The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1318: Zhao Mansion Talks About Things

"Girl, I watched the night at Hong's house yesterday. Fan Yu was not at Hong's house. However, I also discovered a strange thing, Gu Xintao and Sun were at Hong's house!" Zuo entered Gu Xiaowan's room , I saw Gu Xiaowan being held in Qin Yizhi's arms, and the two were very close.

Zuo had already become accustomed to it, and lowered his head slightly.

When Gu Xiaowan saw this, she blushed and hurriedly broke away from Qin Yizhi's embrace. Fortunately, her clothes were only slightly wrinkled. Gu Xiaowan stood up and stood in front of Zuo.

Qin Yi's face was so neat that he stood up and stood beside Gu Xiaowan.

Zuo talked about Hong's family, but Gu Xiaowan felt a little strange when she heard: "Mother and daughter of Sun's family are with Hong's?"

"Well, I saw the two of them, mother and daughter!" Azuo replied swearingly.

That's really weird. Why did Gu Xintao confront the Hong clan again?

"Brother Yizhi, what do you think?" Gu Xiaowan turned her head and asked like Qin Yizhi.

Seeing Qin Yizhi touching his chin, he smiled and said, "This thing is getting more and more fun."

Not to mention, before going to the capital, I also played with them, didn't you want to hurt Gu Xiaowan?

Let them know, dare to make Wan'er's idea, and don't see how much they have guts!

When Gu Xiaowan found Zhao Xun, Zhao Xun was in the ancestral house.

The little servant who opened the door saw Gu Xiaowan coming, and happily led Gu Xiaowan in, and the other one ran non-stop to inform Mrs. Zhao.

Madam Zhao and Zhao Xun were having breakfast. When someone came to report that Gu Xiaowan was here, there was a touch of surprise on the faces of Zhao Xun and his wife: "Why is the county lord of Anping here?"

"You ask me, I still ask you! Do you know?" Zhao Xun also looked puzzled.

"I don't know, I haven't had any contact with the county lord of Anping during this time!" Madam Zhao said in surprise.

"Hey, I told you to move more with the county lord of Anping. This is good for Cong'er's future, but it is beneficial and not harmful!" Zhao Xun said angrily when he heard Madam Zhao's words.

Madam Zhao mumbled: "You think I don't want to interact with her, but you don't know the temper of the county lord of Anping. I want to get along with her all the time, but she doesn't agree with her! It's hard for her. I hate our family Cong'er, I am already Amitabha, if I accidentally annoyed her and made her have a bad impression of our family, wouldn’t it be worth the loss? It’s not as good as it is now!"

Mrs. Zhao is a smart person.

Nowadays, Gu Xiaowan, the head of Anping County, is the most popular person in Liujia Town, and a guy who doesn't eat hard and soft. Although she is a daughter, she is more bold than a man.

In the past, Madam Zhao wanted Gu Xiaowan to be her daughter-in-law, but later, after bumping into a few walls at Gu Xiaowan's place, she also lost this thought.

Such a powerful girl, even ten of them, are not Gu Xiaowan's opponents, let alone the ugly Cong'er who has been doted by herself since childhood.

Wasn't that what Gu Xiaowan ate to death?

After thinking about it, forget it.

Since then, Mrs. Zhao has never thought of Gu Xiaowan as her daughter-in-law, and the relationship with Gu Xiaowan has gradually separated.

It's a blessing in disguise, and I'm not too flattering, nor too entangled. The relationship between Madam Zhao, Cong'er and Gu Xiaowan is also quite good.

Although I can't be a good friend, I am not an enemy, I am not!

Zhao Xun heard Mrs. Zhao's thoughts more than once.

He had never looked down upon Madam Zhao before, thinking that this woman was a bit sour and mean, but later, he slowly realized that his wife had more brains than Na Hong.

If there is anything, I can give myself some suggestions. It turns out that she has good ideas.

In this way, slowly, Zhao Xun looked at this genuine lady with admiration for the first time, the trust he has now.

"Madam's words are reasonable. Cong'er can't marry her, and can't eat her. It's better to be a little apart from each other, and it's a good choice not to attract her hate! Madam is brilliant!" Zhao Xun nodded and said to Madam Zhao. Good idea!

Madam Zhao looked flattered and hurriedly said: "Where am I so clever? These things are not all taught by the master on weekdays! Have I only learned this!"

Sure enough, as soon as I finished saying this, I saw Zhao Xun's proud face, which was very useful. The eyes that looked at me became more gentle.

Madam Zhao also secretly smiled in her heart, thinking about the hard life she had had before, she really asked for it herself.

This Zhao Xun is obviously a child, so I'm so happy with a few more noises.

The two of them looked very useful, and when they were ready, they went to the lobby, but the county lord of Anping was with them, and they couldn't even see them on weekdays.

When the husband and wife arrived in the lobby, they saw Gu Xiaowan standing in the middle of the lobby with a laid-back look.

"I don't know if the county lord of Anping is coming here. I have missed a long way to welcome him. I hope that the county lord of Anping will not blame it!" Zhao Xun said to Gu Xiaowan respectfully with a smile on his face when he saw Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan is the person with the highest status in Liu Jiazhen. Of course, she has received Zhao Xun's worship, but this Zhao Xun is also an elder. Gu Xiaowan also paid him a salute: "Master Zhao is polite, Xiaowan comes here uninvited. I hope Master Zhao and Madam Zhao will not blame Xiaowan!"

"The county owner is really polite. We don't have the qualifications to see the county owner on weekdays. Today, the county owner is coming here. That's Zhao Jiapeng's brilliance!" Madam Zhao also smiled and went forward to pull Gu Xiaowan's hand warmly smiled.

Gu Xiaowan couldn't say that she was disgusted with this Madam Zhao. Although this person had told herself a matchmaker before, but now that this person gets along with herself, she is respectful and polite.

Moreover, Zhao Zicong, I heard others say that he is a dude, but in the face of him, he has never acted like a scorpion, and Gu Xiaowan does not hate this family.

"Master Zhao, Mrs. Zhao, Xiao Wan is also a straight-forward person. To bother you today, there is really something that requires Master Zhao to help Xiaowan!" After everyone sat down, Gu Xiaowan said bluntly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Xun's face changed: "Is the Anping County Lord need to help me in peace matters? Anping County Lord, please say, if you can help me, I will definitely go through fire and water, and I will not hesitate!"

Mrs. Zhao also looked confused. What will the county lord of Anping have to deal with by herself, so she has to come to them?

Gu Xiaowan waved her hand and said: "Master Zhao don't need to panic, it's not a big deal, it's just a trivial matter! Please go and talk to Mrs. Hong. If Mrs. Hong wants to talk to Xiaowan, and want to know about Xiaowan, directly Just look for Xiaowan, you don't need to invite Xiaowan's family!"

As soon as Gu Xiaowan finished her voice, she saw Zhao Xun jump up from her position, and her beard was about to curl up: "Anping County Lord, what do you mean?"

Gu Xiaowan didn't mean anything, and said directly: "Someone saw Madam Hong kidnapped Xiaowan's family. I'm here to ask someone!"

"Pa" only heard a pop, Zhao Xun slapped the table and slapped it, saying, "I said no wonder she told me so much that night. It turns out that the woman hadn't given up her heart yet, and she was still thinking about these crooks. What an idea!"

Zhao Xun gritted his teeth, and Mrs. Zhao on the side hurriedly pulled his sleeves and said softly: "Master, what's the matter later, now the county owner is in our house, don't lose courtesy in front of the county owner!" "

Zhao Xun listened to his wife's words and then reacted. He nodded and said gratefully: "Madam's words are reasonable and reasonable!"

Then, Zhao Xun handed over to Gu Xiaowan, and said solemnly: "Anping County Lord, please rest assured, this matter will be revealed in the next investigation, and the person will be returned to the County Lord!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, and said with satisfaction: "That's the best."

Before leaving, Gu Xiaowan said meaningfully: "Master Zhao, my uncle has done a lot of evil, and he is still locked up in the cell. It's not that my niece doesn't care about family affection, regardless of the face of the big room, who really committed the crime. Repay, the old saying goes. If you don’t let him keep his memory long, I’m afraid it’s hurting me today and I won’t know who it’s hurting me tomorrow.”

Gu Xiaowan sat in the carriage and left. Zhao Xun and his wife were still standing at the door. Seeing that Gu Xiaowan's carriage was gone, the two returned to the house.

"That woman, the more she lives, the more she goes back. I used to think she was knowledgeable and gentle, but now it seems that she was pretending to be the same as before!" Zhao Xun became more angry as he thought about it, and wished to run now. In the past, give Na Hong Shi a beating.

Mrs. Zhao felt relieved after hearing what Zhao Xun said!

For so many years, she has heard a lot of bad things about the Hong family recently, and they all came out of the master's mouth.

What does that mean? It can only mean that the Hong clan now has no place in the master's heart!

The master's heart is no longer toward her.

The more Madam Zhao thought about it, the happier she became, but when she was not happy, what Hong did to annoy the county lord of Anping. That was a big deal.

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