The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1334: Everything changed

This Hong clan is getting bolder and bolder, which is simply outrageous!

Zhao Xun is extremely black today!

Being pointed and pointed on the street, when he returned home, he was poked and cursed by this shrew!

Simply outrageous!

"I'm blind, I'm blind, I should have kicked you back then." Zhao Xun was really going to faint with anger.

I used to think that I was the happiest man in the world, not to mention having such a charming Jieyuhua, and two obedient and obedient children. In that ancestral home, I don’t need to go back.

How do you know that it is here, and the one who knows himself best is his wife!

The women and children who are most important to him push themselves into the abyss!

My family is unfortunate, I don’t know people clearly!

Zhao Xun almost shed two lines of tears, and looked at the Hong clan in front of him, holding back his vomiting heart, pointing at the Hung clan and yelling: "You bitch, our Zhao family’s face has been lost by you. You are still uneasy! Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

After Zhao Xu finished speaking, he had to raise his foot two steps to kick the Hong family. Mrs. Zhao behind him met, and hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Zhao Xun, and said with comfort, "Master, don't get angry, say it, let you Come, don't be angry, be careful not to get angry!"

Madam Zhao caressed Zhao Xun’s chest intimately for him, with a face full of care and pity: "If you are mad, what can you do with Cong'er and me! Cong'er and I are counting on you? !"

Eyes full of tenderness is like water, better than that good period is like a dream!

Zhao Xun's heart softened all of a sudden, and he gratefully held Mrs. Zhao's hand, and said distressedly: "For so many years, it is you who knows me the most and pity me the most! I am confused for so many years. Sorry you and Cong'er!"

After speaking, the old tears are full of tears, a handful of bitter tears!

There is really a lot of repentance!

Hong's stared at this scene blankly, so familiar.

Wasn't Zhao Xun accusing the poisonous woman in the old house as it is now?

It’s just that this identity has changed too quickly. Isn’t the person who used to be the master of you and me?

Shouldn't the man who blows his beard and stares but can't help it be the tigress?

How come all things have changed now?

Hong is not reconciled!

Suddenly she pointed to Xiaohong who was on the side, and shouted hoarsely: "Master, this cheap maid wants me to die, wants me to die! She even gave me the cold tea from the day before yesterday! She wants to kill me!"

"What's wrong with drinking the cold tea the day before yesterday?" The Hong clan was still tossing, and Zhao Xun shouted angrily: "Now I have reduced the cost of yours here. From now on, all matters of size and size here will be taken care of by your wife. As long as you don't make trouble! If the lady who makes trouble is upset, I will blast you out at any time!" What?

Hong immediately sat down on the ground, and his whole body was stunned.

She looked up at Madam Zhao stupidly, and saw a decent smile on her face, but the mockery in her eyes could not be hidden.

Will this place be controlled by the lady in the future? Also cut the cost here?

"Master, master, no, no, you can't do this!" The Hong family still hasn't recovered, can't be like this, isn't it worse than her death!

Zhao Xun didn't bother to talk nonsense with her, and he didn't want to listen. He asked directly: "Did you make the things Jie'er did?"

"What's the idea? Master, I don't know what you are talking about!" Hong's complexion was a little sullen, and he lowered his head and dared not look at Zhao Xun at all.

In this way, Zhao Xun understood it at first sight, and Hong knew it!

An angry Zhao Xun kicked it directly: "You bastard, you poisonous woman, the Zhao family was ruined by you! The poisonous woman! The poisonous woman! The poisonous woman!"

Zhao Xun's fists and feet were added together, and the Hong family was originally thin and weak, so how could he bear Zhao Xun's punches and kicks.

Lying on the ground, crying for father and mother!

Madam Zhao watched with cold eyes. Hong Shi was beaten like this. She also looked at him coldly without saying a word.

It wasn't until the Hong clan was beaten motionless and lying on the ground as if he was dead, Zhao Xun stopped then, still cursing in his mouth: "Poisonous woman, even instigating Jie'er and Yun'er to do such nasty things, how are they? You will stand on you as a mother! Clan Hong, from now on, you are no longer the mother of Jie'er and Yun'er, you are here, and you can live and die!"

Zhao Xun was still puzzled when he finished speaking, and kicked several times at the Hong clan before turning around and leaving.

When I walked to the door, I didn't forget to confess: "Look at her well, don't let her go out, and don't allow the young master to see her!"

The mother and the servant at the door nodded hurriedly.

Hong’s sanity came back a bit at this time. Hearing Zhao Xun’s explanation, he yelled feebly: "Master, master, I have been with you for so many years, master, you can’t treat me like this! Child, you can't do this to me!"

With tears on his face, Hong cried weakly.

It's just a pity that Zhao Xun has already left, leaving Mrs. Zhao with a mocking look.

Mrs. Zhao in front of her, dressed in a red dress, dignified and noble!

Although Mrs. Zhao looks ordinary, she is all in her thirties. How beautiful can a beautiful woman be!

It's nothing more than exquisite makeup, decent dressing, and the leisurely appearance of the corner of the eye.

Hong looked at the woman in front of him, looking at herself sarcastically, she was jealous and about to go crazy: "You vicious woman, you are so vicious! Now I have become like this, you are happy ?"

Madam Zhao smiled contemptuously: "Shi Hong, 30 years in Hedong and 40 years in Hexi, do you think you can hold the heart of the master for the rest of your life?"

"Haha!" There was blood oozing from the corner of Hong's mouth, but he didn't care to wipe it off, showing a mocking smile: "What about you? Do you think you have the master's heart now? The master has loved me for twenty years. He spent half his life loving me. Do you think he doesn’t love if he says he doesn’t love? He hasn’t loved you since he married you. Do you think he will love you in the future? Do you dream!"

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