The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1348: Never leave

Then, obediently took the cup that Gu Xiaowan had drunk in her hand, took it again, and gently placed it on the table, the whole process in one go.

"Will you feel too soon to get married in five days? Aren't you afraid that I'm not ready for anything?" Qin Yizhi looked at Gu Xiaowan's unhurried look, and his heart was as sweet as eating honey. To my heart.

"What are you afraid of? I said I want to marry you, even if you are not prepared for anything, I will marry you!" Gu Xiaowan said firmly.

She had never experienced the feeling of loving someone before.

When she was studying, it was parents and teachers who watched closely. She hadn't tasted the greenery and desireless love on campus.

Later, when I went to work, that kind of pure love disappeared. The blind date again and again, the more important was the family background and character of the other party, which was a little bit more lasting than before in school.

Gu Xiaowan never came into contact with these two kinds of love, and she never understood what these loves are!

But in this other world, she would actually encounter the kind of love that is full of you, without asking for rewards, and giving out without thinking about life, just because there is only you in her heart.

This kind of love is hard to come by. If you miss it, I'm afraid it will never happen again in this life.

Gu Xiaowan didn't want to miss it, nor would she miss it.

She raised her head, stared at Qin Yizhi's eyes sincerely, gently cupped his cheek with her hand, moved her face together, and directly printed a kiss: "Yizhi, if you depend on life and death, Wan'er is in this life. I will never give up in this world!"

Qin Yizhi had never heard Gu Xiaowan say a love story, but today, this love story came so suddenly, which made Qin Yizhi feel shocked for a while.

"Wan'er, are you true?" Qin Yizhi was happily confused. Today, he had just married successfully. Now, Xiao Mao'er said such touching words to him. Is it a dream?

Never wake him up!

He looked at Gu Xiaowan cautiously and said such a sentence in a soft voice, fearing that if his voice or movements were louder, he would startle the dream, and when he woke up, he would start again.

He loves kittens and wants to marry her, no matter how young she is, he is willing to wait.

Wait a year or two, wait three or four years, wait as long as you want.

One day, he will wait until he completely owns the kitten in his mind.

However, before going to the capital, he still has to put the kitten in his pocket. Otherwise, if such a good person arrives in the capital, he is afraid that he does not know how many people he wants to be a sweet bun. He can't let others covet him. His people!

Not in the past, not now, not in the future!

"Wan'er, come here." Qin Yizhi took Gu Xiaowan into her room. A brand-new mahogany box was lying quietly behind a curtain: "Wan'er, this is the key. Open it!"

"What's in it?" Gu Xiaowan looked at the exquisite mahogany box in front of him suspiciously, with exquisite flowers carved on it. The blossoms complemented each other, so lifelike. It can be seen that the carved wooden box was also made by a master.

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