The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1356: There are artificial rumors

Gu Xiaowan was hugged in her arms, and as soon as she lowered her head, she sat in the sedan chair.

A red dress, Qin Yizhi is as handsome as a god, and the pair of Danfeng eyes does not know how many young women are going to kill.

When he accidentally touched Qin Yizhi's hand, he found some sweat on the palm of his hand. Could it be that he was also nervous?

"Brother Yizhi, are you nervous?" Gu Xiaowan asked with concern.

Qin Yizhi was said to have been on his mind, a little at a loss!

Is he nervous?

Of course he is nervous!

However, in front of the kitten, he must be generous and natural, otherwise the kitten will see that he is scared later, and she will be afraid too!

Thinking of this, Qin Yizhi said for granted: "No, it's just a bit hot! You sit inside and I'll call you when the waiting meeting arrives!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, Qin Yanzhi looked at that dreamlike face with infatuation, and then took a nostalgic look. Then he turned reluctantly out of the sedan chair and turned on his horse, simply neatly.

The other people in Gu Yuan also got on the back carriage one after another, and followed all the way to the town.

The line to welcome the bridesmaids is not long. Qin Yizhi is leading the way in a red dress, and Ahmad is riding a horse to follow behind. He is dressed in a strong red outfit with a red belt, and he looks very energetic. Excited.

When they arrived in the town, many villagers gathered around and looked at what happened here. I saw Qin Yi's tool Yu Xuanang, dressed in red, so majestic.

Behind him is a delicate sedan chair with red silk hanging on it, dancing with the wind.

"Wow, it seems that it is really the main appointment of Anping County!" someone exclaimed.

The people on the side listened and asked excitedly: "What? Anping county lord will be married? With that Qin Yizhi? Wow, that is really a talented woman, a pair made in heaven!"

However, there are still people talking coldly!

"Anping county lord is only sixteen this year, isn't this Qin Yuzhi more than 20? I heard he is seven years older than Anping county lord!" Someone said dissatisfiedly.

"What's wrong with seven years older? The old man loves his young wife, don't you understand? Also, Young Master Qin is so handsome, he is twenty years older than me, if I am, I will marry him too!" There was a girl with a face. Envy.

The girls around also all agreed, with a look of envy.

"The county lord of Anping is really fateful, with a distinguished identity, and such a handsome Ruyi Langjun. If I were her, I would really make me live less than 20 years!"

Sitting in the sedan chair, Gu Xiaowan listened to the comments from the people from time to time. Her heart was like drumming, tense for a while, sweet for a while.

She giggled from time to time, but fortunately, there was no other person in the sedan chair except her, otherwise she would really think she was happy and stupid.

No, it can't be like this!

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly coughed and adjusted her posture.

Everywhere is the voice of congratulations, and I can still hear Xipo sending out wedding candy and saying auspicious words to please!

Suddenly, a discordant voice came into Gu Xiaowan's ears.

"Oh, the county lord of Anping made a kiss, and only a box was made for a kiss. It would be too shabby! Everyone said it was not!" An unfamiliar voice from Gu Xiaowan opened the curtain slightly and saw a standing outside. The tall man stood there, pointing mockingly at the box behind him, saying filthy things, and there were many men beside him, gesticulating and pointing together.

"Just a box of wedding gifts, tusk, shabby!" Someone jokingly followed.

Gu Xiaowan was inside, and she couldn't open the curtain at will to look outside to see who was talking cool words, and even if he said cool words, she was unwilling to explain.

In the carriage at the back, I followed Zhang Shu, Aunt Zhang, Gu Fangxi, and a few children. Listening to the cold talk outside, the stone rushed out impulsively to reason with those people. Aunt Zhang hurriedly stopped him: "Sit down and leave it alone. Say! Let him go as he says, we know it."

Only then did Shishi sit down and looked angrily at the few malicious people outside.

Qin Yizhi's carriage didn't stop, and it seemed that he didn't even look back at all. The group of people saw what they said, like a stone thrown out, not even the ripples, and felt a little unwilling, so they went all the way. Follow.

"Lord of Anping County, you will make a marriage with me! I will definitely give you a dowry that is more than eighty, and let you go back and follow me as a noble lady. You can't finish eating and drinking, you can't finish it! Ah" the person just finished saying , Suddenly let out a screaming scream, and then saw the man squeeze his mouth tightly, and blood flowed through the fingers

"Who is it? Who beat Laozi! Come out for Laozi!" The blood in his mouth was getting more and more, and. What I said was a bit unclear. It seemed that the injury was serious!

"Young man, please accumulate some morals. Today is the Anping County Master's wedding banquet. If you dare to talk nonsense, don't blame us. You're welcome!" An old man said when he saw that the young man had been beaten and he didn't have a long memory. .

"Why? Why can a little beggar marry a fifth-rank county owner? Is the county owner blind? Although I am not as good-looking as him, my family is good! I said, the county owner, as long as you are willing to follow I, gold, silver and jewelry, whatever you want, I will give you what you want!" The man still didn't give up, even though he couldn't explain his words clearly, he said the shameless words.

Qin Mozhi didn't look back, just turned his head and glanced at Ahmad, Ahmad nodded, and led the way.

The horse turned around and walked towards the person who was speaking.

The sound of hooting horses' hoofs was drowned in the crowd.

The man covered his mouth, endured the pain in his mouth, held on, straightened his waist and looked at Ahmad, his face was dismissive, and he didn't put Ahmad in his eyes at all.

But when Ahmad approached, the suffocation emanating from all over his body still made the man a little guilty. He still covered his mouth and involuntarily stepped back: "What are you doing!"

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