The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1284: Sun's mother and daughter make trouble

Many people have heard Sun Xi'e's cursing, and they all looked at Gu Xiaowan one by one.

I thought I was meeting an angry and hysterical Gu Xiaowan, but I didn't know it, but I saw Gu Xiaowan calmly walking downstairs with an unbearable anger on her face, but she was very calm.

The cold breath that radiated from the whole body made people unbearable to look straight. The surrounding guests were all under Gu Xiaowan's strong breath. No one dared to speak, let alone nonsense.

Gu Ningping, who was in the back kitchen, also rushed over immediately. Hearing the sound at the door, Gu Fangxi and Aunt Zhang were going crazy, and shouted angrily: "Sun Xi'e, shut up!"

Gu Fangxi and Aunt Zhang rushed to the door directly, and then there was a slap after slap.

In addition to this, there was a weak female voice, scolding diligently: "Don't hit my mother, don't hit my mother!"

With that beautiful voice, besides Gu Xintao, who else would there be!

Those crowds spontaneously made way for Gu Xiaowan. Gu Xiaowan held her head high and walked to the door with great dignity. She saw Gu Fangxi and Aunt Zhang holding Sun Xi'e, who had already shaved their heads, and the other kept slapping her.

The beautiful voice next to him was Gu Xintao standing far away, begging for mercy in a grievance: "Brother Qin, please, they stop, my mother didn't mean it!"

After a few years of absence, Gu Xintao has become more and more peculiar, her face is already fair and pleasant, and her red clothes lined her face like white jade. The pointed face of sweet potatoes, with the rosy lips after applying the mouth fat, and the big watery eyes, filled with tears, between sobbing and grievance, it highlights the tenderness of the daughter's family.

At this moment, she was a little far away from Qin Yizhi's station. When Qin Yizhi rushed out from nowhere, she and her mother hadn't seen her yet, and she was slapped by someone. It was really ruthless, even a few teeth were knocked out.

Seeing Sun's mouth full of blood and spitting out a large mouthful of blood, there were several teeth, and Gu Xintao jumped far away in fright.

I was afraid that Qin Yizhi's slap would slap his face. If his teeth were also lost, then his appearance would be ruined!

Gu Xintao jumped far away. Fortunately, after Qin Yizhi had beaten the Sun family, he didn't do anything anymore. Instead, he stood at the gate of Jinfu Tower, his slender and jade-like figure looked like a god!

The worry about the Sun family just now turned to ashes. In his eyes, there was only the immortal man in front of him.

Gu Xintao faced Qin Yizhi again, and what followed was unexpected ecstasy.

With a joyful expression on her face, she was about to go forward and talk to Qin Yizhi, wherever she was concerned with the heartbreaking Sun cries.

Had it not been for Gu Fangxi and Aunt Zhang to rush out and beat Sun's family again, Gu Xintao would have already walked over and had a chat with Qin Yizhi.

She was just about to move, with the signature smile that she thought was the most beautiful and most irritating on her face, and she was about to leave. Suddenly, two people rushed out from behind Qin Yizhi. Before she could see clearly, she saw those two. The individual hugged Sun's waist and gave him another beating. The beating Sun screamed like killing a pig during the New Year.

Gu Xintao was completely stunned, and the smile that had just started to shake and the footsteps that had just moved were so suffocated.

Seeing Sun's being beaten, Gu Xintao dared to step forward to stop her, fearing that her fists and feet would not have eyes, what would happen if she hurt her!

She has to hide far away, if she hurts her beautiful face, then her life will be over.

Thinking of this, Gu Xintao took a step back unconsciously.

However, it suddenly occurred to me that the one who was beaten was my own mother, and if I, as a daughter, didn't come forward to save her, what others would say about myself at that time!

Thinking of this, Gu Xintao took a few steps forward. After standing still, tears filled his eyes. Looking at the scene of fighting, I felt distressed: "Auntie, Aunt Zhang, please, don’t beat my mother. , Don't hit my mother! If you want to hit me, hit me!"

Gu Xintao stood a few steps away from them, and yelled tenderly and distressedly. With tears in her eyes and her crying and uncomfortable appearance, she really is a good daughter of filial piety!

Gu Xintao cried a few times, and when no one was paying attention to her, she turned her gaze to Qin Yizhi who was aside.

At this moment, I was naturally rained by pear blossoms. With such a pleasant appearance, Brother Qin would definitely feel distressed when he saw him.

"Brother Qin, please, let them stop, that's my mother!" Gu Xintao's cry was called a heartbreaking, whining sound.

Qin Mozhi remained unmoved and never even glanced at her.

Gu Xintao glanced at Qin Yizhi secretly through the tearful veil, and felt anxious when he saw that he was motionless.

He has grown so beautiful, why doesn't he look at himself!

Gu Xintao's heart is itchy, and Qin Yizhi has been entrenched in her heart for so many years.

That handsome face, that Yushu's appearance in the wind, and the gentleness that can drown people with a smile, Gu Xintao remembered everything in her heart and imprinted it in her mind, becoming her criteria for finding a man.

It's just that Liujia Town didn't have it. When I went to Ruixian, I looked around, but it still didn't!

Gu Xintao was inevitably lost. She had seen someone richer and more powerful than Qin Yizhi, but she had never seen one with one percent of Qin Yi's style. This made her feel unfair.

In this life and this world, if you can have a relationship with such an outstanding man, you will have no regrets even if you die.

Moreover, when we met this time, Qin Yizhi became more and more exciting, such a notorious man, standing next to her, naturally should be a woman with such a beautiful appearance, not Gu Xiaowan's faceless woman!

Gu Xintao thought this way, leaving everything behind her head, raising her leg and crying and leaning towards Qin Yizhi.

The tender hand stretched towards Qin Mozhi's arm, as if there were countless grievances in his heart, waiting to talk to Qin Mozhi.

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