The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1294: Come back home

Shishi looked at Gu Xiaowan who was a little drunk in a daze, but didn't notice at all. A pair of distressed eyes were watching him.

Just now in the firewood room, Fan Ling heard the conversation between Shishi and Aunt Zhang.

The mood is ups and downs.

The stone is smaller than herself. After so many years of contact, Fan Ling knows what a stone is like!

Although he doesn't like to talk, his heart is good.

Knowing that the conditions in their homes are not good, the stones are quite good for them.

If something happens in the field, the stone is always the first to arrive, and Fan Yu always calls his elder brother affectionately.

Knowing that he was going to marry Stone this time, Fan Yu was the first to approve it with his hands. Even if he did not agree the first time, Fan Yu was still secretly trying to persuade himself.

However, his decision was made, Fan Yu just persuaded him, and did not say much.

Fan Ling is both grateful and touched by such a family.

Seeing Fan Ling standing up, her eyes were a little burnt. Everyone looked at her, only to see that her somewhat dark face turned into a blush, and under the bright candlelight, there was also a kind of daughter's tenderness.

Fan Ling read "Xiaowan" incorrectly for a long time before she learned to call Gu Xiaowan's name.

His eyes were a little excited: "Xiaowan, sister thank you!"

Thank you for moving me and giving me such a good home.

Having said that, he raised his neck and drank the water and wine in the glass in one breath.

This jade drunk has a mellow taste in the mouth, and it doesn't choke when you drink it. It feels like a piece of silky silk, sliding directly into the mouth, into the throat, and into the belly.

This wine is really good!

Even Fan Ling, a person who has never drunk, thought the wine was really sweet.

This move by Fan Ling opened everyone’s eyes. Gu Xiaowan obviously drank a bit too much. Seeing Fan Ling drank a drink so boldly, she was not resigned to showing weakness. She was full of wine and wanted to drink. Qin Yizhi on the side quickly stopped. , Poured her wine into his mouth.

Gu Xiaowan glared at him: "Why are you drinking my wine?"

Qin Yizhi said softly, "Wan'er, you are drunk, and you should feel uncomfortable at night if you drink it."

Although this wine is delicious, it has some stamina. I remember that once, she was greedy for a cup and drank two more cups. When she went to bed at night, she was like a piglet. Overnight.

Although, that is also happy.

However, if Wan'er feels uncomfortable, he is happy to thank Bumin.

With an empty cup in her hand, Fan Ling watched the interaction between Qin Yizhi and Gu Xiaowan with a smile.

What kind of person is Qin Yizhi? Fan Ling has seen him a few times from a distance, and felt that this person who looked like a god, with seven emotions and six desires, turned out to be as beautiful as a painting.

And Gu Xiaowan is a legend among women, a legend among legends!

Such a woman should be accompanied by the kind of heroic man who is proud of the world! Sure enough, I saw Shishi’s face getting darker, but in the end, there was a grin at the corner of his mouth, but he was sincerely happy for Gu Xiaowan.

As long as Xiaowan is well, he is happy.

In the future, I will also have a lover, and I must take back all my thoughts about Gu Xiaowan and treat my future wife wholeheartedly.

Shishi thought of Fan Ling, thinking of her chic movements just now when she was drinking, Shishi was a little moved.

This is his future wife, the person to spend his life with!

Shishi turned his head and took a quick look at Fan Ling, only to find that Fan Ling was also looking at herself with joy, the tenderness in her eyes.

Shishi's complexion immediately turned red, and he turned his head hurriedly, picked up the chopsticks in front of him, quickly used the chopsticks to clamp a bowl of dishes in front of him, clamped a chopsticks meat, and quickly put the meat into Fan Ling's bowl.

Then he turned his head quickly, not daring to look at Fan Ling again.

Fan Ling was a little surprised at first, followed by ecstasy.

The action of the stone picking vegetables for her just now exceeded her imagination!

Aunt Zhang on the side was even more happy, seeing the interaction between Shishi and Fan Ling, and her brows were happy.

Stone is a good boy, he knows what to do!

Fan Ling is also a good boy, she deserves someone to treat her sincerely!

After eating, Gu Xiaowan couldn't say a word that was already drunk. Using Qin Yizhi's hand as a pillow, she leaned on the table and fell asleep.

Seeing that she was drunk, Qin Yizhi ended the celebration banquet with the opportunity. Everyone had a good time and returned with satisfaction.

Stone drove the carriage to the door, Qin Yizhi held Gu Xiaowan in his arms, and surrounded her tightly with a wide robe, leaving only one face exposed outside.

An originally white face glowed with redness because of drinking too much.

Qin Mozhi's general Gu Xiaowan hugged him tightly, and even her alcoholic breath sprayed on his neck with bursts of tingling.

After getting into the carriage one after another, Gu Fang was pleased to see Qin Yizhi holding Gu Xiaowan in his arms, and hurriedly said: "Xiao Qin, there is still a little distance from going home. You can put Xiaowan down and save you. Tired."

On the way, holding the same posture for so long, I am afraid that my hands will be sore.

Even when he got on the carriage, Qin Yizhi still held Gu Xiaowan in his arms, still in the same posture as he had just come up, without moving at all.

Qin Yizhi shook his head: "No need!"

When Gu Fangxi saw Qin Yizhi said no, he didn't speak any more, but looked at the little man with only his face exposed outside in the parcel in his arms, and he didn't speak.

Although I have been with Qin Mozhi for a long time, Gu Fangxi is still a little afraid of him.

Qin Yizhi's body seemed to have the aura of a noble family, just looking down and looking up made people a little suffocating.

Gu Fangxi walked away from him by the way, and sat with Aunt Zhang.

It happened to be close to the stone driving the car.

The stone was driving the carriage outside, and Fan Ling didn't come in either, she also sat outside, accompanied by the stone.

The night wind was slightly cool, and the stone drove the carriage to Gu Yuan.

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