The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1324: What's the secret

"Why not a child!" Aunt Zhang said solemnly: "Even if you marry someone and become a mother in the future, you are still a child in Aunt's mind."

Gu Xiaowan could only give up, feeling abnormally warm in her heart!

Gu Xiaowan was very satisfied with his aunts and aunts without the love of his parents.

The eye sockets were not so dark anymore, Gu Xiaowan took the medicinal oil and went to Qin Yizhi's room.

Last night, Qin Yizhi slept with Gu Xiaowan with his arms around until dawn before returning to his room. Before leaving, Qin Yizhi kept shaking her wrists. Last night, she was resting on Qin Yizhi’s arm. He wanted to come and he was afraid of waking up. I was motionless for a long time before twisting my hands and neck.

When he arrived at Qin Yuzhi's house, no one was there.

Zuo hurriedly said behind him: "Girl, Brother Qin went out early in the morning. He wanted to say goodbye to you before leaving. But when I saw that you didn't sleep in the middle of the night last night, I was afraid that it might cause you to rest, so I told me. Go out!"

When Gu Xiaowan heard this, her expression of excitement suddenly became lonely: "He didn't come back until midnight last night, so why didn't he leave without taking a break!"

"Xu is that Brother Qin has very important things to do!" Zuo replied.

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "He said last night that he was looking for something more, saying that he had found it. Why didn't he stay at home after he found it!"

Gu Xiaowan grumbled her mouth, a little bit aggrieved and depressed, her picturesque eyebrows, frowned together, looking at the familiar furnishings in Qin Yizhi's room and the clothes that Qin Yizhi had changed, holding his clothes, her eyes lonely. , Looks like a sweetheart who can't see her sweetheart.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's lonely and sad look, Zuo felt very uncomfortable.

"Girl, don’t be sad. Brother Qin is so affectionate about you. He doesn’t leave you for half a step on weekdays. I think there’s really something important this time that I can’t tell you. Don’t be sad. When he is finished, he will definitely come back to accompany you every day!" Zuo persuaded him.

Gu Xiaowan nodded and said, "I'm just worried about his body. I didn't sleep in the middle of the night. I left just after dawn. I don't know how to cherish my body!"

Zuo covered his mouth and smiled: "If Big Brother Qin knows that you care about him so much, no matter how hard it is, it will be worth it!"

Gu Xiaowan found out that Zuo was teasing herself, and said strangely: "The hair is full, and I know to tease me!"

It's just that, when he said it, his brows and eyes were crooked, obviously smiling.

Since Qin Yizhi is not there, Gu Xiaowan just wants to go to Jinfu Tower. The stone has been healing her wounds. She hasn't been to Jinfu Tower for many days. Gu Xiaowan has time at this moment and can also visit.

Making up his mind to go, Gu Xiaowan looked at the clothes she was wearing, and then said, "A Zuo, bring the moon-white clothes that I made in Ruyi Building a few days ago! Let's go out!"

When Zuo heard this, he suddenly said, "What?"

It seems that I did not hear clearly.

Gu Xiaowan said again: "The moon white one, the new one!" "Oh!" Zuo hurriedly walked to the wardrobe, turning left and right: "Girl, that moon-white dress, Xu Shi's aunt put it away in the closet. I didn't see it!"

Gu Xiaowan said: "Then just change it!"

Zuo answered, her tone clearly relaxed. Gu Xiaowan was worried about Qin Mozhi's body, but she didn't notice that Zuo Chang let out a sigh of relief, as if she was relieved.

When he arrived at Jinfulou, Gu Xiaowan carefully checked the account books of the past few days, and Liang Yucheng had become an expert. The accounts were clean and tidy and clear at a glance.

Gu Xiaowan nodded approvingly with satisfaction: "This account is well done!"

"The shopkeeper, it’s better that you taught me how to do the accounting! It’s the first time I’ve seen this and I’ve done this. As soon as the funds come in and out, where the money is spent and how much is in, it’s clear at a glance. It’s not easy to make mistakes. It’s a god. The shopkeeper, where did you learn it?" Liang Yucheng looked at Gu Xiaowan with a look of worship, and the stars of worship were about to appear in his eyes.

"Self-taught!" Gu Xiaowan joked, and Liang Yucheng was even more admired!

The worship of Gu Xiaowan is more like the surging river, and it is more and more endless.

"The shopkeeper, you are really amazing!" Liang Yucheng admired more and more.

The things in the restaurant are almost handled. Gu Xiaowan wants to go back. Liang Yucheng sends Gu Xiaowan to the carriage and tells the coachman who sent Gu Xiaowan back: "Uncle Niu, be careful!"

That Uncle Niu was about forty years old, with a long, wide mouth and nose, round face and round eyes, and he looked honest and honest!

This person usually delivers food to Jinfulou. Today, when Ahmad is away, he didn’t drive a carriage. Just as Uncle Niu just delivered food to the restaurant, Liang Yucheng asked him to drive Gu Xiaowan back in the carriage in the restaurant. .

"Uncle Niu, thanks for your hard work!" Gu Xiaowan also knew this person, and thanked him.

When Uncle Niu heard Gu Xiaowan talking to him, his eyes opened wide and his face was incredibly unbelievable. Then he touched his head in a naive manner: "The shopkeeper is joking, this is all the little ones should do!"

The carriage just left.

Today just happened to run into the market, and the street in front of Jinfu Tower was overcrowded. The carriage was walking and pacing slowly.

"Uncle Niu, the girl is not in a hurry, please slow down, let people go first, don't hurt people!" Zuo lifted the curtain of the car, watching the crowd outside the window gather in groups, the voices one after another, but lively It's very!

Gu Xiaowan calmly watched the people outside the curtain buying and selling things, and drank the tea, which didn't feel boring anymore.

The two talked in the carriage, drank tea, and occasionally listened to the cries outside, which was not boring.

Suddenly, I don't know where there was a "cracking" boom!

The sound of firecrackers was deafening, and suddenly there was no sound around it.

Gu Xiaowan yelled badly in her heart. Just as she was about to lift the driving curtain to go out, the horse suddenly raised its four hooves and made a long "hiss" sound. Gu Xiaowan was unsteady and was thrown from the door of the carriage to the back seat. Upon seeing this, Zuo quickly rushed forward to hug Gu Xiaowan.

Fortunately, Zuo moved fast. Otherwise, he would fall from the door of the car to the back and his head would definitely be knocked on the frame of the car.

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