The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1256: Why the child is missing

As long as Lu Tao doesn't visit her, she can go with the child.

If Lu Tao comes, Wan clan will return to the house to accompany Lu Tao.

Lu Tao gave Wan Shi all the expectations of his rich wife, what is delicious, delicious, and fun, as long as Lu Tao has it, it will be sent to the house.

Every day, Wan Shi sat at home as a rich wife, waiting for Lu Tao's arrival.

After so many years of the rich wife's life, Wan Shi has long been used to it. If this time he and Lu Tao smashed, what would he do in the future!

Wan clan did things very steadily. Seeing Lu Tao’s indifferent appearance, he suddenly understood that Lu Tao was trying to separate himself from him. What kind of people the Guo family was like? After listening to Lu Tao’s words, Wan clan knew a general idea. If he really accidentally annoyed the Guo family, Lu Tao was afraid that he could not eat it.

If Lu Tao became an ordinary citizen, then the good days would be gone!

When Wan Shi thought of this, he immediately adjusted his mentality, stopped angering Lu Tao, and immediately fell silent, without saying a word, and his whole body went down.

Gu Xiaowan discovered this transformation of Wan clan. At the very beginning, Wan clan had grievances towards Lu Tao, but in the blink of an eye, the grievances disappeared, as if trying to hide his sense of existence!

Gu Xiaowan was a little curious at first, but was relieved after thinking about it.

Wan Shi did not pull out Lu Tao, just to protect Lu Tao, Lu Tao was better, she was better too!

It's just that everyone already knows the relationship between Wan Shi and Lu Tao, how can this be hidden if you want to hide it!

Lotus has a look of grief and indignation. Seeing that Wan Shi has stopped speaking, she seems to be pretending to be sensible again, gaining Lu Tao's compassion.

Where does the lotus know what Lu Tao and Wan think in their hearts, and without even thinking about it, they said: "Old vixen, don't think that adults like you, I can tell you that you accidentally seduce an adult and pregnant with an adult child three years ago , The child fell later, do you know how it fell?"

"Shut up!"


Lu Tao and Wan cried almost invariably.

Lu Tao was angry, Wan Shi was panicked.

Lotus just wanted to make Wan clan sad, but she didn't expect to make Lu Tao look like she wanted to kill herself. Lotus was also flustered. She was frightened by the look in Lu Tao's eyes, where she dared to speak.

Master Zhao didn't care about her. He said a little and didn't say anything. This is in the court, where is there any secret, he shouted: "Hurry up and call it out! Otherwise, you will be served with a big punishment!"

If there is a problem, if you don't explain the problem, you still want to conceal it. This can be tortured!

The lotus was scared, and immediately said obediently. It turned out that Wan Shi accidentally became pregnant. At first, he was very happy to tell Lu Tao that Lu Tao was also very happy. Later, he invited Lei Dasheng to give Wan Shi a baby, but I don't know, this baby still hasn't been guaranteed, just like that.

Lu Tao was also very uncomfortable, and followed Wan's heart to say that they did not have that blessing.

Lu Tao kept crying. Although Wan Shi was uncomfortable, seeing that Lu Tao was so sad, he cleared up his emotions and went to comfort Lu Tao.

How did you know that Wan clan actually learned of such news, his eyes widened, and he looked at the lotus: "Is this true?"

At that time, Lei Dasheng prescribed a lot of anti-fetal drugs, all of which were boiled by lotus.

Lotus snorted: "Otherwise, do you think it is really a fetal protection medicine? I took the medicine to the hospital and asked about it. Others told me that this medicine will not give you an immediate miscarriage, but will look like a child. I lost it!"

"Then why didn't you tell me at the time!" Wan Shi shouted out.

That was a life, although it was only in my stomach for a few months, but pregnancy would inspire the motherhood of every woman, and it was the child she had high hopes for, and it was gone.

Can Wanshi not be angry, can he not hurry!

But she thought of spreading this anger on the lotus body: "Did you change my medicine or you! You vicious lady, you always hate me for not putting you on the bed of an adult? Don't you feel bad about me, don't you? You can't hurt me, just hurt my child! Why are you so cruel!"

Wan Shi stumbled to his feet, and rushed towards the lotus, trying to tear it with her.

He ran aside next to the lotus and escaped Wan's pounce: "Wan, I can tell you that I haven't moved at all. You ask me, why don't you ask that Lei Dasheng, but he gives you Medicine prescribed!"

What Lotus didn’t say was why she took the medicine and went to the hospital to see it. She hated Wanshi. Seeing that Wanshi was pregnant this time, she hated it even more, wishing to take Wanshi alive. .

She didn't know about Lu Tao, so she thought that Wan Shi was pregnant, and Master Lu would treat her better in the future. She was jealous and envious in her heart, so she got crooked thinking and wanted to take Wan Shi medicine to go outside. Add some stuff.

Where did she know, she hadn't spoken yet, just let a doctor take a look, and the doctor shook his head and said, which wife is going to have a abortion!

After the lotus asked a few words, she beamed her brows, and did not ask again, so she went back with the medicine.

Sure enough, after a period of time, the Wan's child automatically shed.

The lotus didn't think so much, only knew that the child was dropped, Wan Shi could not threaten Lu Tao, how could he wonder who gave the medicine, and who killed the child!

But now that it is said, the lotus seems to have suddenly thought of something. He glanced at Lei Dasheng who was kneeling in the field, and then turned to look at Lu Tao. Suddenly, a vicious thought broke into his mind.

The lotus was full of excitement, and suddenly became frightened.

Lei Dasheng was caught by Wan Shi, crying and crying: "Why are you killing my child, why are you killing my child, I believe you so! You are Lu Lang's cousin, why are you killing my child?"

Wan cried several times, and suddenly stopped.

She looked at Lei Dasheng who was silent, then looked back at Lu Tao with a cold face, and said in disbelief, "Lu Lang, is that you?"

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