The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1273: Stone mind

Several people smiled and said something again. It was really late and they separated.

Aunt Zhang and Gu Fangxi laughed and talked all the way and went to the stove. It was late and they were about to prepare dinner.

Seeing them so happy, Gu Xiaowan was also happy, and followed all the way into the stove.

Aunt Zhang still looks excited, still washing the dishes to be eaten in her hands, and still not forgetting to talk to Aunt Zhang, most of them are about to get married in the future. What should I prepare? There will be more people in the family. Get along, even when the child is born, the nickname is brought up.

"Fangxi, you said that the stone will give birth to me a grandson in the future. What nickname should I marry him? The name of the stone has not been chosen. Just like a stone, it is dull and silent, and even eight sticks can’t make one. Come on!"

Aunt Zhang said dejectedly, the country folks gave their children names, and they naturally took the names that sound and easy to remember. Moreover, because they were afraid that the children would not be able to support them, they would also give them some such as dog eggs and coyote. first name.

However, fortunately, Aunt Zhang did not give the stone names such as "dogdan" and "ergouzi", otherwise

Gu Xiaowan held back her smile and looked at Aunt Zhang's face, which looked a little bit burnt for the name of her grandson in the future.

I saw Gu Fangxi smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, don’t take names like dog eggs or stones anymore. Now there is a ready-made person. When the child is born, he should be named directly. That's it, keep it nice and memorable, and catchy!"

"Who are you looking for?" Aunt Zhang asked curiously.

"Look for Xiao Qin! Listen to Xiao Qin's name, troll it, troll it, and look at how nice the name is. At any rate, it's a child from the scholarly family. This name is extraordinary!" Gu Fang laughed. Said.

"Well, that's right, this name is really good!" Aunt Zhang chewed, then clapped her hands, and it was settled: "Okay, if I have a baby, let Xiao Qin help me choose a name! but"

Thinking of this, Aunt Zhang didn't hesitate, as if she had something on her mind.

"Sister-in-law, what's the matter with you? It was okay just now" Gu Fangxi asked Aunt Zhang's expression with concern.

"Isn't Xiaowan going to the capital soon? I'm afraid Xiaowan and the others won't be here!" Aunt Zhang was a little sad, and sighed: "Xiaowan can go to the capital to celebrate her empress dowager's birthday, that's it. What a terrible thing! You can go to the palace to see the emperor, you can't even think about it, Xiao Wan, this girl, I'm so proud!"

Aunt Zhang was sentimental, reluctant, and proud. The complex emotions were all displayed on her face.

Thinking of this, the work in his hands also stopped, feeling a little.

Standing outside the kitchen, Gu Xiaowan felt that the lively scene just now was a bit frozen.

Aunt Zhang was right. She was going to leave soon, and she didn't know when she would be back. When the time came, she would not know if they could come back when her aunt gave birth!

For so many years, Gu Xiaowan has been living with Aunt Zhang's family and has long regarded them as a family, just like her father, mother and brother.

Seeing her sad, Gu Xiaowan hurriedly walked in and said with a smile: "Auntie, isn't it easy? Then you will go to the capital with us!"

This is not what Gu Xiaowan said on a whim, she had always planned that way!

She wants to enter the capital. There are houses, shops, and restaurants in the capital. Moreover, she is the head of Anping County, as well as the county head’s salary. She felt that she was raised by Aunt Zhang's family when they went to the capital!

I have long been accustomed to living together with everyone. Naturally, Gu Xiaowan still hopes to take them wherever he goes?

Gu Xiaowan's words made Aunt Zhang's mouth open in surprise: "Xiaowan, what are you talking about? You want to take us to the capital?"

"Yeah, this time I enter the capital, I really don't know when I can come back. I'm going to trouble you, and go with me! When the capital is finished, let's come back again, what do you think?" Gu Xiaowan She was very sincere, and Aunt Zhang was a little surprised, and then she was moved.

Feeling a little moist in the corners of her eyes, she hurriedly lowered her head, wiped the corners of her eyes with her sleeves, looked at Gu Xiaowan’s sincere eyes, with a smile at the corners of her mouth, and said, "Silly boy, the capital is so far away, how can we go if we can go? !

"Why can't we go? Let's go in a carriage and we will be there soon!" Gu Xiaowan said hurriedly.

"Your Uncle Zhang's legs and feet are inconvenient, and the stone is going to marry a daughter-in-law again. If this is all gone, Aunt Zhang is a little embarrassed.

If this were to go, wouldn't it be to trouble Gu Xiaowan!

They don't know anything. Gu Xiaowan went to the capital to celebrate her birthday and took them with him. He obviously brought them by and played with them!

Aunt Zhang accepted Gu Xiaowan's kindness, but she couldn't trouble Gu Xiaowan and the others! Not to mention other things, the legs and feet of one's own house remain the same. This is a long journey, and there may be some changes!

"Aunt Zhang, don’t worry. I’ve already made arrangements. When the time comes, let’s go to the capital together. You will have fun in the capital. When we’re done, let’s come back, okay? The capital is so prosperous, you all pay I haven't been! Let's open our eyes!" Gu Xiaowan looked like a child, holding Aunt Zhang's hand and not letting go, her face was childish.

Aunt Zhang didn’t know that Gu Xiaowan wanted to take them to play, but

She looked a little hesitant. Gu Fang on the side saw Aunt Zhang's hesitant look and knew what she was worried about: "Sister-in-law, don't rush to refuse, or discuss with Big Brother and Shishi!"

Aunt Zhang said in a hurry, her eyes were moved.

Gu Xiaowan wanted to take everyone to the capital to see, go around, and appreciate the prosperity of the capital!

"Okay, okay, okay, Xiaowan, you are a good boy! For so many years, my aunt has been by your side, enjoying the blessing!" Aunt Zhang's moved eyes were filled with tears, and one after another fell.

Gu Xiaowan smiled, put her arm around Aunt Zhang’s shoulder, and said with a smile: "Auntie, you take care of me when I don’t know anything. Now that I grow up, I can protect you. I naturally give The best of all is for you!"

At Gu Xiaowan's words, both Aunt Zhang and Gu Fangxi wept in tears. Gu Xiaowan just laughed, holding the two women in her arms, and the three of them in one place. They were moved and happy.

Shishi just carried a bucket of water and walked in. Seeing the three of them holding each other, tears could be seen in the corners of his eyes. Shi hurriedly dropped the bucket in his hand and ran over and exclaimed, "Xiaowan, you What's the matter? Who bullied you?"

Gu Xiaowan wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said with a smile: "Brother Shitou, I'm fine!"

Aunt Zhang also wiped the corners of her eyes with her sleeves. Seeing the nervous look of the stone, she hurriedly laughed and cursed: "This child, your mother is crying, so she won't ask how your mother is."

Gu Xiaowan and Gu Fangxi both laughed. The stone was a little embarrassed, touched his head, a little embarrassed, and smiled awkwardly. His eyes flashed quickly over Gu Xiaowan's smiling face, and he hurried out.

Gu Xiaowan felt nothing and was talking with Gu Fangxi.

Only Aunt Zhang saw the last look in the stone, which contained endless care and love.


Aunt Zhang sighed for a long time.

After dinner, Aunt Zhang cleaned the dishes and chopsticks in the stove. The stone also prepared the firewood and water for tomorrow, and placed them in the stove, and then went to wash.

It is good in summer, with a clean change of clothes, there is a clear water river under the mountain.

Stone took the clothes to be changed later, and went down the mountain.

Looking at the sparkling river water, only a pair of pants was left off the stone and jumped into the clear water, swimming freely in the river.

When he came up, he found that there were more people in the place where he put his clothes, sitting there quietly, as if waiting for him.

When he approached, Shishi realized that the one sitting there waiting for him was his own mother!

After washing the dishes, Aunt Zhang went down to the mountain and waited for the stones.

There are some things that are not convenient to say at home, so I still have to come out!

The stone wiped the water off his body with a clean cloth towel, and he never said anything, but he thought about the meaning of the mother's coming at this time!

Thinking of what happened at home today, Shiyoumo also guessed what Aunt Zhang would say to him later.

The stone was dressed, and the mother and the child were sitting side by side, and no one spoke first.

There is no moon tonight, but in the sky, the bright stars are bright, like blinking eyes.

And in the fields, the croaking of the frogs and the sound of the flowing water of the small river.

Seeing that his mother didn't speak, Shishi let go of his mind and listened carefully to the voice of nature.

"Stone, mother is looking for a wife for you, are you not opposed?" Aunt Zhang said quietly at this moment.

She kept looking ahead, and did not wait for the stone to reply, but heard a small voice. When she turned her head, she saw the stone lying on the grass with her head resting on her hands, her bright eyes looking at the shining stars in the sky.

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