorry for the third girl of my family, immediately leave the Guo family!" Xia Ming's eyes were a little cold, so she looked at it. Lu Tao, who had limped into a puddle of mud.

Lu Tao hurriedly laughed with him, and was about to fawn on Xia Ming: "Steward Xia, long time no see! How are you?"

"A handful of old bones, there is nothing good! It's just that adults are such a big style. After becoming a Ninth-Rank government office, they didn't even return to their own home, leaving the sweet wife alone in her empty boudoir for so many years. , I don’t go back to visit, and I don’t know if the third aunt has too many affairs to go back, or if a beautiful woman is pregnant, she has forgotten the third girl at all?"

In the summer, a lovely woman who was kneeling down at the Ming Dynasty Hall looked at it and spoke to Lu Tao intentionally. The scared Lu Tao hurriedly swore to the sky: "Housekeeper Xia, no, no Yes. Liu’s town has a lot of affairs, so I didn’t go back to see his wife. How is she?"

Xia Xia got a look at him: "Uncle Lao still remembers, Madam is very good!"

"It's good, it's good!" Lu Tao repeated excitedly: "Steward Xia, you have just come from Beijing, and the journey has been hard. Or, let my subordinates take you to rest first? Shall we talk tomorrow?"

Lu Tao wants to get rid of this Xia Ming, this person is not an easy character.

Gu Xiaowan saw Lu Tao and this person who claimed to be Xia Ming. When they spoke, they had a flattering look. Where is the master and the slave? The two of them were clearly adjusted. Lu Tao's face was like a slave, no Stop flattering the master Xia Ming.

This housekeeper Lu Tao actually fudged, and look at the look of disgust and disgust when he saw Lu Tao that summer, it is not difficult to see that Lu Tao's position in the Guo family is simply a subordinate. Not as good!

Xia Xia had a face of disdain: "No need, Sanguye, there are still too many things in the family. The master has ordered his subordinates to finish the affairs here as soon as possible. There are still many things in the Guo family waiting for the subordinates to deal with! , Why not just give me a chair!"

In Xia Ming’s family home where one bite after another, Lu Tao, the real Guo family, didn’t have any reason to refute anything. He could only say, “Oh, oh, well, come here, help Mr. Xia get a chair!” There is a touch of fierceness and jealousy in the eyes!

A servant raised a chair, and then Xia Ming sat down without anyone else.

It seems that although this person is a housekeeper, he is loved by the Guo family a lot!

Gu Xiaowan could see Lu Tao's expression.

The steward of the Guo family was just a subordinate, and he yelled at Lu Tao five or six. It seemed that Lu Tao's status in the Guo family was very low.

"Master Zhao, I've already come, what did you say just now, go on!" Xia Ming was smug.

Lu Tao's cold sweat broke out again, and he hurriedly winked at Master Zhao.

The housekeepers of the Guo family were so arrogant, they all looked shameless in front of Master Zhao, and the status of wanting to come to the Guo family was not low.

Before Gu Xiaowan had time to guess, Lu Tao over there said anxiously: "My lord, the cause of Li Si's death hasn't been able to find out who the real murderer was. It's getting too early. Or, let's leave the room first!"

"Leave the hall?" Xia Ming looked puzzled: "San Guye, I just came here, and I haven't heard anything yet. Why do I want to leave the hall?"

Lu Tao hurriedly went forward to explain to Xia Ming: "Steward Xia, Steward Xia, but a Diaomin has died, and this is looking for a murderer! It's just trivial things. Steward Xia has worked hard along the way, so go back early. Rest!"

Xia Ming took a look, then looked around and looked at the people kneeling in the hall. There were males and females. Xia Ming pointed at one of them and asked, "Where is this person? Is this also a suspect? "

"This girl, do you know who killed someone?" Xia Ming asked suddenly at this moment. The half-old mistress Wan Shi was surprised by his question and uttered, "I don't know! "

"Then what are you doing?" Xia Ming asked her again.

Wan Shi looked bewildered and didn't know how to answer this person's topic: "I just

"Since you don't know anything, why are you here?" Xia Ming asked with a displeased face: "I don't know anything about coming here to delay the time for the adult to try the case. You silly woman, really You are so bold!"

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