The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1295: Furniture arrived

And Fan Ling's next sentence surprised Aunt Zhang even more.

"I'm not going in!" Fan Ling didn't expect that Shishi would call her to go in, talk to her, and still tell her to let her in, she couldn't help but be a little surprised, and said with a little squat.

"Go in, it's cold outside!" Stone said emphatically.

After saying this, he did not dare to look at Fan Ling again, and drove the carriage in front of him wholeheartedly.

"I'm not going in!" Fan Ling said stubbornly, and the next sentence made Shishi forget to wave his horse whip: "I will accompany you outside here!"

Shishi was a little confused. He was a talkative person, so naturally he didn't know how to take the next words.

Fan Ling's voice was a little low, naturally she said such a sentence in a shy manner.

The stone's whip swinging stopped immediately, and the horse slowed down a bit.

Aunt Zhang in the carriage was very excited, and even her eyes lit up in this night.

Hearing the movement outside, Gu Fangxi also covered his mouth and chuckled, whispering in Aunt Zhang's ear: "These two children, it seems that they will both hurt people from now on. Sister-in-law, you just wait for your grandson next year! "

Then, I felt the carriage stop, and then heard the sound of the stone: "Mother, take a small blanket inside!"

Aunt Zhang quickly handed out a small blanket next to him and gave it directly to the stone.

After receiving the stone, he directly gave it to Fan Ling who was aside: "Here you are, put it on, it's not cold!"

Fan Ling took it, put the blanket on her body, and immediately blocked the slightly cool night breeze outside. It was indeed not cold anymore. Not only was it not cold, but it was also warm in her heart!

Aunt Zhang retracted into the carriage again with a smile, got into the carriage, and closed her mouth happily. Gu Fangxi was also happy for Aunt Zhang. The two communicated silently, sharing joy.

Qin Yizhi sat inside with his arms around Gu Xiaowan, and did not speak, but if Aunt Zhang and the others looked at Qin Yizhi, he could see that his complexion was very soft, and there was a rare softness all over his body.

In this way, the busy time begins.

Originally, all the rooms in Gu Yuan had been renovated, and the inside was empty, just to add things.

Aunt Zhang has not been idle during this time, saying that she is going to the town to buy everything.

Gu Fangxi told her not to go. There was still a room in the house with everything in it, so I just stayed there.

Aunt Zhang disagreed, saying that they shouldn't live in Gu Yuan originally. Now that the stones are married and have to occupy a house alone, it is even more troublesome. She said that after so many years, she has accumulated a little money on hand. , And, for a child like Shishi, naturally he has to spend his own money.

Gu Fang couldn't help her, so he had to give up. When the two invited them to buy a bed in the wood shop, no one knew that someone had already arrived at the door.

Cars full of things.

Aunt Zhang went to open the door, and when she saw outside, several cars were filled with things, and she was a little curious: "Did you send the wrong thing? We didn't need these things at home!"

Those who sent the goods, looked at the things in their hands, and shouted affectionately: "Sister, we did not send it wrong, the customers who bought the things left the address here!"

Aunt Zhang was puzzled, and saw the guys moving things down.

What kind of furniture such as beds, stools, tables, chairs, couches, brand-new Huanghuali, the group of guys moved down carefully.

The person who was talking to Aunt Zhang also told them to be very careful, saying that it was the furniture that the guests used to get married, and they shouldn’t bump into it.

Aunt Zhang is very strange, even Gu Fangxi on the side is very strange.

This person said that someone in the family was going to get married, so it was not wrong, but who ordered this thing?

"Did Xiaowan ordered it?" Gu Fangxi asked suddenly.

When I heard that Shitou was going to get married, Xiao Wan was very happy, saying that there was a happy event in the family, but she had to take care of it for Brother Shitou.

Moreover, Aunt Zhang didn't go shopping, so the only possibility to buy was Gu Xiaowan.

Aunt Zhang guessed it in an instant, and she was shocked when she saw that the carriage was full of dangling things.

Aunt Zhang didn't come back to her senses until the guy asked her affectionately which room to put the things in.

Gu Fangxi on the side hurriedly led the people inside: "Come and come, put it in this room!"

Gu Fangxi took them into the house. Aunt Zhang was still standing there, her face changed from surprise at the beginning to excitement at the end, and then she walked quickly into the house.

He went straight to the door of Gu Xiaowan's room and knocked on the door. The door opened from the inside, and it was Qin Yizhi who opened the door.

"Xiao Qin, is Xiao Wan up yet?" Gu Xiaowan drank too much last night. The child likes to sleep when he drinks too much. However, she has a lot of gratitude to say to Xiaowan, she can't wait!

Seeing Aunt Zhang's excited look, Qin Yi shook his head and said softly: "Not yet, she is still asleep."

Aunt Zhang heard this, her face was a little disappointed, she stretched her head and looked in, but did not come in, and then said: "Xiao Qin, if Xiao Wan gets up, you just call me, I have something to tell her !"

Qin Yizhi nodded, and Aunt Zhang was full of excitement and gratitude, thinking that she did have something to say to Xiaowan.

Thinking of what Xiaowan told her a few days ago, Qin Yizhi also guessed what Aunt Zhang was going to say.

So she said, "Auntie, Xiaowan said that you are her family, Shishi is her own brother, and her brother is married. As a younger sister, she must do the best for her brother! This is Xiaowan's one. With all your heart, you must never let down!"

Aunt Zhang came over, thinking that she wanted to give Gu Xiaowan money. For so many years, the Zhang family lived in Gu Yuan for nothing. They collected money from renters on the ground every year, and Xiaowan gave them money every year. Less dividends.

They don't need to spend money, and they have saved a lot of money after so many years. This time the stone married, it is naturally the Zhang family's business, how can Xiaowan spend it!

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