The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1360: Ning An is missing

Zhao Yun'er looked disgusted.

Zhao Zijie heard this and nodded: "The Song family is a well-known family and relatives with the eldest wife. If you want to come, you will not be wronged! Moreover, Song Liancheng also has a good impression of you. When you marry, you will be the young grandmother. Don't ruin your own future just because of a beggar!"

"I know brother, I have a sense of measure in my heart!" Although Zhao Yun'er felt a little hard to give up, when he thought that Qin Yizhi was blind, don't blame yourself for not being affectionate.

If I were to marry the Song family, it would be the young lady. That Qin Yizhi is not just that he grows well, he is a pauper. To marry Gu Xiaowan, he has to rely on Gu Xiaowan to support him. Such a useless man would only be a warm gift to her. Only the bed!

Seeing what Zhao Yun'er had thought through, Zhao Zijie didn't beat him too much: "When Big Brother Song has arranged it, isn't that **** happy now? Let's keep her happy again. Qin Yizhi didn't just give one away. Is it a gift for the box? Let’s give them more! Haha!"

Although they were married with Qin Yizhi, after all, they were not officially married. After Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi returned to Gu Yuan, they only slept in one room.

But the relationship between the two is fair, reasonable and legal.

After the wedding ceremony was completed, Qin Yizhi and Gu Xiaowan set about discussing their going to the capital.

At the end of the year, the empress dowager decides to marry her, and she can’t delay going to the capital. After arriving in the capital, she must first blend in that circle and make good relationships with others.

Gu Ning'an didn't rush back to Mr. Fang, except that Mr. Fang knew that Gu Xiaowan and the others were about to return to the capital, so Mr. Fang granted several days of leave.

On this day, Gu Ningan went to the town to go up, but did not go home when it was dark.

Gu Xiaowan felt nothing at first, but said that the child was finally released from the school, and it was excusable to spend more time outside.

However, after dinner, Gu Ningan still did not come back, and Gu Xiaowan was in a hurry.

"Ning Ping, you go to the town now to see if Ning An is in Mr. Xu's house!" Although Gu Ningan is now an older child, but has not returned home so late, Gu Xiaowan still feels a little uneasy.

Gu Ningping went right away, and Gu Xiaowan was waiting at home, but it was a guy from Jinfulou who was waiting for him to return.

The news brought Gu Xiaowan stayed on the spot: "Girl, Brother Ping asked me to come back and bring you a message, Brother An is gone! Mr. Xu’s house and Jinfu Lou did not see Geer An, now Brother Ping My son and the shopkeeper, Mr. Liang are looking for!"

"What?" Gu Xiaowan didn't go back to her room all the time because of anxiety. Instead, she was walking around in the yard, and she saw the man riding a horse, quickly coming over with a whip.

Gu Xiaowan heard that Gu Ning'an had disappeared. One of them was unstable and shook twice. The Zuo behind him hurriedly went forward to support her: "Girl, don't worry first, Xin Xu An met her former classmate and was together. Gathering, forgot to go home!" Gu Xiaowan calmed down and hurriedly shook her head and said, "No, Ang is not such a reckless person. If he has something to do, he will definitely send someone to notify me! He must be. problem occurs!"

The more nervous Gu Xiaowan became, her heart calmed down.

Gu Ningan went out with Stone in the morning, saying that he went to Yushulou to find Mr. Xu, then read a book in Yushulou, and came back in the afternoon. Since he had already said he would go out for a day, Gu Xiaowan didn’t care at first. .

However, now that people are gone, there is no news at all. Gu Xiaowan believes that Gu Ningan definitely has something wrong, otherwise there will be no news at all.

"How do you conclude that he is missing?" Zuo asked.

The guy said without hesitation: "They went to Yushulou, but when they came back they said they weren't there. Moreover, I heard Mr. Xu said that Ang had left Yushulou before the sun set in the afternoon, and said Mrs. Xu kept keeping him for dinner before leaving, but Ang said that the girl was waiting for him at home, so she did not stay!"

I left Yushulou since the sun hadn't set, even if I used it, I could rush to the house for dinner. Zuo looked at Gu Xiaowan with some worry, but saw that Gu Xiaowan was unusually calm.

"Zuo, get the carriage, let's go to Jinfulou now!" Gu Xiaowan said calmly, with deep concern in her eyes.

"Yes, girl!" Zuo turned to go to the stables, and Gu Xiaowan stopped her again: "Wait, if the family asks later, we will say that there is something wrong with going to Jinfulou, and that today's accounts have not been calculated. Clearly, I will settle the accounts! Don't say anything else, lest the family worry!"

Zuo responded one by one, and brought the carriage over. The guy hurriedly increased his whip and arrived at Jinfulou in a while.

Jinfu Tower was closed, and the gates were all installed, leaving only a crack in the door for one person to enter and exit.

When Gu Xiaowan entered, she saw a young man at the door. Seeing Gu Xiaowan was coming, she hurried over: "Girl, here you are!"

Gu Xiaowan looked around, and now there is only one man like him in Jinfu Building. It seems that the rest of the people have gone to find someone, and only the youngest one is left to visit: "They all go. Got someone? Is there any news?"

The young man also looked worried, and could only say: "No, the treasurer's brother Heping brought people to find them. Now they are divided into three groups and are looking for people in the town!"

Gu Xiaowan was worried, but she just frowned slightly and didn't speak any more.

The young man looked at Gu Xiaowan anxiously, trying to say something, but due to his identity, he snorted, but he didn't say anything. He just said, "Girl, don't worry, they will definitely find Brother An!"

Seeing him comforting herself, Gu Xiaowan glanced at him and tried to squeeze a smile.

Before long, Shishi returned with the person who was looking for it, and he heard Shishi's anxious voice: "Has Ge Ang come back?"

The young man hurriedly ran over and replied: "The shopkeeper, Ang hasn't come back yet"

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