The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1336: You can't compete with me

"The kitchen is ready? What is this? Ah? My son asks you, does that Zhao Zicong eat this too? If so, my son will eat too!" Zhao Zijie furiously pointed at the food in front of him, his hands all angry. Some trembling.

A bowl of bok choy that you can't even see in oil and water, a dish of pickles, and a cup of egg soup that you don’t know how long, plus a bowl of white rice!

Is this the second son of the Zhao family eating this?

Zhao Zijie was angry, but when he had eaten something like this from his birth to the present, he overturned the food that he brought over, and the food was poured on the head of the minion, and the food ran down his cheeks. face.

The minion didn’t even dare to move, so he let the food soup flow down his cheeks and into his eyes. His eyes were so painful that he didn’t dare to reach out and wipe his head. He squatted his head and replied, "Big Master. The minions of mine also went to the kitchen to get food!"

When Zhao Yun'er entered, he happened to see such a scene. Zhao Zijie's face was flushed and his neck was thick. The minion lowered his head and trembled in shock.

Seeing Zhao Yun'er entering, she was able to withdraw.

"Big brother, don't be angry, wait for you, and then teach those dog minions who look down on others!" Zhao Yuner hurriedly stepped forward and patted Zhao Zijie on the back, making him smooth.

"What a dog slave, I am also the young master of the Zhao family, but look at what I eat every day! No meat or eggs, is this asking me to become a monk!"

Zhao Zijie felt a strange grudge.

Zhao Yun'er was also aggrieved: "Brother, sister is not eating this! They are all vegetarian, not as good as our previous half of the food! Oh, brother, I really want to be a mother, if she is a mother , She will definitely not let us be wronged!"

"We didn't succeed this time, and I don't know what will happen if my mother knows!" Zhao Zijie thumped out of bed, and said angrily, "That Gu Xiaowan is too damn, if it wasn't for her to shoot something at me, he would shoot me. Go out, otherwise, I'll be a little bit, just a little bit!"

Zhao Zijie was full of regrets, and he felt regretful.

"Brother, do you know what I heard just now?" Zhao Yuner heard Zhao Zijie talk about Gu Xiaowan, and then realized the purpose of her coming, and she hurriedly said aggrieved: "Father is asking the matchmaker to help us talk about marriage, but none of them The matchmaker dares to accept Dad's post!"

"What?" When Zhao Zijie heard this, he hurriedly lifted his body and looked at Zhao Yuner incredulously: "You said no one will match us?"

"Well! I also heard that there is a leader among those matchmakers, Li Matchmaker, who had dealt with Gu Xiaowan a few years ago. I heard that she did not answer, and all the matchmakers were afraid to answer. Brother, if the matchmaker really doesn't What should I do if I accept Dad's post!" Zhao Yun'er burst into tears.

I was busy wiping it with a kerchief, and the skin pierced by Zuo's sharp blade was almost crusted now. Because the wound was not very deep, the doctor also said that it would not leave scars, so Zhao Yuner was relieved.

"Don't worry, Yun'er, if the matchmaker doesn't pick up, let's find it by ourselves! My sister is so good-looking, and she will definitely find a Ruyi Langjun!" Zhao Zijie hurriedly comforted Zhao Yuner, with a sure face.

With these words, Zhao Yun'er, who was ashamed, was flushed and punched Zhao Zijie with a small fist, and said angrily: "Brother, what are you talking about? When did my sister say that she is going to marry!"

The shy face seems to be worrying that no one will match himself with him!

Zhao Zijie saw his sister's fan punch on her body, and it didn't hurt, so he hurried to hold her hand, smiled and joked, "If you don't marry, do you still keep being an old girl? My brother can't bear it! "

Zhao Yuner's face turned red again, she stood up with a squeeze, stomped her feet and said shyly, "Brother, you really hate you, I won't tell you anymore."

Then, he pursed his lips, and then turned and left. The scent remaining on his body seemed to remain in this room, lingering around him. Zhao Zijie followed the scent and took a deep breath, closed his eyes, showing satisfaction Smile.

What a beautiful daughter Xiang!

On the other side of Mrs. Zhao, who was eating at the table, there was a minion kneeling down below, very sloppy, with a lot of food hanging on her head, and her clothes stained with vegetable soup.

"You said he poured all the food?"

"Well, madam, look, you're a minion!" Sure enough, he was the minion who delivered food in Zhao Zijie's house just now.

At this moment, he knelt in front of Madam Zhao and repeated Zhao Zijie's remarks before he got up and left.

There was a maid next to her. She used a jade to put a piece of exquisite hibiscus cake for her and put it in Mrs. Zhao's bowl.

On the table, there is a dazzling array of dishes, such as pigeon soup, squirrel mandarin fish, cherry meat, eight-treasure duck, lotus leaf tofu soup, brasenia, hibiscus cake, etc., with meat and vegetables, everything is available, and it is much richer than Zhao Zijie’s meal. Many.

Mrs. Zhao ate the lotus cake in the bowl, and then she spoke again: "Have you eaten your son?"

"I've eaten." Lv Zhu, who had just picked her up, replied.

"what did you eat?"

"The same as the wife. The kitchen has always been the same for the wife and the son. But the son loves spicy food, and the food over there is more flavorful!"

"Yeah! Let the kitchen not be so spicy these few days, the son has a little sore throat these few days, eat less! Also, let the son make a bowl of bird's nest for the son in the morning and before going to bed in the kitchen and defeat him fire!"

Then, holding a bowl of pigeon soup served by the green bamboo, he drank it cautiously, with a smug in the corner of his mouth.

Hong, didn't you fight with me?

You can't compete with me, your child, and you can't compete with my child.

"I heard that Hong's son also likes spicy food?" Madam Zhao suddenly asked what she thought of.

Then Luzhu thought for a while, nodded and said, "When I first came, I heard that I told the kitchen that his food should be spicy. However, he was raising his body recently, and the doctor told him not to eat spicy food. I'm afraid that the wound will not get healed easily, so all the meals prepared in the kitchen these days are very light!"

Mrs. Zhao listened, smiled and put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hand, and carefully wiped the corners of her lips with a kerchief, revealing a smile: "Didn’t he say that there is no meat and no eggs? From this evening, let the kitchen Prepare him a meat meal and add more spicy, the more spicy the better!"

There was a stern smile at the corner of his mouth, and there was cold ice in his eyes.

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