The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1275: Go to mediate


Gu Xiaoyi didn't know that there were so many steps to become a relationship, but he wanted to meet Brother Shishi's future wife.

"Then which matchmaker are you going to go to?" Gu Xiaoyi was very obedient, and would not go when she saw her sister and aunt suggested not to go.

At this point, Gu Xiaowan was very relieved.

Aunt Zhang said with a smile: "It's the Fan family, the eldest girl from the Fan family, Fan Ling, Xiao Yi, have you ever heard of it?"

Fan Ling? Gu Xiaoyi chewed the name, and thought of the girl with a loud voice and vigorous effort. She rented the land from the house at home. The girl worked in the fields all year round, and her complexion was a little dark.

Gu Xiaoyi nodded: "Okay, then I won't go today. I will embroider some nice beddings at home and give them to Brother Shitou and sister-in-law."

Only then did Gu Xiaoyi understand why her sister dressed like this, thinking that the clothes she was wearing today would be completely inappropriate if she went there, so she would be sensible.

Aunt Zhang was so happy when she heard that Gu Xiaowan wanted to embroider the bedding.

Gu Xiaoyi’s craftsmanship is now available in the town, but if you have money, you don’t have to buy it. Many ladies look for the dragon and phoenix on Gu Xiaoyi’s embroidered clothes before they go out of the pavilion. The people who come to find Gu Xiaoyi’s embroideries have a long line Team up.

Gu Xiaoyi only embroiders when she wants to. If she doesn't want to do it, she won't be able to get her to do it with no amount of money.

Now, Gu Xiaoyi personally said that he wanted to embroider the quilt, which would make Aunt Zhang happy.

"Xiao Yi, that aunt thanked you first. No one can ask for it. You even helped me make a bedding." Aunt Zhang narrowed his eyes and was very happy.

Gu Xiaoyi was obedient, and Gu Xiaowan nodded appreciatively.

Everything was almost ready, Gu Xiaowan also asked Zuo to bring over what she had prepared, and gave Aunt Zhang and others a look: "This is the set of prominence that I saw in the town yesterday. It looks pretty good, so I thought To give it to the future sister-in-law, it happens that today I am going to the future sister-in-law's house, and I just passed this thing together, which is regarded as a meeting gift for the future sister-in-law!"

Gu Xiaowan bought a set of gold ornaments. A gold hairpin is also inlaid with a red gem. The workmanship is exquisite and the price is very high at first glance.

Aunt Zhang saw it, and hurriedly waved her hand and declined: "Xiao Wan, I can't ask for such a valuable thing!"

"Auntie, it's not for you, but for my future sister-in-law! I'll just stone this brother!" Gu Xiaowan explained that Aunt Zhang refused to accept it.

"No, no! Too expensive!" Aunt Zhang insisted on not accepting it, her face resolute.

At the side, Zuo saw Aunt Zhang's resolute look and smiled inwardly.

Yesterday the girl was in the town, but she spent a lot of money and bought a lot of stones for marriage. If she knew about it, would she be too scared to close her mouth.

Gu Xiaowan's action is so generous, naturally because of the Zhang family.

Zuo knows the kindness of Zhang's family to Gu Xiaowan. This time, Stone wants to marry a wife, it is the same as Gu Xiaowan's brother wants to marry a wife.

Gu Xiaowan naturally had to prepare everything he could prepare.

If this is the case, Aunt Zhang’s family doesn’t need to prepare anything at all, as long as they are prepared to welcome their daughter-in-law.

A Zuo had heard Ah Mo said about those hard days that Gu Xiaowan had had before. Naturally, he also heard that when the girl was about to die without food and drink, it was Aunt Zhang's family who pulled Gu Xiaowan and the others over.

With this one, Gu Xiaowan is a person of love and justice, she will remember it for a lifetime.

Thinking of this, Zuo couldn't help but stand in awe of Gu Xiaowan, so that the woman the master could fall in love with, wanted to give birth to an ordinary woman!

Gu Xiaowan didn't say anything about buying things in the town yesterday, but just took the things in A's left hand and said, "Auntie, I gave this thing to my future sister-in-law!"

"But" Aunt Zhang was a little worried, this thing is so expensive, if they take it, they will definitely not be able to take it out, if the Fan family girl is again with the stone because of this precious jewelry, what can be done!

Gu Xiaowan seemed to see Aunt Zhang's hesitation, and said with relief: "Auntie, I know what you are thinking, don't worry, the daughter-in-law that Brother Shitou is going to marry is definitely a good wife!"

Aunt Zhang didn't know why Gu Xiaowan was so determined, but seeing her so determined look, she was relieved.

Seeing that it was late, Gu Xiaoyi and Aunt Zhang sent Gu Xiaowan and Gu Fangxi out the door, and when they arrived in the yard, they saw the stone jumping off the carriage, thinking that they had already prepared their things.

Ahmad also stood aside, checking the reins of the carriage.

Before Gu Xiaowan got into the car, she looked at: "Where is Liu's sister-in-law?"

"Oh, she is waiting for us at the entrance of the village!" Gu Fangxi answered hurriedly.

Ah Mo moved a stool and let Gu Xiaowan and Gu Fangxi get into the carriage. Aunt Zhang looked at the people in the carriage with a nervous expression on her face, and said uncomfortably, "Fangxi, this time, it's all up to you!"

Looking at the stone on the side, his face was cold, as if the person who wanted to marry a wife was not like him.

Seeing the qualitative differences between the two of them, Gu Xiaowan felt amused. She chuckled, poked her head out of the carriage, and said to Shishi, "Brother Shishi, why are you so stern? Worried? Don't worry, I will bring this sister-in-law back for you!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled, revealing the two rows of white teeth, one by one like jade carvings, white as jade.

The ruddy face of a baby, with a smile, the sun behind him seemed to be enveloped in a fairy air, like a fairy falling from the sky, the stone looked a little silly.

Fortunately, Aunt Zhang on the side hurriedly pulled off his sleeves, and Shishi reacted, his eyes immediately moved away, and his face immediately turned bright red, as if he was about to bleed.

Seeing the shy look of the stone, Gu Xiaowan laughed, covering her mouth, and then she drew back into the carriage. Seeing that she was seated, Ah Mo saw her seated, and the horse slammed away with the whip.

Seeing the carriage left, Gu Xiaoyi was still thinking about the bedding cover he had promised to make for the stone. He greeted Aunt Zhang and the stone and went into the house.

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