The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1323: Stay up late

Qin Yizhi glanced from top to bottom, but when she saw her pair of snow-white barefoot standing on the icy ground, Qin Yizhi strode forward, hugged Gu Xiaowan, gently closed the door, The person hugged to the bed.

The nephrite jade in his arms was soft, soft, and fragrant, and the fragrance of his daughter's family was faint but faint and deep. Qin Mozhi closed his eyes and took a deep breath of greed.

After putting her on the bed, she was still reluctant, and she went up to the left, stretched her hand out, and took Gu Xiaowan into her arms again.

Lying on the familiar warm bed, feeling the familiar warm embrace of the person in front of him, Gu Xiaowan's sullenness that was still present just now disappeared.

She originally said she was going to rest, but lying on the bed tossed over and over like fried dumplings, she couldn't sleep.

After lying down for a long time, without knowing why, she got up again and wanted to take a look again. Unexpectedly, Qin Yizhi stood in front of her when she opened the door.

Fortunately, she has not fallen asleep, otherwise, she should really think she is dreaming!

Gu Xiaowan chuckled, pulling a strand of Qin Yizhi's hair in her hand to play with: "Where have you been? You won't go home so late!"

Gu Xiaowan didn't realize that her voice was full of sadness, she looked like a little daughter-in-law, complaining about why her husband didn't return home on time, and the sadness and anger in her words really seemed to be a scared little daughter-in-law.

Qin Yi loved her so much, and her heart bubbled beautifully.

Today, I was rushing outside for a day, just to find something, so I could find it. Once I found it, I came back non-stop. I didn't close my eyes for half the night.

I was a little tired at first, but the moment I saw Gu Xiaowan again, and the moment I heard her grotesque, what else was tired, everything disappeared cleanly!

Qin Yizhi's arms became tighter, and he hugged Gu Xiaowan tightly around his chest, with his chin resting on Gu Xiaowan's head, his hands clasped her, and he kept rubbing her, his voice was a little hoarse because of exhaustion: "I'm going to find I've gone. I've been looking for it for several days, this time I finally found it!"

"What to look for?" Gu Xiaowan was curious, looking for something for so long?

"A piece of cloth!" Qin Yizhi replied short. There was no light in the room, but Gu Xiaowan could still see Qin Yizhi's eyes clearly. There seemed to be stars twinkling and twinkling in them. They were so beautiful.

"A piece of cloth?" Gu Xiaowan asked curiously, "What is it for?"

Qin Yizhi's hand rubbed Gu Xiaowan's cheeks, and smiled and sold it off: "No hurry, you will know soon!"

When Gu Xiaowan saw that he didn't say anything, she said, anyway, she wanted to know soon, so she didn't ask.

Then he obediently lay back in Qin Yizhi's arms again.

After waiting for a long time without sleep, Gu Xiaowan was a little sleepy at the moment, just because the warm bed and warm embrace made her feel at ease again, so she moved and assumed her most comfortable position, closing her eyes, but her hands were barely rooted. Without giving it away, Qin Yizhi was held tightly. Everyone in his arms snored delicately. Qin Yizhi wanted to let go of her hand, but he was helpless but unable to move.

Afraid of awakening the kitten again with too much force, Qin Yizhi could only remain motionless. Fortunately, he was half lying on the bed in this position, but he added two more pillows behind his head and stretched out a hand. Take out one of the pillows at the back of his head. This is like lying down.

The nephrite in his arms was tightly pressed against his body, Qin Yizhi couldn't laugh or cry.

How much does this little cat believe in his concentration, relying on such density, I am really not afraid of myself

Hey, I want to return, but Qin Yizhi didn't dare to think too much. Fortunately, after running for several days, he became more tired when he lay down at this moment. He moved his lower body slightly and was far away from the kitten. After that, he kissed her forehead with satisfaction, and chuckled softly: "My little cat! I'm asleep."

Then he closed the star-like eyes and fell asleep.

On the second day, because Gu Xiaowan didn't go to bed until the middle of the night the night before, Gu Xiaowan slept until three poles before getting up.

Although the time is still the same, but because of staying up late, there are still obvious bruises on the eye sockets.

Aunt Zhang looked very distressed. She boiled two eggs. After peeling the shells, she rolled around Gu Xiaowan’s eye sockets: "That little Qin, don’t come back and say nothing. Look at you, you’re waiting. It's midnight, look, the eye sockets are black, when he comes back, I have to say he must have a good meal!"

Aunt Zhang felt sorry for Gu Xiaowan. Seeing that she was not asleep, her eyes were dark around her eyes. Of course, her heart felt uncomfortably tight. She kept rolling eggs, and kept counting.

Gu Xiaowan closed her eyes and enjoyed the heat around her eye sockets, not to mention how comfortable she was: "Auntie, do you still have the medicinal oil that you bought at home to treat traumatic injuries?"

"What are you going to do with medicated oil? Where is it hurting? Let auntie have a look!" When Aunt Zhang heard this, she even caught a piece of her brow, she was about to lift Gu Xiaowan's clothes to see.

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly smiled and said, "Auntie, I am not injured! Not me! Not injured!"

"What's the matter?" Aunt Zhang heard that no one was injured, so she relieved her heart. Although she asked, she immediately brought medicated oil.

After the eggs were rolled, the bruise around the eye sockets was better. Aunt Zhang looked left and right, nodded in satisfaction, and then gave up: "Okay, much better than before."

Gu Xiaowan covered her mouth and smiled. Originally, I stayed up all night and didn't sleep well. Gu Xiaowan never cared too much about the bruises on the eye sockets. Anyway, no matter how many days of rest, the bruises will naturally disappear.

But Aunt Zhang is very nervous, she has to roll the eggs, saying that it will disappear quickly!

Seeing that Aunt Zhang was nervous, Gu Xiaowan felt grateful, and she cooperated with Aunt Zhang: "Auntie, you treat me like a child."

"What do you mean to be a child? You are a child!"

"Auntie, I'm sixteen! Not a kid anymore!" Gu Xiaowan chuckled and muttered.

In his previous life, he could still be regarded as a child. In this ancient time, at the age of sixteen, he could be a mother.

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