The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1355: Ninth of July

After the frolic, I heard Fan Ling shouting warmly outside: "Xiaowan, mother, aunt, Ange is back."

After a while, I saw Gu Ning'an walking in from outside.

Not seeing him for months, Gu Xiaowan looked at him seriously, thinking that he was different from the previous months.

"Sister" Gu Ning'an came to Gu Xiaowan's side as soon as he walked in, and shouted affectionately with a happy face. Then he looked at Gu Fangxi and Aunt Zhang and called them with a smile.

The siblings are so affectionate that they can be seen at a glance.

"How good is it with Mr. Fang?" Gu Xiaowan saw that he was a lot taller, and his complexion was ruddy and shiny. If you want to come, it should be good for Mr. Fang!

"Everything is fine in Ning'an, Mr. Fang's family takes good care of me!" Gu Ning'an replied.

Seeing him saying that everything was okay, Gu Xiaowan was relieved: "It's good. Although studying is very hard, it is the best time for you to enrich yourself. You have to come on!"

Gu Xiaowan cheered him up, and Gu Ning'an was also an opinionated child, and he liked reading, so he listened naturally: "Sister, don't worry, Ning An will not let you down!"

Gu Fangxi heard what Gu Ning'an said, and said with emotion: "Ning'an, you must work hard! Don't let your sister down!"

Gu Ning'an nodded firmly, his face full of determination.

Gu Ning'an and Gu Xiaowan still had something to say, so Gu Fangxi and Aunt Zhang went out to cook.

Seeing them leaving, Gu Ning'an couldn't wait to ask: "Sister, are you going to make a date with him? This is too fast! I haven't had time to prepare well!" "What to prepare? It's just a marriage. It's not married!"

"But, elder sister, although this marriage is not a match, you will only do this once in your life! It must not be sloppy!" Gu Ning'an said solemnly, meaning that if you are not satisfied, you can't make a marriage!

"I know once in my life, but I want to be married to him, no matter what I want, I want to marry him!" After Gu Xiaowan finished, she pulled Gu Ning'an to the side of the mahogany box and said, "Brother Yizhi , Never treated me wrongly!"

Then, he opened the box and showed him the wedding ceremony inside. After reading it, Gu Ning'an opened his mouth in astonishment: "Sister, these."

"If you all think that it is too simple because there is no wedding gift, then brother Yizhi just sent this box of wedding gift, he can already marry several Gu Xiaowan!" The contents of this box are probably one A senior official can't hold it in his entire life!

"Sister, I didn't mean that!" Gu Ningan's face suddenly turned red, and said with some embarrassment: "It's just too sudden, we are not mentally prepared! And, you are going to the capital soon, so why are you in a hurry? For a while!"

"It's because I'm going to the capital, so I have to quickly get married with Brother Yizhi!" Gu Xiaowan said solemnly, with a firm attitude: "I like him! I want to be with him forever! You may not realize it. In this way, but in my whole life, I love him and only love him!"

Gu Xiaowan's words are loud and sound, although they are still a little immature, but the words are sonorous and powerful, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

Gu Ning'an wanted to say something, but seeing her sister so resolute, knowing that if she said anything else, she wouldn't be able to change her sister's decision!

However, he felt strange in his heart!

This Qin Yizhi must have a plan, otherwise why must he make a marriage with his sister before going to the capital!

Gu Ning'an frowned nervously.

Zuo was not far away. He heard the conversation here, especially when he heard the girl's words, his face was pleasantly surprised, thinking in his heart that he must tell the master so happy things later, and make him happy.

Sure enough, when Qin Yizhi heard the news in Jinfulou, he was a little nervous today, worried that he would not be able to sleep all night. Fortunately, the news came. With Gu Xiaowan's words on his pillow, he had a good sleep!

The second day, the ninth day of July, is suitable for marriage.

With the help of Gu Fangxi and Aunt Zhang, Gu Xiaowan changed into Xifu, and for the first time, she applied some rouge and gouache! The whole person looks even more human than Hua Jiao against the red wedding dress.

Even Gu Fangxi, who helped her make-up, looked at her in amazement, and exclaimed: "My Xiaowan is really an adult. Look at what she looks like now, Tsk is really beautiful!"

"Yes, it's so beautiful. In the blink of an eye, this child is going to be married." Aunt Zhang said, feeling a little uncomfortable, but because today is a good day of great joy, she hurriedly pressed back the tears that were about to come out. Happy face.

"Isn't it, the child who was still in our arms before will be taken away by others in a blink of an eye!" Gu Fangxi felt Aunt Zhang's sadness, and quickly made Aunt Zhang laugh with a single sentence.

Gu Xiaowan was also overjoyed by the two of them, but her face was flushed.

Although the person in the bronze mirror didn't see it very clearly, his lips were red and teeth were white. The red wife on her body was made of no material. It was light and soft, as if wrapped in softness.

The slender waist is tied with a red wide band, which is even more thin waist and thin shoulders.

"Wow, my elder sister is so good-looking, and my brother-in-law will come to pick up my sister later, so he will definitely be reluctant to blink!" Gu Xiaoyi rushed in from the outside and was shocked to see Gu Xiaowan's beauty.

"Sister, you are so beautiful, like a fairy falling from the sky!" Gu Xiaoyi exaggeratedly admired.

Gu Xiaowan chuckled after hearing this compliment: "The fairy who fell from the sky? Is that the face first or something first?"

It fell from the sky, and it became scum, and it was beautiful.

Gu Xiaoyi didn't realize that he was wrong in this sentence, so he could only touch his head and smile: "Sister, you are beautiful today!"

Gu Fangxi smiled and said: "This sentence is okay, don't be greedy, you will be beautiful when you get married!"

This sentence made Gu Xiaoyi's face blushing directly: "Aunt, what are you talking about! I don't want to marry! I want to stay with my aunt forever!"

"Hmph, this is what you said. If you meet someone you like in the future, don't cry and beg me to let you marry!" Gu Fangxi said with a smile.

Gu Xiaoyi's words made everyone who provoke laughed endlessly.

At this moment, Gu Ningping shouted in surprise from outside: "Sister, Brother Qin is here, Brother Qin is here!"

Gu Xiaowan learned this ancient wedding ceremony etiquette only in these two days.

Because Qin Yizhi was not from Liujiazhen, he couldn't live in Gu Yuan. During the first two days, Qin Yizhi went to Jinfu Tower to live temporarily.

Then, on the ninth day of the ninth day, Qin Yizhi took a wedding ceremony, rode a tall horse, and took a sedan chair to Gu Yuan to pick up Xiaowan, took her to the restaurant, and then entertained the guests, as the guests said, the two will make a wedding later. Now, when you reach old age, you can get married.

It also means that the relationship between these two people is already firmly established.

Gu Xiaowan grasped the veil in her hand, a little nervous.

In this previous life, I haven’t even talked about love, and I’m going to be married in this life. To be honest, I’m still a little nervous!

Gu Fangxi on the side heard that Qin Yizhi was here, so he and Aunt Zhang hurried forward to help Gu Xiaowan: "Xiaowan, it's good time, let's go!"

Gu Xiaowan was cuddled with an arm by two of them, and there was someone relying on him. The anxiety that was a little bit earlier became calm at this moment.

Because it’s not married, so I didn’t cover the red jumper, just follow the road she didn’t know how many times she walked, boudoir, cloister, patio, lobby, front entrance, courtyard

This place has been countless times, and today, Gu Xiaowan counts step by step for the first time, one, two, three, fifty six seventy

The closer I get, the more panic my heart becomes

When I counted to the seventy-seventh step, I raised my eyes and saw a man in red on the horseback, like a god, smiling and looking at himself.

That familiar smile, nice eyebrows, Wang Bibo, affectionate style

The man on horseback turned over and got off the horse, and went straight forward. Amidst the exclamations of the crowd, he lifted Gu Xiaowan horizontally: "Waner, don't be afraid."

Reluctant to take a step, reluctant to feel a trace of tension.

Since the kitten appeared in his sight, his eyes have not left her for half a step.

The kitten was being supported by someone, and she kept her head down slightly, unable to see her look at the moment.

But his heart was as fine as a hair, and how could he not see the slightly shaking shoulders of the kitten, telling him that she was a little nervous at this moment!

She is nervous, he is equally nervous!

Originally thought he would suffer from insomnia last night, he planned to get up early this morning and he had to put some powder on himself, but after hearing the little cat's heartfelt words from here, he immediately fell asleep.

But I slept in the middle of the night, and worried that I would have slept, and it would delay the appointment. I opened my eyes in a daze and lay on the bed in the middle of the night.

Back then, when he knew that the next day he would lead a hundred thousand elite soldiers to contend with the enemy's hundreds of thousands of troops, he was not nervous and never closed his eyes.

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