The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1354: Disfigured

"Gu Xiaowan, that stinky woman, I can't get it, and others don't want to get it!" Zhao Zijie said grimly, then looked at Zhao Yun'er and said, "You were stupid at the time, you just took her captive, how did you find that Qin Yizhi! She was so stupid that she pushed her into the fire. If it doesn't burn, we will die!"

The people who came have reported it, saying that many villagers have discovered that the person who bruised Gu Xiaowan was from Song Liancheng!

It's from Song Liancheng, that's from the Zhao family!

That Qin Yizhi does not come to trouble Zhao's family now does not mean that he will not come to trouble in the future.

Qin Yizhi, that is a terrible person!

Zhao Zijie has a hideous face. The scar on his face is even more terrifying.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Zhao Yun'er sat aside, feeling an indescribable gloomy feeling emanating from him.

"What are you doing? Haha, doesn't Qin Yizhi like Gu Xiaowan? Wouldn't Qin Yizhi let us go? Let's just burn them all to death! In this way, if we die, we won't have any threat!" Zhao Zijie chuckled grimly.

Even the scar on his face seemed as terrible as a ghost!

Zhao Yunren shuddered all over: "Brother, you are not going to die, then you will beheaded!"

"Hmph, you pushed Gu Xiaowan into the fire today, why didn't you expect that this matter was exposed, you would have to beheaded! If you want to do it, you will be a big one. If you want to die, it will be a death anyway. It is better to pull a few people into the back!"

Zhao Yuner looked at Zhao Zijie, and felt that this person was crazy: "Brother, are you crazy? You will drag down the entire Zhao family!"

Zhao Zijie was crazy. Since the bandage was removed from his face, he was crazy after seeing this cleansed and unfamiliar, inhumane face, he said, "I became the way I am now. I worship the bad woman Gu Xiaowan. Thanks, if it weren't for her, could my face become like this!"

Zhao Zijie said hysterically: "Yun'er, go and beg your cousin, doesn't his cousin like you? He will promise you whatever you say! Go and beg him and find some martial arts people to give me!"

"Brother, what are you talking about!" As soon as Zhao Yuner heard Song Liancheng, his cheeks immediately caught an inexplicable flush.

"Yun'er, just help Brother this time, Brother must take revenge!"

"But brother, Zhao family" Zhao Yuner was still a little worried, after all, if he really killed Gu Xiaowan's family, it would be a big crime!

"Not afraid," Zhao Zijie said with a smile: "The Zhao family has nothing left, just a big fake empty shell. Let's take this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone."

Zhao Zijie’s voice was getting lower and lower, and he leaned in front of Zhao Yuner to say something. There was joy and gloom in his eyebrows. Zhao Yuner was a little hesitant at first, but after being touched by Zhao Zijie, he nodded, and a surprise in his eyes !

The news that Gu Xiaowan wanted to make a kiss was spread in Jinfulou.

Gu Xiaowan didn't intend to hide it, although she said that the marriage was just a simple matter, and she didn't ask for much pomp, but she wanted everyone to know.

This can be regarded as showing one's attitude towards Qin Yizhi.

Gu Xiaowan couldn't bear to think of Qin Mozhi's pitying begging to herself.

She likes Qin Yizhi, and naturally she is not willing to worry him a little bit.

Just like Qin Yizhi, she wants to make a marriage with herself and plan so many things in advance. Naturally, she wants to give her the best. How can she bear this kind of love!

"Tomorrow is about to make an appointment. Although the time is so short, Xiao Qin's thoughts are one by one!" Gu Fangxi said with emotion, "Xiao Qin has nothing to say to you! You marry him, my aunt died. Don't worry!"

Of course Gu Xiaowan knew that she was filled with joy.

"Sister, you and Brother Qin will be dating tomorrow, are you nervous?" Gu Xiaoyi secretly cheered on the side.

"Silly girl, what are you nervous about? Your Brother Qin is not an outsider!" Aunt Zhang said from the side.

"Yes, yes, I can't be called Big Brother Qin, I want to be called Brother-in-law." Gu Xiaoyi deliberately stretched out the words "Brother-in-law behind" with a teasing expression on her face.

Gu Xiaowan knew that she was making fun of herself, her eyebrows were raised upside down, and she pretended to be angry: "Xiao Yi, the more you grow up, your skin will become more and more solid. Even my sister dare to make fun!"

She was about to step forward to beat Gu Xiaoyi, and Gu Xiaoyi jumped up and ran around the room.

Two sisters, you chased me, it was so joyful.

Gu Fangxi and Aunt Zhang hurriedly said, "Slow down, slow down, little ancestor, don't hurt."

Even Zuo, standing aside, opened his eyes wide, as if he was taking care of a child, his eyes never left Gu Xiaowan's body, for fear that she would be injured by the knock.

Gu Ningping happened to come in from outside. Gu Xiaoyi was tired from running, and rushed over when he saw it, screaming: "Brother, save me, save me!"

Gu Ningping hurriedly blocked Xiaoyi behind him, but when he saw that it was Gu Xiaowan who was chasing her, he hurriedly jumped away, grabbed Gu Xiaoyi, and shouted, "Sister, I caught her, I caught him." ."

Angrily Gu Xiaoyi screamed in surprise: "Brother, you shamelessly, you bully me!"

On the other side, Gu Xiaowan also ran over, gently squeezed Gu Xiaoyi's pink little face, and said jokingly: "Ning Ping, hold me tight. Little things, let's see how my sister cleans you!"

"Sister, please be merciful!" Gu Xiaoyi begged for mercy, only to feel an itch in his neck.

It turned out that Gu Xiaowan was holding a fluff in her neck and squirming it, itchy and numb.

Gu Xiaowan giggled and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Sister, I dare not, I dare not!"

Only then did Gu Xiaowan give up, and Gu Ningping also let go of Gu Xiaoyi, and the trio of siblings ended here.

Gu Fangxi and Aunt Zhang continued to laugh, and Zuo also let out a long sigh of relief.

Just don't knock and touch!

Because Gu Xiaowan was about to make a kiss, Gu Ningan also took a few days off and returned early.

Although it is only for family members, some guests still want to invite.

Xu Chengze and his wife, Fu Sister-in-law of Jixiang Cloth Village, and Yue Niang of Ruyi Tower, these people all helped Gu Xiaowan when she was in trouble, and they were all people she respected and loved, so naturally, they should also be invited.

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