The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1328: Zhao Xun please

Later, I heard that the shocked horse was the carriage of Jinfulou, and that the seated inside was the lord of Anping County. At this moment, Zhao Xun couldn't sit still. After saying goodbye to his friends, he rushed to the place where the accident happened without stopping.

He wanted to calm down and appease the county lord of Anping. By the way, he sent the smart people around him to ask the doctor early, and he would get the pulse of the county lord of Anping and suppress the shock later.

Thinking that the relationship with the county lord of Anping will be closer in the future, Zhao Xun's footsteps are fast, wishing to carry the place to Gu Xiaowan now.

But the closer this leaning, the swearing sound from inside, made Zhao Xun feel less confident.

what happened?

Brothers and sisters of the Zhao family?

Are they Jie'er and Yun'er?

Why are the two of them here?

Zhao Xun originally didn’t believe it, but when someone said that these two brothers and sisters had just been raised under the name of the eldest lady earlier, they were already young masters of the Zhao family’s eldest sons, then Zhao Xun had to believe that there was something in it. Two people, their own son and daughter!

Moreover, listening to this ridicule is definitely not a good thing!

Zhao Xun's pace was a little slow, but it was too late. The sharp-eyed people saw Zhao Xun and shouted.

Zhao Xun felt bad, he stopped walking, and he wanted to turn his head and walk away, but the crowd spontaneously surrounded him again, you pushed me and shrugged, and pushed him to the middle.

Sure enough, Zhao Xun glanced sharply, and saw Zhao Yun'er sitting on the ground like a puddle of mud, not daring to move like a mourning dog, a dagger with a cold light was no more than a little away from her face. As long as the person holding the dagger moves a little, the sharp blade will cut through the flawless skin!

Zhao Xun's heart was tense, worried about Zhao Yuner, and even more angry with this stupid daughter!

Why ran into her here again! How can he be such a careless guy!

Gu Xiaowan stood there tall and graceful, like a clear bamboo, her sleeves fluttering with the wind, her hair dancing with the wind, she was so pure and beautiful, her eyebrows were picturesque, she stood proudly in her own self. Next to Zhao Yuner, who is called beautiful.

One is really a white cloud in the sky, and the other is a puddle of mud on the ground!

Zhao Xun really wanted to spit out a mouthful of old blood. There was just a smile on his face. He glared at the disappointing daughter with great resentment. Then, as if he hadn't seen her, his face was covered with a smile, and he turned to Gu Xiaowan. He walked over and greeted affectionately: "Anping County Lord"

Hearing a familiar voice, Zhao Yun'er's eyes lit up: "Father, father, help me, help me!" When Zhao Xun heard this scream, Zhao Xun's brows were lightly frowned, but in an instant he stretched out, pointed at Zhao Yun'er with some doubts, and asked puzzledly. : "Anping County Lord, this is"

"Father, daddy, this vicious woman is going to cut her daughter's face, please save your daughter, hurry! Let her take the knife away!" Zhao Yuner screamed out of voice, seeing the blade point closer to him. After a little bit, Zhao Yuner was scared and Huarong paled: "Father, this woman is so vicious, she is going to ruin her daughter's face."

Zuo saw that the woman dared to talk nonsense with her eyes open, and she was not polite at all. The sharp blade of the dagger hit directly against Zhao Yun'er's delicate skin, and the white face suddenly shed bleeding beads. .



The father and daughter said in unison.

"Gu Xiaowan, you vicious woman, you almost killed my mother, now you are here to kill me again, you poisonous woman!"

Zhao Yun'er's screams can pierce the sky, and Zhao Xun's sweat is about to come out. This stupid daughter can't shut her mouth at this time!

He hurriedly folded his hands and interceded to Gu Xiaowan: "Anping County Lord, please don't care about the villains. Let's discuss things carefully. That looks is the life of a girl, but don't!"

Zhao Xun's eyes had the worry and panic of being a father. He couldn't bear to see that the sharp sharp blade pierced the skin like this, bursting with bleeding beads.

This girl is her own daughter, her three children, but such a girl!

This girl is so beautiful that Zhao Xun is also in pain. Seeing her in such an embarrassment at this moment, I feel very uncomfortable. The fatherly heart is busy comforting Zhao Yuner: "Yun'er, don't be afraid. Dad will save you!"

The person called Lao Zhao spoke quietly at this moment: "Master Zhao, you two children must be properly disciplined. They deliberately alarmed the county lord’s carriage and planned to come to a hero to save the beauty. In this small carriage, who knows what foolish things your son has done inside to ruin the reputation of the county lord! I heard that your outer room wants to marry the county lord of Anping. Why? Do you have such a trick?"

Zhao Lao is an old man in Liujiazhen. Although his family is inferior to Zhao Xun, he is a junior after all, and he can't stand it. If he says something, Zhao Xun has no reason to refute.

As soon as Zhao Xun heard this, his face turned green, and he looked around, and sure enough, he saw a person lying on the ground under the corner of the wall, who was yelling at this moment, and he looked intently, who is not Zhao Zijie!

Lao Zhao doesn't speak nonsense. Since he opened his mouth and said so, it is already solid evidence. Even if Zhao Xun wants to defend his sons and daughters, it will not help!

Moreover, with so many people, it is the county lord of Anping that they want to hurt, and none of them can offend!

Zhao Xun didn't ask questions at all. Looking at the current situation of these children, he must know what they did wrong.

Along the way, the horses knocked over the stalls and smashed the furnishings. Fortunately, no one has come forward to say that there have been casualties, which can be considered a blessing in misfortune!

"Old Zhao, you laughed, Jin Zhiyuye, the lord of Anping County, is my unfilial son who can climb high, Anping County lord, how offended today, I will teach these two children well when I go back, I promise, I absolutely I won't let them disturb the county lord of Anping!" Zhao Xun hurriedly swore, looking at Gu Xiaowan with clear eyes.

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