The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1320: I only say she is good

At this point, Fan Yu's voice became quieter, and his face was a little red.

"But it doesn't matter if you say it." Gu Xiaowan said hurriedly, seeing his embarrassment, as if it were hard to say.

Fan Yu looked around, and Fan Daqu went out wittily.

Fan Ling and Gu Xiaowan were left in the house. Fan Yu said: "The county owner, one of them asks me about you from time to time. Ask me if I know about you and Brother Qin! The question was very explicit, and he said, if I say it, let me go back. If I don't say it, just hit me!"

"You must have said nothing in the end?" Gu Xiaowan smiled.

"How do you know?" Fan Yu was somewhat stunned.

"If you said, where did your whole body hurt! And, if you followed her, I'm afraid this town has already spread madness!"

If Fan Yu really said anything to the Hong family, if the Hong family got any news, it must have been spread in the town with the added vigour, no matter how calm and calm it is now.

The injuries on Fan Yu's body are serious, which shows that Fan Yu didn't say anything at all.

Looking at Fan Yu's wounds all over, Gu Xiaowan sighed. This kid is also a good one!

"Why don't you follow her, if that's the case, you will almost never suffer from this injury!" Gu Xiaowan asked suddenly.

Seeing that Fan Yu's face suddenly changed, he hurriedly said, "The county owner, I don't know these things, I can't talk nonsense, even if I know, I can't talk nonsense!"

Don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense, uphold your own mind, don't make false statements!

Gu Xiaowan nodded in satisfaction. The Fan family brothers and sisters are really impressive and should not be underestimated.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiaowan said with a smile: "Big Brother Fan, discuss something with you. Brother Shishi has become the treasurer of Jinfulou. From now on, things in the fields may not be taken care of. If you don’t dislike it, this What will happen to the fields in the future, you will bother you so much and help you to help Zhang and Aunt Zhang. Can you please?"

Gu Xiaowan now has nearly 400 acres of land and she has become a small landlord.

These 400 mu of land are re-leased every year when the period expires, and there are new tenants who want to rent. There are also a lot of things to start each year.

There is also rent collection twice a year, as well as the maintenance of crops in the fields on weekdays, all of which require someone who understands to watch.

These things were done by Gu Xiaowan with the stones in the past. Later, she went to take care of the Jinfu Tower, and all the things on this field were left to the stones.

Now Shishi has to take his class again. The things that Shishi has on hand, at the time Gu Xiaowan said it was for Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang to help, but Uncle Zhang’s legs and feet are not good, and Aunt Zhang, in addition to taking care of Uncle Zhang, if in the future Fan Ling has a child, so she has no time.

Therefore, Gu Xiaowan said at the time that she wanted to find a personal choice for them, which was really good, so she was able to find it so soon.

Seeing Fan Yu looked a little confused, Gu Xiaowan continued: "Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang are getting older, and I am afraid that if you become an uncle in the future, her aunt will be even more empty. Therefore, the management of the fields I'm bothering Brother Fan, okay?"

Only then did Fan Yu make sure that he had not misheard just now, and helped Gu Xiaowan manage the fields, which shows that the county lord of Anping sees himself!

Fan Ling was also happy from ear to ear. She hammered Fan Yu, who was already stupid, and said, "Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you? Are you staying or stupid? Why don't you reply to Xiaowan!"

Only then did Fan Yu come back to his senses, nodding his head like a chicken pecking at the rice: "Well, the county lord looks at me, I will do my best to not let the county lord down!"

In order to allow Fan Yu to rest, Gu Xiaowan did not stay long, and then she got up and left. Because her husband was still recovering from his injuries, Fan Ling did not stay. Fan Daqu also kept urging her to go back and take care of the stone. He is enough.

"Xiaoling, go back and take care of the stone! There is a father here!" Fan Daqu urged Fan Ling to go back quickly.

Of course, Fan Ling wanted to go back. She had been here for almost a day, and she didn't know if the stone was any better.

The young couple didn’t see each other for a day, as if it had been three autumns: "Then father, you take good care of Xiaoyu, and you must take care of your body. I will see you again every two days!"

"Hey, why are you here? You will take good care of the stone at home. Your father and I are better now. Take care of your brother, it's okay!" Fan Daqu's face was red.

Later, Gu Xiaowan specially invited Dr. Pan to see Fan Daqu’s illness, and also formulated a treatment prescription for Fan Daqu’s condition. This is different from the past when you have money and take some medicine without money. With a specific prescription, this medicine is also based on the course of treatment, which is naturally better than the previous random eating.

More than a month passed, and Fan Daqu's body and bones were much better than before.

Fan Ling nodded, followed Gu Xiaowan and went back.

Sitting in the carriage, Fan Ling sat next to Gu Xiaowan. Since getting into the car, Fan Ling has been holding Gu Xiaowan's hand without letting go: "Xiaowan, thank you!"

Gu Xiaowan knew what she was thanking herself for, she covered her mouth and smiled: "It's all a family, what's so polite!"

Fan Ling's heart is even more one after another. The woman with picturesque brows and eyes in front of her looks like there is some magic in her body, so that everyone around her will respect her, admire her, and follow her footsteps closely without any hesitation. .

Fan Yu didn't finish talking about some things, but he told Fan Ling.

"Sister, those people threatened me that if I followed them to say bad things about the county lord, they would give me a lot of money. If I didn't say anything, they would also make up bad things about the county lord and kill me! "

"Then you followed them?"

"No, I didn't say anything, and I wouldn't say it. The county owner is now my family, so how can the family say bad things about the family. Even if the whole world says she is not good, I will only say She is good. Moreover, the county owner is really good and nothing to say!"

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