The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1319: solved

"Master, forgive me to say something more. Today, the county lord of Anping came to talk to us about this matter, which proves that the county lord still puts the Zhao family in his eyes. But if we cannot satisfy the county lord of Anping with this matter today, then we can It really offends her. After so many years, it has not been easy to accumulate peace and security. If you fail, what can you do!" Madam Zhao was worried and worried.

Zhao Xun listened, isn't it that way!

If you offend Gu Xiaowan, then the Zhao family will be fine.

"Madam, don't worry, I will do this well!" Zhao Xun gritted his teeth, and then went to the Hong clan.

Gu Xiaowan didn't know how Zhao Xun told the Hong family. Fan Yu was sent back not long after he arrived home.

Although they were also beaten, they also suffered from some skin injuries.

I also heard that the Hong clan was beaten lying on the bed and could not get up, saying that he would kick the Hung clan out of the house. If it weren’t for Zhao Zijie and Zhao Yuner’s kneeling and crying for Zhao Xun, the Hong clan was dragging his body. Will be kicked out.

Sun and Gu Xintao didn't have such good things either, they were kicked out of the house on the spot, and Zhao Xun even said that they were not allowed to have any contact with Gu's Dafang in the future.

Gu Xiaowan was satisfied after hearing Mrs. Zhao's reply.

"Thank you, Master Zhao and Madam Zhao. Although my family Fan Yu is just a new family member, it is also a family member of my family. Some people, in order to get news from me, make ideas on my family members. Don’t blame me for being ruthless. !" Gu Xiaowan said fiercely.

When Madam Zhao heard this, she thanked her eagerly: "I have to thank the county lord for this. The woman's brain was cramped, and she would do such a thing, which really hurts my master. That woman's brain is not good. I'll listen to people coaxing. I heard that Sun's family also had an idea. We will strictly discipline her if she doesn't know what's good or bad. We will never let her make any moths!"

The first time is fine, if there is a next time, she won't be so cheap.

After sending Mrs. Zhao away, Gu Xiaowan also packed up her things and planned to go to Fan's house: "Auntie, I bought root ginseng from Doctor Pan last time, and this time I will also bring it along."

Gu Fangxi went to the warehouse to take things, got in the carriage and went to Fan's house.

Fan Ling heard that Fan Yu had been found and was injured, so she went to Fan's family to take care of Fan Yu. He has not returned yet.

Gu Fangxi said fiercely: "Xiao Wan, the Sun family is really unwilling to give up, this time I found the Hong family to frame us together, I really can't swallow this breath!"

He is still a relative. It seems that for so many years, this Sun family is still cruel. He used to calculate himself, but he didn't understand, and the calculated one got caught, but now he is calculating Gu Xiaowan again.

Why is Sun's heart so dark!

Gu Fangxi cursed to herself: "The Sun family is a cruel and venomous woman. Fortunately, we have seen through her tricks this time. If there is another time, what can we do!"

There was worry in his voice.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case! Gu Xiaowan is not very worried.

Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, if Sun and Gu Xintao still retreat without knowing the difficulty, and if there is nothing to do, then let her taste it.

Gu Xiaowan's face was calm, and she patted Gu Fangxi's hand to signal her not to worry: "Aunt, it's okay!"

The carriage quickly reached the intersection. Gu Xiaowan could only get out of the carriage and walk past the ridge. Zuo and Ahmad followed Gu Xiaowan one after another, protecting Gu Xiaowan's safety at all times.

When I arrived at Fan's house, I saw Fan Daqu carrying water from the river, and seeing Gu Xiaowan actually coming, his eyes brightened, and he shouted inside: "Xiaoling, the county lord of Anping is here!"

Fan Daqu released the things in his hand and said, "Anping County Lord, why are you here! This place is not easy to go, don't fall you!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "Uncle Fan, I am also a child from a poor family. Let alone leave this ridge, it doesn't matter if I run, it's okay. I'll come and see Fan Yu!"

After a while, Fan Ling ran out of the house and saw Gu Xiaowan coming, and hurriedly invited Gu Xiaowan to go inside.

After entering the house, there was a strong smell of Chinese medicine. Fan Daqu rubbed his hands and said gratefully: "Dr. Pan has been here, and he has prescribed a lot of medicine. He said that he will take care of him for a period of time, and the injury will heal. of!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded and Fan Yu woke up. Seeing Gu Xiaowan also struggling to get up, Gu Xiaowan hurriedly walked over and held him down: "Don't move, you have injuries, so don't get up!"

Fan Yu also looked grateful: "Lord of the county, thank you!"

Then, without waiting for Gu Xiaowan to ask him, she told Gu Xiaowan what happened to the Hong clan.

It turned out that that day, Fan Yu picked up things to sell at the market. It was indeed not in the same place from Jinfulou, but then two people came and said that they wanted to buy his things and that Fan Yu would pick them up at home. .

Seeing that they had bought everything, Fan Yu had no doubts, so he directly carried the burden and followed them.

This time, I walked to Jinfu Tower. I knew that just a short distance from Jinfu Tower, one of them suddenly said that he wanted to look at things again. Fan Yu didn’t doubt that he had him, so he let him see. At a glance, he saw that disaster was coming.

The man who looked at things pretended to hold things and looked at them, and put them on his nose to smell them, and suddenly changed his face, saying that his things were fakes!

Before Fan Yu could react, the two people raised their fists and hit him. Although Fan Yu was young, he was no better than two middle-aged men to beat him together.

He was defeated within two strikes. Seeing that it was approaching Jinfu Tower, Fan Yu ran towards Jinfu Tower to shout. I didn't know that my brother-in-law ran out, seeing that it was me, and rushing towards the two people without even thinking about it.

The two people didn't know why. Seeing someone rushed out, they stopped beating themselves. They went to the brother-in-law and wounded the brother-in-law.

What's even stranger is that the yaman appeared at this moment, stopped the two people, and arrested himself for questioning.

When I got to the back, I didn't ask anything. The two shoppers hadn't seen it since then, but I was caught by those two people who didn't know where they went.

Every day someone comes to ask myself about Gu Xiaowan.

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