The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1271: Stone agree

"That girl is a tendon!" Seeing that Gu Xiaowan still insisted on Fan Ling, Liu Dazhuang's wife went on to say: "Anping County Lord, I have been in a relationship with the Fan family for many years. This Fan family is indeed a good family. However, this fan family is very clumsy. If you recognize things, you will not change life or death. Take the old man Fan as an example. His wife is gone and he has been a widower for more than ten years. He didn’t want to introduce them to him as much as he did. Just drag the two children to grow up. Finally, Fan Ling’s girl grew up. If a good married woman is like Zhang’s family and his sister-in-law, both of whom are his own, I will open it. The skylight speaks brightly, and I don’t hide it anymore. Your family is a good family, the family of the head of Anping County. If you put a relationship like this, no one would want to curry favor! Besides, your family is a good talker, and life is good. , If that girl gets married, your family will definitely not let the Fan family suffer, right? You will definitely give the Fan family a gift. If there is a gift, then Fan Lian can also marry a wife. That’s great! That girl refused to agree! Hey, such a good person, she didn't want it, and she didn't enjoy her life!" Liu Dazhuang's wife also simply opened the skylight to speak brightly, although the words were a bit straightforward, but the words were rough. Not rough, that is the truth.

"People in my village, you said, there are really many people with girls who ask me about your sister-in-law's situation in your family. I know what they mean, and I know their calculations. I told them not to be blind. Think, the Zhang family is not someone we can climb."

Liu Dazhuang's wife sighed, "It's just that the child doesn't have that good life, so I'm so brainy!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled and said, "Then I am going to visit tomorrow!"

Such a good girl, don't want to put a good life, think there should be something unspeakable.

"Anping County Lord, I'm afraid that girl will say something that makes you unhappy, that girl is a tendon!" Liu Dazhuang's wife quickly said to Gu Xiaowan, for fear that Gu Xiaowan would go to Fan's house then Fan Ling said again Anything that sounds bad will offend Gu Xiaowan.

The county lord of Anping is different from himself!

It doesn't matter if she kicks herself out, but facing the county lord of Anping, even if she makes a mistake, it will be bad if the county lord of Anping is unhappy at that time!

When Gu Xiaowan saw Liu Dazhuang's worrisome appearance, she wanted to worry about Fan Ling.

He said hurriedly: "Sister-in-law Liu, don't worry, since Ms. Fan doesn't have a sweetheart, I can tell her to marry Brother Shitou!"

"Bang" suddenly, there was a sound of heavy objects falling from outside the door.

Aunt Zhang heard it, whispered awful, and hurriedly ran outside, looking worried.

When Gu Xiaowan saw that she ran out too quickly, she saw the stone standing outside with a pale face, and the fruit scattered on the ground.

Gu Xiaowan loves to eat fruits. Every once in a while, Shishi would go to the forest to pick some wild fruits.

Now, all the red or blue wild fruits rolled out of the basket, scattered one by one on the ground.

I saw Shishi looking at Aunt Zhang in disbelief, his eyes looked in front of Aunt Zhang and Gu Xiaowan, and his eyes were filled with unspeakable sadness.

Seeing this, Aunt Zhang hurriedly stepped forward and took the stone's hand, and said with a smile: "Look at this child, I am afraid I am embarrassed. Silly boy, you are not young anymore, and my mother is now helping you find a good girl, then You will love the girl! Xiaowan said that the girl is good, and Xiaowan likes that girl very much. She also said that she will go to the girl's house to propose you a marriage in person!"

In Aunt Zhang’s words, the face of the stone slowly returned a little blood from the pale white just now. His eyes were a little bit dissatisfied and sorrowful. He quickly glanced at Gu Xiaowan’s face, quickly except Aunt Zhang on the side. No one caught the sadness in his eyes.

Aunt Zhang took the stone by the hand and said with a smile constantly, as if she was telling the stone what Gu Xiaowan meant, but the constant and emphatically telling Gu Xiaowan's meaning seemed to remind the stone.

The eyes of the stone looked on the faces of the people in the room, but they didn't stay on anyone's face for a long time. He just glanced lightly, and immediately moved away.

For a long time, he lowered his head and said to Aunt Zhang: "Mother, everything is up to you!"

Then, he squatted down, picked up all the fruits on the ground, and then immediately turned and left.

The people left are still discussing his lifelong events.

When the stone finally left, the lonely and lonely figure made his heart sigh.

Yesterday, I heard Aunt Zhang say that Shishi is against finding a wife. At that time, I wanted Aunt Zhang to communicate with Shishi first, but Gu Xiaowan was too excited to say anything!

How do you know that this matter has just begun, and the stone has already heard it.

Fortunately, the stone agreed!

This is the case in ancient times, the orders of the parents, the words of the matchmaker.

The stone is already eighteen, and he is the only son in the Zhang family. He wants to let Zhang Shu and Aunt Zhang carry his grandson as soon as possible.

Aunt Zhang didn't expect Shitou to agree, she was overjoyed. Although Shishi was very lonely before he left, he promised to marry a wife, which was a good start.

So, I hurriedly pulled Gu Fangxi, Gu Xiaowan, and Liu Dazhuang's wife back into the house to discuss how to persuade the Fan family girl!

It seems that this aunt values ​​the Fan family girl very much.

Gu Xiaowan knew it, and thought that she must persuade the girl Fan to marry Shitou, which was regarded as a wish of Aunt Zhang.

Everyone in the room discussed how to go and talk to the Fan family girl. Gu Xiaowan had an idea in her heart. Seeing that they were in high spirits, she didn't interrupt them.

Drinking tea, I saw their high spirits on the side.

After a long time, they decided how to talk to the Fan family.

Since Gu Xiaowan and Gu Fangxi will go to Fan's house tomorrow, Gu Fangxi memorized everything he had to say. It was not until nothing was lost that the discussion ended. They all looked happy, and they seemed to be able to eat them right away. The stone is like the wedding wine of Fan's girl.

When they finished speaking, it was getting late.

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