The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1329: Azuo please

Gu Xiaowan stood there, with a pair of cold eyes sweeping Zhao Xun, sweeping Zhao Yun'er, who was crying on the ground, and Zhao Zijie, who was crying and trembling, and said coldly, "Master Zhao, please trouble you to deal with the affairs of your house. It’s cleaner, if there’s another time, don’t blame the county lord for turning his face ruthlessly!"

Gu Xiaowan's breathtaking aura all over her body made Zhao Xun, who had seen so many scenes, shuddered. Just now, those picturesque eyes were like Shura in hell. You are very careful, too careful!

Zhao Xun has read countless people. In the official business malls, he has seen so many powerful people and seen so many big scenes. But just now, he has never seen such a cold eyes. The breath of Anping County Lord's whole body seems to be Just crush him into the dirt.

Zhao Xun was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses: "Definitely, definitely!"

Then I heard someone shouting loudly: "Anping County Lord, I don't blame you, you don't want to pay for what I lost. I will sit at the door of Zhao's house tomorrow and ask Zhao's for compensation!"

"me too!"

"me too!"

The voices of the people onlookers came one after another, and they were all fighting against the Zhao family.

Zhao Xun's face became more and more ugly, from white to red, from red to black, wishing to find a hole in the ground at this moment.

"Master Zhao, look at what this is like now. The county owner is innocent, and our people are also innocent. Just now, the county owner said that she will compensate for any loss. I think, this loss It has nothing to do with the county owner. These villagers are right. You have to pay for it, and you have to pay for the Zhao family!" Master Zhao spoke at this moment, and Zhao Xun nodded hurriedly: "I pay, I pay, everyone If there is a loss, I will ask the subordinate to register it now, and everyone will get compensation tomorrow!"

It just so happened that Zhao Xun's clever servant led the doctor back, but was blocked by the crowd and couldn't get in: "Master, master, I have invited the doctor! I have invited the doctor!"

When the crowd heard this, they all stepped away spontaneously. The man led the doctor in quickly and saw Gu Xiaowan standing there.

The doctor was also very enthusiastic. Seeing Gu Xiaowan put down the medicine box and invited An, he asked, "Anping County Lord, where did he get hurt?"

"I'm not hurt!" Gu Xiaowan frowned and looked at Zhao Xun. Sure enough, Zhao Xun's expression had changed. She winked at the doctor quickly, but it was too late.

"Ah? Why are you talking nonsense that the county lord is injured!" When the doctor heard this, he took a picture of the subordinate who was violently pulling himself up, blowing his beard and staring: "The county lord of Anping is fine, don't talk nonsense !"

When he finished speaking, he was about to leave. Gu Xiaowan stretched out her hand to stop him, and pointed at the two people on the ground disdainfully: "Doctor, show them to these two people!"

Only then did the doctor realize that a man and a woman were lying on the ground not far away, nodded hurriedly, and went to see a doctor for both of them.

This farce finally ended with Zhao Xun returning home dingy with a pair of injured children.

The old man who had just spoken to Gu Xiaowan at the scene just now, Gu Xiaowan looked at it gratefully, and saw that he was about to leave, stroking his beard.

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly took two steps forward and called him: "Lao Zhao, please stay, thank you just now!"

That old man Zhao was almost 80 years old, with a fair face and a crane of hair. He was a kind and kind old man.

Old Zhao grinned, showing the remaining teeth in his mouth: "Thank you, baby girl, that's the ignorance of the Zhao family, nonsense! I should have more lessons! Otherwise, it should be. Forget who is the most noble in this Liujia Town!"

Whoever is the most noble in Liujia Town is naturally Gu Xiaowan, who has the title of five-pin county lord.

Gu Xiaowan smiled faintly, and said humbly: "This is just a false name. All people are created equal. Mr. Zhao also told Mr. Zhao just now that everyone is the same. As long as everyone abides by their duties and does their own thing, Everyone is the same! Everyone is equal!"

After listening to Gu Xiaowan's words, the old man said with his frowning brows that all men are created equal, his brows stretched out in no time, and he nodded in satisfaction: "The county lord said that! Everyone is equal! Hey, the Zhao family will no longer be good in this generation. The century-old foundation that has been accumulated with great difficulty will be destroyed by these young people!"

"Then dare to ask the old man and Zhao's family," Gu Xiaowan asked, the master also surnamed Zhao.

"Oh, I'm just a branch of the Zhao family, according to seniority, then Master Zhao will call me uncle!" Zhao Lao held his beard, smiled with few teeth, his face was kind and kind.

No wonder, when he criticized Zhao Xun just now, Zhao Xun dared not make a rebuttal.

Uncle Niu found a sturdy carriage. The horse looked relatively docile. Liang Yucheng thought about what had happened, but he was still afraid for a while.

This time I said nothing to let Gu Xiaowan go back alone, and got into the carriage along with him. Uncle Niu drove the carriage with him. This time, he must safely send the shopkeeper home.

In the carriage, Ah Zuo had cold eyes, thinking about what happened just now, with fear and anger in his heart. If it weren't for the clever girl who used the hidden weapon in the jewelry to beat Zhao Zijie away, the consequences would be really disastrous.

Just thinking about it, a crazy horse, a smashed carriage that can hit at any time, a man with an unpredictable mind in a closed carriage, just thinking about what might happen, has already made Azuo want to crash. !

"Girl!" Zuo didn't even think about it. He got up, knelt on one knee in the carriage, and kowtowed: "It was all my fault just now. I didn't protect the girl. It almost hurt the girl. Please punish the girl! "

Seeing her kneeling down, Gu Xiaowan took all the responsibilities on her own body, and hurriedly got up to help her up: "This is not your fault, what are you doing on your body! Get up!"

"However, if I could subdue the startled horse in time, then Zhao Zijie would not have time to get into the carriage!" Zuo clenched his fist tightly, wishing to kill Zhao Zijie immediately.

The girl bypassed him so cheaply, as if nothing happened, but she couldn't swallow this breath!

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