The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1359: Find medicine to remove scars

Gu Xiaowan heard a lot of the tired love words of dead people on TV, but this one alone made her feel that she only wants to follow such a person in this life, life and age, even if it is rough, even if it is drifting away. She wants to follow this person until she grows old, forever to be of one heart!

Gu Xiaowan suddenly opened the drawer on the short table, took out a pair of scissors from the inside, cut off a section of the two people's hair, tied it with red silk, and put one bunch of them into the sachet: "When I saw someone make a kiss , I used a ring on the ring finger to prove that the two of them have been married or married. I will use this bunch of hair to prove that the two of us have pledged to each other. Brother Yizhi, in this life, we will never leave!"

Qin Yizhi hugged Gu Xiaowan with emotion, and hugged her deeply into his arms: "Wan'er, Wan'er"

There was a happy and contented smile on his face, and the deep feelings were like the sea, which made people even more difficult to extricate themselves.

Looking for the soft lips, Qin Yanzhi printed his lips deeply, rubbing them together, and there were still heart-shaking love words in his ears.

"Hold your hand and grow old with him. I am willing to be in the same mind with you, and the white head will not be separated!"

The news of Qin Yizhi and Gu Xiaowan’s betrothal marriage spread all over the town of Liu Jiazhen. Everyone was admiring Qin Yizhi’s amazing prosperous and handsome appearance, and when Gu Xiaowan’s picturesque eyebrows were amazed. There are also many boring people who only brought Qin Yizhi to Gu Xiaowan with a gift box, which is even more outrageous.

When Zhao Yuner learned that Qin Yizhi was married, she angrily smashed all the things that could be smashed in the house on the spot. If it weren’t for Mrs. Zhao to hear that Zhao Yun’er was damaging the things in Zhao’s house, she would immediately stop her After helping her, he quickly moved the fragile items in the house, fearing that none of the things in Zhao Yuner's house could survive intact.

Zhao Yun'er can vent if she has nothing, but she is really angry in her heart. There is no other way but to go to Zhao Zijie to vent.

"Brother, Qin Yizhi is married to that bitch!" Zhao Yuner said bitterly, wishing to take Gu Xiaowan away.

Zhao Zijie at this moment is not much better.

At this moment, he was sitting in front of the dressing table, looking at the clear scar on his face, and kept wiping it with a powder puff, trying to use the rouge gouache to cover the scar on his face.

However, after a long time of tinkering, the **** scar should be how clear or clear, there is no posture that is blocked.

Here, she herself was half to death, and over there, Zhao Yuner fanned the flames, and made Zhao Zijie jump up angrily, and directly pushed all the rouge gouache on the stage to the ground, and shouted hysterically: "That bitch, Lao Tzu. Grab her muscles, eat her meat, drink her blood!"

The scar on the face of turned out to be a weird red because of excitement, which looked terrifying.

Zhao Yuner was touched by the rouge gouache that fell down. She wanted to have an attack, but when she saw Zhao Zijie's hideous look, she felt a little scared and could only stop, and went forward to comfort Zhao Zijie: "Brother, don't you Angry, Brother Song is already looking for a good doctor, and the scar will be erased by then! Don't worry, Brother Song said that if you erase it, it will definitely be erased!"

When the doctor came to remove the bandages for Zhao Zijie, looking at the ugly scar, Zhao Zijie directly removed the doctor's hand bones.

The doctor was crying and howling, and felt like he was escaping from death. He ran to Zhao Xun and begged for mercy. He said that the medicine he prescribed was correct, the medicine he took, and the medicine he applied was correct. The key is that Zhao Zijie loves spicy food. Yes, I have also reminded myself, that spicy and stimulating things can not be eaten, it will affect the wound scabs and fall off.

Zhao Xun looked at the ghostly appearance of his son, how could he not feel sad in his heart!

He is so good to deal with a son who is not handsome but not bad. Now he has a scar on his face. He is not like a human or a ghost. Who doesn't feel bad!

Although I complained that Zhao Zijie couldn't control his own mouth when he was ill, it was his own son who could only send the anger to the doctor, who directly demolished the doctor's medical clinic and blasted out the Liu family. town!

This matter was also very troublesome at the time.

However, this scar is on the face, it is on the face.

Zhao Zijie was clearly explained by Zhao Yun'er at this moment. He clenched his fists, glared at him, staring in front of him, and said furiously, "Gu Xiaowan, I want you to pay for it!"

"Brother, yes, I just want Gu Xiaowan to suffer. That woman is so bad, how can she harm Big Brother Qin!" Zhao Yun'er still thought about Big Brother Qin, thinking that Qin Yizhi would actually be married to Gu Xiaowan. It's almost like digging her heart and liver!

"Yun'er, don't talk about that Qin Yizhi again in the future. It is not a good thing to be with Gu Xiaowan again. I want to clean up Gu Xiaowan. I will also clean up this Qin Yizhi!"

"Bad brother, Brother Qin is a good man with great loyalty. If Gu Xiaowan hadn't saved him, Brother Qin would have left if he wanted to repay him!" Zhao Yuner defended, her face flushed with anger.

Zhao Zijie is clear and bright. Seeing Zhao Yun'er's shy face, why didn't he know what she was thinking, and then poured a scoop of cold water over it: "Yun'er, don't forget, Song Liancheng came to our house. What is the purpose of coming! I heard that Dad is very satisfied with Song Liancheng, and he will try his best to find me medicine because of you. If you say or do anything, Song Liancheng's heart is chilling. At that time, I won't care about brother and sister! Don't blame me for being rude to you!" Zhao Zijie touched the scar on his face and said maliciously.

"Brother, what are you talking about! Me, me" Zhao Yuner hadn't seen Zhao Zijie's horrible appearance, and her heart trembled: "Brother, I just talked casually, don't you know, I heard that it can spread outside I heard that Qin Yizhi gave Gu Xiaowan a wedding gift. I heard that there is only one box, which is really shabby!"

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