The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1358: Just want to give you the best

According to etiquette, Qin Yizhi originally only took Gu Xiaowan out of the sedan chair. How did he know that Qin Yizhi lifted it horizontally and directly carried Gu Xiaowan into Jinfu Building.

Gu Fangxi and Aunt Zhang who followed them were shocked when they saw this: "Hey, I haven't held hands to cross the threshold together!"

Gu Ningping behind him laughed and said, "Auntie and aunt, they are all holding a piece to cross the threshold, and they are still entangled in holding hands or not holding hands."

Gu Fangxi and Aunt Zhang could only give up, and followed Qin Yizhi into the Jinfu Tower.

Immediately afterwards, Shishi and Ahmad distributed wedding candy cakes at the entrance of Jinfu Tower. The people who got the wedding candy cakes kept talking auspicious words.

In the Jinfu Tower, a huge round table is filled with delicious dishes.

Qin Yizhi put Gu Xiaowan down. Mr. Xu and the others came behind him. Gu Xiaowan hurriedly went up to salute them: "Mr. Xu, Shiniang, Fusao, Yueniang"

Once she saw it, Mrs. Xu took Gu Xiaowan's hand and did not let go, looked up and down, and said with emotion, "Xiaowan, you are so beautiful today!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled and said, "Thank you, Madam!"

Everyone was seated one by one. The guys in Jinfulou had other tables. After they were all seated, Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi stood up, holding wine glasses in their hands, and said: "Elders, friends and relatives, today I Brother Yizhi decided to kiss him. He thought about the family sitting together and having a reunion dinner, but he didn't want to make a big deal. Although simple, he talked about his heart, and I hope you all can enjoy your meal!"

After speaking, after drinking it all, everyone picked up the wine glasses and drank all the wine in the glass.

After a banquet, everyone drank happily, and kept saying congratulations and so on, until everyone had a good drink, then they dispersed.

Before leaving, Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi stood at the door, sending off Mrs. Xu and the others. Yueniang and Fusao took Gu Xiaowan up and down, and looked up and down the clothes on her. The more they looked, the more pleasant they were: "Xiaowan, this one. Where did the clothes come from?"

Gu Xiaowan pointed to Qin Yizhi who was talking to Xu Xianlin and said, "He got it in my size! What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

The expressions of Fusao and Yueniang made Gu Xiaowan a little surprised, and asked hurriedly.

"Xiao Wan, do you know, what material is this dress on your body made of?" Yueniang asked, holding back her excitement.

"What?" Gu Xiaowan didn't know what the clothes were made of, but felt that the clothes were soft and cool, and they were very comfortable to wear."Tsk tut, Xiaowan, this material is edelweiss, it is hard to find a piece of edelweiss!" Yueniang tut praised: "I only heard the master say before There is this kind of material in this world, but I have never seen it with my own eyes. Now, it is really eye-opening, it is an eye-opener!"

"Xuerongsi?" Gu Xiaowan's eyes widened as soon as she heard the name. When she heard that the material was hard to find, she was equally unbelievable: "Yueniang, did you misread this material?"

"No, no, I have been dealing with cloth for so many years, what material, I just touch it with my hand and look with my eyes, I know the value and origin of the material, although, this edelweiss I have only heard the name and never seen the real thing, but I promise I won’t read it wrong! This thing is the silk spit out from blood silkworms fed on the snow of Tianshan Mountains, because the shape resembles snow and blood, red and glowing. I can't read the luster of the snow wrong!" Yueniang said confidently.

Fu's wife on the side also nodded and said: "Yes, Xiaowan, I can't read it wrong, this thing is edelweiss, it meets all the characteristics of edelweiss, the silk spit out of this silkworm is red, and , There is snow-like purity and luster, light and full! You can't go wrong!"

After Gu Xiaowan heard this, she was taken aback. She looked at her clothes in disbelief, and then at Qin Yizhi, who was talking to Xu Xianlin. Although he was talking to Xu Xianlin, he looked at here from time to time, and his eyes were full. It's love.

Gu Xiaowan didn't know how to send all the guests away, only that she finally returned to Gu Yuan in the same carriage with Qin Yizhi. On the way back, Gu Xiaowan couldn't help but ask Qin Yizhi: " Brother Yizhi, where did this clothes come from? I heard that the material is edelweiss, and it's hard to find Wanjin? Then where did you come from?"

The first time, she became deeply curious about Qin Mozhi.

Qin Yizhi saw that Gu Xiaowan asked herself that seriously, and said with a smile: "Although this material is very precious, it is not as precious as you said. Where can you still get ten thousand gold? Isn't this a request? ?"

"Brother Yizhi, I asked you where did this material come from?" Gu Xiaowan asked Qin Yizhi not answering her question.

When I heard that this material was so hard to find, Gu Xiaowan suddenly remembered that during that period, Qin Mozhi had gone out early and returned late, and had not even returned for several days. Even if he did, he was tired and unconscious.

"Did you find it during your travels during that time?" Gu Xiaowan asked distressedly, looking at Qin Mo's face.

Qin Yizhi nodded: "Well, there are only two horses of this material in the world. One has been used up, and one is left. In one person's hand, I bought it from his hand. !"

Although the twists and turns were deep and long, Qin Yizhi didn't want Gu Xiaowan to know how many tribulations there were.

She just had to wait with peace of mind and wait to be his most beautiful fiancee.

"It's hard work, isn't it?" Gu Xiaowan suddenly plunged into Qin Mozhi's arms and cried: "It's just a marriage contract, why are you so stupid?"

"I want to marry you, I naturally want to give you the best in the world!" Qin Yizhi hugged the person in his arms, looked at the joy of the two, and said excitedly and excitedly: "Wan'er, you are Mine! The best in the world, I want to give it to you!"

I love you, so I want to give you the best in the world!

There is no reason, just want to give you the best! Make you feel the happiest.

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