The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1291: Party celebration

Can't control so much!

Yun'er said well, not a gentleman with a small amount, and a non-toxic husband.

As long as you can get Gu Xiaowan and don't show her feet, she can do it anyway!

The two of them left without paying attention to a pair of sulky eyes staring at them behind them.

Jin Fu Lou has opened a big bargain these few days, and the benefits of discounts that have never been seen before can all be enjoyed in these few days. Those diners don’t think how beautiful they are. The restaurant is full of guests.

Gu Xiaowan smiled like a little money fan. Early in the morning, she would recheck Liang Yucheng's accounts. Not to mention, this kid is really attentive and talented. Although the data is very complicated, it is still a big deal. The pen is not wrong.

Moreover, the accounts on the board are clear, neat and tidy, like a level that can only be achieved by an accountant who has worked for decades.

Gu Xiaowan looked very satisfied, and would give the young child spiritual encouragement from time to time.

After the opening of the big bargaining event was cancelled, everyone gathered in the Jinfu Building that night and sent away the last guest, Gu Xiaowan and their activities, officially began.

Hot pot, fine wine, although it is late at night, everyone is still happy and excited.

Although the restaurant was engaged in activities these days, according to the calculated accounts, thousands of taels of silver were steadily earned in the purse. Gu Xiaowan was not stingy, and she took out some silver from her private money to reward everyone.

This is what she and Qin Yizhi had discussed before. The boys each got five taels of silver, Liang Yucheng got seven taels, and Gao Zi and Fatty Li each got ten taels.

Gaozi and Fatty Li saw that Gu Xiaowan wanted to send them money. How dare to ask for it. Although in the past, as long as Jinfulou's business was good, the shopkeeper would give them money. In addition to monthly money, they did not receive less reward.

The treatment of the chefs in the restaurant in Liujia Town is several times that of other restaurants.

This has to be rewarded again. Where else would Gaozi and Fatty Li ask for, he waved his hand and said that this is what he should do, and if he wants to send it, send it to other people!

Liang Yucheng and the guy who used to work in the restaurant didn't accept it either.

Those new guys have been here for a few days. After a few days of busy work, they will get rewards, and all of them are shocked. They have heard about the benefits of Jinfulou. However, I have never heard of it so good!

Just a few days later, they paid out fifty taels of silver. That was their monthly money for months!

Gu Xiaowan was slightly drunk and a little drunk. She waved her big hand and said boldly: "Let you take it, and you will take it. As long as you work well in Jinfulou, Jinfulou will never treat you badly!"

Indeed, Jin Fulou has never treated anyone wrongly.

Even the few guys of Gu Xiaowan who took a bite back, Gu Xiaowan has calculated their monthly money, and each gave them a little more money. With such a heart and tolerance, I ask, the whole Liujiazhen is better than that. she was!

Seeing that they were not accepting them, Gu Xiaowan was slightly annoyed, and continued: "Master Gao and Master Li, you are the veterans of Jinfulou. When Uncle Li was here before, how much he respected you two, only I know, now that Uncle Li went to the capital, I took over Jinfu Tower, and I respect you as elders! Jinfu Tower belongs to me, but also to all of us. As long as we work together for Jinfu Tower, Each of us has the right to enjoy the benefits brought to us by Jin Fu Lou." Gu Xiaowan said sincerely, Gao Zi and Fatty Li were also very moved.

They all gathered up, Liang Yucheng didn't say much, and moved away the money in front of him. Then, the other guys also accepted the money one after another.

Seeing that they had all accepted, Gu Xiaowan poured a glass of wine, and said happily, "Come on, to our better life in the future, toast."


Everyone drank too much this night.

Gu Xiaowan was very happy. One was Jinfulou, and the other was Brother Shitou. For this reason, she also toasted Shitou and Fan Ling's wine.

"Brother Stone, Miss Fan is a good girl, you should treat her well! Don't bully others!" Gu Xiaowan said to Shi.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Fan Ling and said, "Sister Fan, my brother Stone is a good person, old solid wood, not talkative, and don't bully him!"

Gu Xiaowan glared at the two of them, with a pair of red eyes, each with a word of warning.

Fan Ling blushed, glanced at the stone shyly, and nodded with a shy smile. However, Shishi suddenly lowered his head and left the table quickly.

Everyone just thought of the stone as being shy, pointing to his back and laughing: "Look at the stone, this is going to be a bridegroom official, look at him! Haha"

"That's right, I'm going to be the groom's official soon, I'm afraid it's bashful! What's so bashful about this, everyone has to go through this step! You feel bashful now, you will feel beautiful in the future. Haha"

This table became dear, except for a few people from Gu Yuan, there were only Gaozi and Fatty Li.

Gu Yuan’s people wouldn’t make jokes with stones like this, naturally only Gaozi and Fatty Li said this.

Gu Xiaowan drank her red eyes, and then smiled heartlessly.

Qin Yizhi held her hand tightly on the side, holding it in the palm of her palm, her eyebrows had never been shifted, and her eyes kept falling on Gu Xiaowan's body.

Seeing some broken hair sticking to her lips near her ears, Qin Yizhi leaned over her body and intimately hooked the strand of hair on her lips behind her ears.

Gu Xiaowan seemed to be used to it.

Gaozi and Fatty Li also saw it, laughed, and teased Qin Yizhi and Gu Xiaowan.

"The shopkeeper, we will be able to drink the wedding wine of Stone soon. I don't know when we can drink the wedding wine of Lord Qin!" Gao Zi laughed loudly.

Suddenly there was silence on the table.

No one noticed that after hearing this sentence, the stone that had already walked away was in a mess, and almost fell to the ground because it was almost unsteady.

Fortunately, there was a wall on the side, so I held on and stood firm.

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