The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1257: Lu Tao was confessed

Lu Tao ignored her, and Lei Dasheng ignored her.

Wan Shi grabbed Lei Dasheng's clothes like crazy, and kept shaking him: "Tell me, who actually killed my child! Say ah, say it!"

That fierce and terrifying look, there is no way to be gentle on weekdays.

It's like a terrible demon. Men don't understand why women make such a momentary change, but when a woman hears that her child was killed, she is afraid that few people will calm down!

Even Wan Shi, who is greedy for prosperity and wealth, is no exception.

Knowing that the child was killed, not because of her health, how could Wanshi not hate it!

Lei Dasheng was slapped several times by Wan, so Lei Dasheng did not let go.

Let Wan's humiliation and beating.

Above the court, there were only Wan clan roars and beatings.

Wan Shi had an idea in her heart, but she did not dare to think, dare to ask, dare not to say, if she did, then all her expectations and extravagances would be gone.

Wan Shi vented all the anger in his heart to Lei Dasheng. Lei Dasheng killed his life, but it seemed that there was another secret.

So Lei Dasheng has the courage to harm Lu Tao's child?

Seeing the sweat on Lu Tao's face kept running, Master Zhao had another thought in his heart.

"Lei Dasheng, you killed Wan's child, do you have something to say?"

"My lord, my lord, my me" Lei Dasheng squeaked, where he said a complete sentence: "You must not listen to this girl's side words, how dare the grassroots! This is absolutely nothing!"

Seeing that Lei Dasheng was about to deny him, Lotus smiled: "I know you won't admit it. I have saved the fetus prevention prescription you wrote at the time and the medicine you prescribed. Look at your prescription and your medicine. See if they are the same, you will know if you have lied!"

This lotus is really clever, but it's just too impatient.

Seeing that Lotus was able to come up with the prescription and a pack of medicines he wrote back then, Lei Dasheng was totally confused.

"The evidence is here, what do you have to say! Come here, wait for the torture!" As soon as Lord Zhao's voice fell, a few government officials walked towards Lei Dasheng with clubs.

Lei Dasheng was so frightened, he crawled to Lu Tao without even thinking about it, crying as he crawled: "Cousin, cousin, save me, save me!"

Lu Tao didn't want to pay attention to him, and even avoided him: "You have committed such a serious crime yourself, and I can't save you. If you confess your crime quickly, maybe the adults will be open to you!"

When Lei Dasheng saw that ya servant, he came in front of him. He wanted to tie himself up. Then he looked at Lu Tao, who hadn’t reacted at all. He suddenly said fiercely, “If it wasn’t for you to let me take that child without knowing it. Fallen, how could there be no child! You don’t help me now, Lu Tao, you are still my cousin. For so many years, although you have taken care of me, I have not treated you wrongly! Cruel!"

Lei Dasheng also turned his back.

Lei Dasheng's words made Wan clan scream and fainted, and there was no sound.

"Do you think my cousin really wants this child? Don't be fooled by him. If you give birth to him, the tigress in his family won't have to take his skin off. Then he will now Everything will be confiscated, he has nothing, you will have a baby with him? Wake up!" Lei Dasheng looked savage.

Lu Tao didn't speak for him, so he blamed him and made him confess his guilt!

Now that he has all the evidence and evidence, he should plead guilty. Anyway, death is a death. There is no need to cover it. He just confessed, and by the way, let him back!

"Yes, your child was knocked out by me, but I am not the only culprit, but also your good lover! People don't need children! The high-ranking officials they need are generous, and become masters! You wake up! Wake up, you are a half-old milf, how many years old, you really think he loves you, but just want to find a place to vent, just so, you are young and beautiful! Don’t cause trouble! He needs it This will not delay his future! When the time comes, he will kick it away when he runs out, and he will be appointed as an official, and he can find another younger and more beautiful one!"

"You are talking nonsense!" The lotus yelled, "You are talking nonsense, Master Lu is not such a person!"

The lotus face was full of tears, looking at Lu Tao sadly, heartbroken.

This sad look made those who didn't know it looked at them, and they really wanted to think that this lotus and that Lu Tao would have some unspeakable secret.

"Master Lu, what do you want to explain?" Master Zhao suddenly came with such a cold tone, and Lu Tao was trembling with fright. Then, when his legs became soft, he knelt on the ground without thinking. He kept kowtow and said: "My lord, the next official is confused for a while, and the next official is confused for a while! I beg your sir to see that the next official has only made such a mistake, and forgive the next official! Your lord!"

Lu Tao was bitten by Lei Dasheng, knowing that his crime would definitely be exposed, so he could only ask for forgiveness.

Lord Zhao didn't listen to him, maybe others didn't know the style of the Guo family, but he did.

Before coming to Ruixian County, he had heard a lot about the Guo family in the capital, and he also knew that the husband of the third wife of the Guo family was an official of the Ninth Grade in Liujia Town.

However, I am going to work in Ruixian County, and my husband is under his own hands. Logically speaking, the third wife of the Guo family should send someone to say something nice, but no!

The third wife of the Guo family did not come, nor did the Guo family come!

It's like that Lu Tao is not their family.

Later, he heard that this Lu Tao was a shame to the Guo family. He had been an official of the Ninth Grade for seven or eight years.

Do business, not that piece of material.

It's been seven or eight years, except for occasionally coming back during the New Year's Day, and afterwards, without moving his butt, Lu Tao has no face to go back.

Guo's family did not come, and Lu Tao did not return, just like a stranger.

This, outsiders are hard to say!

However, what kind of family is the Guo family? Although there is only one son-in-law as a fifth-grade official, this Guo family is rich. Don't sell the Guo family for a little bit of face.

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