The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1361: Go to Zhao's house

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Shishi turn around and left.

The boy hurriedly added: "The shopkeeper, here comes the girl!"

The stone was already far away, but when I heard that Gu Xiaowan was here, she hurriedly turned around and walked into the building.

Sure enough, I saw that Gu Xiaowan had already reached the door at this moment. When I saw the stone, the whole person was shaking nervously: "I haven't found Ning'an yet?"

Shishi nodded: "Well, but Xiaowan, don't worry, Ning An is a big boy, maybe I saw something funny outside and forgot the time. He must be fine, I am Go out and look for it!"

After speaking, turn around and go out.

"Brother Stone, wait a minute!" Gu Xiaowan hurriedly stopped him and said, "I'm thinking, Ning An definitely didn't hide it on purpose! Even if you keep looking for it like this, you still can't find it!"

"Xiaowan, what do you mean?" After Shishi listened, she looked at Gu Xiaowan in a daze, and suddenly said, "You mean, someone kidnapped Ning'an?"

"We all know what Ning An's temperament is. Apart from his love of reading, he doesn't have any other hobbies on weekdays. Moreover, if he has said to Mr. Xu that he is going to go home, he will go home. I will send you a letter. Ning An has a calm temper, and unless there are special circumstances, he won't worry us! So, I'm sure that he absolutely encountered something that couldn't escape!"

Gu Xiaowan said calmly.

There were three groups of people who went out to find Gu Ning'an. Shishi, Gu Ningping, and Liang Yucheng separately took some people to look for them. At this moment Shishi came back. After a while, Gu Ningping and Liang Yucheng also returned.

After listening to Gu Xiaowan's analysis, Gu Ningping kicked off a bench on the spot: "My brother has always been kind to others, who took him away!"

Gu Ning'an can read, so this body is not comparable to Gu Ningping.

A weak scholar, if someone really wants to take him away, two young and strong adults can succeed.

Shishi also asked worriedly at this moment: "Yes, Ang has a good temper and a calm personality. Who will complain with him?"

Gu Xiaowan snorted coldly: "I'm afraid if I will be grudges with him, but it can't hurt me, I can only go to Ning'an!"

Zuo on the side listened and asked hurriedly: "Girl, do you mean that Zhao Yuner and Zhao Zijie sent someone to do this?"

"I'm afraid it's not far from ten! I heard that Zhao Zijie's face was ruined. This account must be counted on my head. And that Song Liancheng who emerged out of thin air. Isn't he the only one who looks at Zhao Yun'er? With so many families, I lost my life on the very dangerous night of the Qixi Festival. I am standing here now, how can they be so angry!"

"What? Sister, what happened to you on the Qixi Festival?" Gu Ningping jumped up anxiously when he heard this. Zuo hurriedly said with relief: "Brother Ping, don't worry, the girl is fine!"

Then I took a few words over what happened at the Qiqiao Festival that day.

Gu Ningping became more angry the more he listened. He glanced worriedly, turned and walked outside: "Sister, I'm going to save my brother, I'm going to find Zhao Zijie to settle the accounts!"

Gu Ningping has a hot temper. As soon as I heard that both Gu Xiaowan and Gu Ningan were bullied by Zhao Zijie, now, how could I be able to sit down? He turned around and walked outside to find Zhao Zijie to settle the account.

"Ning Ping, sit down!" Gu Xiaowan saw that Gu Ning Ping was still such a hot temper, and hurriedly shouted: "You don't even know where Ning'an Pass is now. You go to Zhao's house and tell them that we already know Ning'an. In order to avoid revealing the whereabouts of the people, they are very likely to jump over the wall in a hurry, maybe they will do something frantic!"

"Sister, what should I do then? Is it because you are watching your elder brother in their hands, is your life or death uncertain? And you, should you let Zhao Zijie be so bullied?" Gu Ningping's tears shed anxiously: "I've grown up. Up!"

Gu Ningping looked at Gu Xiaowan, not only worried, but also sad.

I have grown up, but my sister still regards herself as a child. She hasn't told herself about such a big thing, and she kept hiding from herself, she can already protect her!

"Ning Ping, don't worry, let's discuss it first! I won't just let it go about Zhao Zijie's bullying of me. It's just the matter of making a marriage these days, I put it down, now that Zhao Zijie Provocation again, this time, I will definitely not let go of their two brothers and sisters!"

Gu Xiaowan said harshly.

"Xiaowan, what should we do now? You say, we all listen to you!" Shitou echoed.

"Yes, girl, what do you say, how do we do it!" Liang Yucheng also expressed his attitude.

"A Zuo, let's go to Zhao's house now and find Zhao Xun!" Gu Xiaowan thought for a while and said.

Gu Ningping hurriedly said, "Sister, I will go with you!"

When there were more people, there was a caring. Gu Xiaowan didn't plan to go with Ahmad. Gu Ningping and the stones also followed her.

Liang Yucheng and another strong fellow drove a carriage and waited at the door of Zhao's house.

At this moment, the night is already deep.

The door of Zhao’s house was knocked for a long time before a lazy and vicious voice came from inside: "Who? It was in the middle of the night, what knock, do you know where this is? If it's okay later, see me. Kill you!"

The door was opened hard and creaked. In this silent night, it looked very dull and terrifying.

"Which one is knocking on the door, get out!" The servant who looked at the door was still squinting. He couldn't see clearly through the dim candlelight. He only vaguely felt that there was someone in front of him. He cursed without even thinking about it. You knocked on the door of Zhao's house casually, looking for something to die!"

"Who did you say is looking for death!" Suddenly, there was a purgatory sound. The servant half-opened his eyes, only feeling a flash of cold light in his eyes, and then, something sharp against his neck, that cold touch. Make the servant tremble all over.

Where there is still half sleepiness, looking at the person in front of me, I am afraid that my pants will be scared to pee.

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