The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1347: Dating in five days

Gu Fangxi and Aunt Zhang didn't expect Qin Yizhi to kneel in front of them. Both were shocked, looked at each other, and got up!

Although Qin Yuzhi tried his best to suppress the fierce aura on his body, in the eyes of Gu Fangxi and Aunt Zhang, there is still a shocking pressure on the aura of Qin Yuzhi like this.

The two looked at the man who was kneeling in front of them. They didn't know why, they only felt a pressure overwhelming. After standing up, the two looked at it again. Aunt Zhang had to go forward and help him: "Xiao Qin, you Get up first! We can't afford such courtesy!"

"Aunt, aunt, Yan Zhi asked to marry Wan'er, these etiquettes are indispensable, Wan'er's father and mother died young, the two are Wan'er's elders, Yan Zhi's etiquette, the two should be!" He was very serious, arched his hands, said respectfully.

Seeing that he couldn’t get up, the two talked again and thought for a while, thinking that they are indeed Gu Xiaowan’s maiden family. Now that the person in front of me wants to marry Xiaowan, it is natural to talk carefully and not let him. Xiao Wan was negligent.

Thinking of this, the two of them returned to the seat again. Looking at Qin Yizhi, Aunt Zhang took the lead to speak: "Xiao Qin, you have been at Gu’s house for seven or eight years. Why did you come to Gu’s house? Everyone knows how Xiaowan treats you and how you treat Xiaowan. After so many years, everyone has seen it. You marry Xiaowan, we are naturally happy, but this couple is different from the past, after all, you will be Everything about her, can you do enough to think about her?"

"Xiaowan is a person who can't rub his eyes at all. If you have other women in the future, what about Xiaowan? You know, Xiaowan likes you. She is a dead brain again!" Gu Fangxi also has a face Worries.

Which man does not have three wives and four concubines, Gu Fangxi naturally guessed that there will be other women after Qin Yizhi, but just thinking like this, Gu Fangxi is not worth it for Xiaowan!

Gu Xiaowan is the head of Anping County, but it was personally canonized by the fifth-grade emperor. In the entire Liujia Town, it is unparalleled!

However, Xiao Wan wants to marry Qin Yizhi.

Qin Mo is impeccable on appearance.

In terms of family history, Qin Yuzhi's previous family history is also impeccable.

However, that was all in the past after all. He is now lonely and has nothing except a little property before.

Xiao Wan wants to marry him, they have nothing to say.

The relationship between these two people over the years is obvious to all of them.

Qin Mozhi protected Gu Xiaowan desperately. They all saw this in their hearts and were happy in their hearts.

However, everything in the past only represents the past. In the future, if the two get married, this ordinary day, if there is no passion, the life of the two will be ordinary.

Whether there will be such a good relationship in the future, they are not sure, but if Qin Yizhi has other women, what should Xiaowan do?

The stone on the side heard these words, his hands clenched into fists, his lips pressed tightly, and his eyes fixed on Qin Yizhi.

If he didn't answer well, he would punch it directly and throw it out of Gu Yuan!

"Aunt, aunt, Wan'er is my destiny, Yan Zhi swears here today, I, Qin Yizhi, I have only Gu Xiaowan in this life, and a couple for life, and there will never be a second woman!"

The people present were shocked after hearing this!

One pair for life people?

This is such a serious place in the patriarchal world, how could this person say such a thing as a couple for life?

"Are you sure?" Shishi squeezed his fist, looked at Qin Yizhi, and asked every word.

"If there is a violation, the sky will strike thunder and you will not die!" Qin Yizhi's words were very calm, his expression was solemn, and his face was serious.

"Okay, you have to remember what you said today. If you do something that makes Xiaowan sad and upset in the future, if you make her feel wronged, even if I can't beat you, I will fight for this life. , Go to you to settle the account!" Stone also looked serious, not timid.

Qin Yizhi looked at him and smiled softly: "I won't give you this opportunity!"

Then, in the stunned eyes of everyone, he took out something from the cuff and handed it to Gu Fangxi: "The marriage was originally meant to be the order of the parents. The matchmaker said, but Wan'er has no parents, and I don’t have parents. Now I only have It's up to my aunt to take care of my marriage with Wan'er. This is a wedding ceremony, please have a look!"

Gu Fangxi stretched out his hand to take it, and when he opened it, the more he looked back, his heart became more surprised.

The post was only two folds, and it was densely covered with wedding ceremonies.

Gu Fangxi also knew a few words, and when he saw the things on it, he took a breath.

Aunt Zhang on the side didn't understand words. Seeing that Gu Fangxi had been staring at her, she hurried over and asked curiously what was written on it!

"East China Sea Night Pearl, ten! There is also a seven-entry house in the capital, a house deed, a field, and a silver ticket," Gu Fangxi said later, his voice trembling more and more.

There are not many things, but the quantity is amazing!"Where did all these things come from?" Gu Fangxi's voice trembled, and he looked at Qin Yizhi in disbelief.

Qin Yizhi said lightly: "When my father was alive, there was a house on the bustling main street of the capital, and there were many other things left behind by my parents."

"But last time you, Xiao Wan and Jing, didn't you already give so many things? This, this" Gu Fangxi didn't accept it, and it didn't happen if he didn't accept it. His heart became more embarrassed.

Although she was thinking about not letting Xiaowan make a shameful marriage, but

Although the gift list above is only a short two-fold discount, the value of this item is as expensive as you can imagine with your toes!

This mansion in the capital, two hundred acres of land, and silver slips, the numbers on it are afraid to scare people to death!

These things are probably more grand and luxurious than the Shili and Jingli when Xiaowan and Jing were involved.

How can this make her speak!

"Let's give this thing to Xiaowan! Let her see it by herself!" Gu Fangxi suddenly thought of a good idea, like a hot potato, and threw it back to Qin Yizhi, letting him speak for himself.

"Since you are ready for everything, let's make a kiss after five days!"

The elders agreed, and Gu Xiaowan was the only one left.

Over there, when I arrived outside Gu Xiaowan's house, I just saw Zuo come to open the door and saw that it was Qin Yizhi who came, dancing with joy: "Brother Qin, beautiful, so beautiful."

Qin Mozhi didn't think that Zuo didn't understand the rules, and he understood Zuo's endless words, as if a flower had already appeared between his eyes.

Gu Xiaowan had changed back to the original clothes. Even if Qin Yizhi wanted to see it again, he knew that the clothes were worn on the day he was going to be married, and he couldn't see it now.

I felt jealous when I thought that the first person to see a kitten in clothes was Zuo.

I knew I shouldn't have let her change clothes with the kitten!

One of Qin Yi's beautiful phoenix eyes turned to the side left-handed, who was happily invisible, and the sad eyes immediately made the alarm bells in Zuo's heart!

What does the lamenting look in the master's eyes just now mean?

"This clothes is really complicated. If it weren't for Zuo to help me change clothes, I'm afraid I don't know how to put it on!" As if knowing what Qin Yizhi was thinking, Gu Xiaowan would immediately take it. Left to clear.

Well, since this is the case, then forgive Zuo.

Qin Ye Zi cast a grateful look at Ah Zuo.

Zuo was stunned for a while, and suddenly realized that the host’s sad eyes just now

I'm jealous!

Thinking of this, Zuo really couldn't laugh or cry, he could only lower his head and try his best to hold back the laughter.

However, when the master was jealous, his jealous look was really terrifying!

Also, it's funny.

Zuo's shaking shoulders made Gu Xiaowan look at it, but she felt distressed: "A Zuo, you go out first!"

Hurry up and laugh, I'm afraid I will hurt you internally.

Zuo nodded hurriedly and ran away quickly.

It wasn't until she ran far away that she laughed unscrupulously, but where did she know that what she thought was far away, in Gu Xiaowan's open window, heard clearly.

That unscrupulous laughter reached the ears of two people without any scruples.

"This Zuo is getting smaller and smaller!" Qin Mozhi's brows were cold.

"What are you doing? I'm very happy with Zuo's temper, don't suppress it!" Gu Xiaowan hurriedly knocked his clock, Qin Yizhi's tight face immediately loosened, where is the serious look just now , A look of "flattering": "You just want to be happy! This free temper can indeed bring a lot of joy!"

"Aunty, do you make sense?" Gu Xiaowan sat at the table, Qin Yizhi poured a cup of tea and handed it to Gu Xiaowan's hand.

Gu Xiaowan took it skillfully, raised her head and drank, Qin Mozhi kept looking at her indulgently, her eyes like water.

"That makes sense!" Qin Mozhi's eyes were always smiling, and he stretched out his hand and crowned Gu Xiaowan's naughty hair on the front of his forehead behind his ears.

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