The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1335: Men's hearts are worthless

"This is where I am different from you! I don't need the master's heart, his heart will not only belong to me, what I want is to trap him! Even if his heart is lost, but human Still with me! People are with me, everything is with me. Hong Shi, you have been fighting with me for so many years, don't you just want to be the master of the Zhao family? After so many years, have you achieved your goal? You Thinking that a man’s heart is with you, he will listen to you everything? Don’t forget, the heart is with you, but others are with me! What he wants to do, without my permission, he dare not!”

Mrs. Zhao's face showed an aspirational smile, and the delicate makeup dazzled Hong's face.

Her face was pale, as if she was dead, where was the madness of the quarrel with Madam Zhao just now!

What can I do if my heart is here?

"Don't think you can trap him if you have a child, don't forget, I also have a son, that is the eldest son of the Zhao family! Don't you think that gentle and beautiful can trap him? There are many women like you in brothels. The thing is, gentler than you and more beautiful than you, grab a lot, and you are old now, where is the beautiful capital? You have not got anything for so many years, except for a heart that the master will always get back "Ms. Zhao said with emotion: "A man like this is too difficult to grasp. What's more, you can't give you anything. You can only allow a man with a heart. A man's heart is worthless, Hong, you are now Should you understand?"

After hearing this, Hong cried out with a wow.

As soon as Zhao Xun walked to the gate, he could hear a sad scream from inside.

His footsteps paused, and he glanced back. There was a hint of unbearableness in his eyes, but immediately, his eyes became fierce, turned around, flicked his robe, went out, walked away, disappeared outside the door, never again. appear.

A man gives you all his heart and time. You think he loves you, but don’t forget, the most important and cherished thing he does is not with you, nor will he give it to you!

If you violate his bottom line, love you again, and love you again, you will disappear in the face of this benefit.

No love can last forever, and no love can last forever.

"Hong, you will spend the rest of your life in this house! Master will not come to see you again. Don't worry about your two children, I will definitely find a good family for them! After all, they are now in mine. Under the knee, it is also my child!" After Madam Zhao finished speaking, she turned and left.

The maid named Xiaohong took Madam Zhao out with joy all the way, flattering something.

Hong can not hear all this, she has nothing to say, and no one will listen.

Hong Shi, Hong Shi, you waited for twenty years, just for a status, but in the end, you are still lonely and helpless. He will not give it to you, and still will not give it to you. On the contrary, before leaving, Also cut off your two pieces of meat, it is doomed, or lonely and helpless, lonely to die!

The door of the house was closed, and a voice came from outside: "I'm afraid this woman is going crazy!"

Crazy, she is going crazy!

Blind, blind, it should be her!

When Qin Mozhi came back, he naturally heard about Gu Xiaowan.

He clenched his hand tightly, showing his anger at the moment: "The protector is not good, go and receive the punishment!"

I saw a thin figure kneeling on the ground, who is not Zuo!

Arzono let out a cry, and Ahmad on the side begged for mercy: "Master, Zuo is by the girl's side. She is a careful person. If she finds that Zuo is injured, I am afraid that she will be suspicious!"

Qin Feizhi thought for a while, but he was confused when he cared. He didn't think of this, so he nodded and agreed: "Remember!

Zuo bowed his head gratefully: "Thank you, Master!"

Qin Yizhi didn't speak, and frowned. The person Zhao Zijie dared to move him was really impatient.

Zuo knelt on the ground, thought for a while, and then said Gu Xiaowan's thoughts. Qin Yi heard it and his eyes were happy: "She wants this?"

Zuo nodded, and Qin Yizhi nodded in satisfaction: "Yes, but one person is missing. Doesn't Zhao Zijie still have a younger sister? This time, let's count it together!"

What Zhao Xun did in the past few days is very unsuccessful.

First, a large group of people ran to his door to ask for money. Zhao Mansion was trapped. Because there were too many people, there was a stampede. Naturally, people were injured in this stampede. It cost a lot.

Also, he had already negotiated a deal, but the man regretted it now and stopped cooperating with him. This is fine, Zhao Xun can’t bring anything out, and the buyer who signed another contract with him paid it. With a large deposit, the goods could not be recovered. Naturally, Zhao Xun had suffered a dumb loss and lost a large amount of silver.

That's not even counted. Originally, the three children in the family were already at the age of marriage. Zhao Xun was afraid that there would be a problem, so he immediately handed over the post, wanting the matchmaker to speak for his three children.

But no one expected that all the matchmakers in Liujia Town would not accept his posts, even if he had doubled the amount of the matchmaker, no matchmaker would take it.

At this moment, not only Zhao Xun and his wife were anxious, but even Zhao Yuner was anxious.

She and Madam Zhao are halfway mothers and daughters. Naturally, this little daughter will not talk to Madam Zhao anymore. She wants to talk to the Hong clan, but she is banning her feet again, and Zhao Mansion can't get out at all!

Zhao Yun'er was so anxious that she was so beautiful, so why didn't anyone come to match her?

Since ancient times, marriage has been the order of the parents, and the matchmaker said, if there is no such matchmaker as the middleman, then how can I marry?

Zhao Yun'er was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, but in this Zhao Mansion, who would he look for?

After much deliberation, I can only find my brother Zhao Zijie.

Zhao Zijie is still recovering from his injuries. During this period of time, lying on the bed, the whole person is going to get moldy, and he is getting angry in the room: "What kind of food is this, is it the dog or you?"

In the room, a minion dressed as a servant, trembling all over, knelt in the room, and replied with a shiver: "Second son, the minion brought this meal from the kitchen. It is all prepared by the kitchen!" !--rm-->

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