The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1367: Master Zhao is here

Now that the worst thing has happened, there is no need to worry about it, think about how to tell the Song family!

So, Zhao Xun, who was looking aside and ascended to heaven, said: "Master, now, let's think about how to explain to the Song family!"

Zhao Xun's face was as dark as the bottom of the pot. He looked at Zhao Yun'er, and then at Zhao Zijie, who had been holding the quilt and shrunken at the foot of the bed, said silently, "Bring the two of them back." Lock up at home! No one is allowed to let them out without my permission!"

Zhao Yun'er kept screaming, but Zhao Zijie was okay. He didn't say a word begging for mercy during the whole process, and I didn't know if he knew he had no face to beg for mercy, or thought that Zhao Xun would definitely not let him go this time. .

When he waited outside, Zhao Xun was stunned to find that the outside was full of people, and there was a lot of discussion from his side.

Zhao Xun was in a bad mood at first, but he blasted these people away from inside just now. Seeing that so many people gathered outside this time, all of them were watching his own jokes, he was very unhappy: "What are you watching? Look, what's so good! Get out of here!"

Zhao Xun yelled angrily, but the people were still standing there, motionless. Now, Zhao Xun became even more angry and yelled angrily: "What are you doing? What's so beautiful, let me go!"

"Master Zhao made a big tone. If the officer wants to stand here, does Master Zhao also chase the officer away?" The officer shouted out, Zhao Xun looked in the direction where the sound came from. I saw Mr. Zhao, the magistrate of Ruixian County, standing in the middle of the crowd in plain clothes, like a crowd watching the excitement.

When Zhao Xun saw that the magistrate came, he felt a little bit in his heart, thinking about how he came, so he hurriedly went forward to greet Master Zhao, and said reproachfully: "Cao Min didn't know Master Zhao was here. If you offend, I hope Master Zhao Haihan!"

Master Zhao glanced at Zhao Xun lightly, "Master Zhao, is this your residence?"

This house is broken and shattered, and it is very desolate. Is there such a house in Zhao Xun?

After hearing this, Zhao Xun smiled awkwardly: "My lord is joking, the mansion of Caomin is in front!"

"Then why Master Zhao and Madam Zhao came out of this room with so many people? Could there be any fun in it? Master Zhao took the officer in to see?" Master Zhao was still confused.

If it weren’t for Zhao Xun’s fear of offending Master Zhao, his face had already been lost in the dung pit. Now, Master Zhao asked himself these words in front of so many people, if there is no hole in the ground. If there is a hole, I really found a hole to go in.

This Master Zhao still has to go in and see. If he sees one of his sons and daughters doing that violent, shameless thing, if he knows this, then his face will be lost from Liujiazhen to Ruixian.

Although I knew that this matter was known to so many people, I was afraid that I had lost my face.

"Master Zhao joked, there is nothing funny, just come over and take a look!" Zhao Xun said with embarrassment on his face.

The onlookers looked at Zhao Xun’s slumped appearance, thinking about the beautiful spring light in the room just now, the snow-white ketone bodies, tightly entangled together, and the spring light if there is nothing, Such a tyrant, even if you go to the brothel, you can't see it!

It's good now, things in the big family, Miss Gongzi in the weekdays, are serious, but still do the dirty things!

No matter how serious it is, it's just a wolf in sheep's clothing.

The people standing in the distance heard the movement here, thinking that no one would see themselves anyway, and shouted: "My lord, there are fun things in it, it's fun!"

Upon hearing this, Master Zhao screamed, with a look of curiosity, he moved twice, and he seemed to be walking inside.

Zhao Xun saw him, so how dare he let him go in and see? If I saw this, I would lose face even more.

"My lord, it's okay, it's okay, Cao Min just wants to buy this house, come and have a look, come and have a look," Zhao Xun hurriedly explained with a smile.

Mrs. Zhao on the side also blocked Master Zhao’s footsteps, and stepped forward and said with a smile: "My lord, this house is too old. My lord and I are afraid that this house will fall on a rainy day. It would be bad if it hits innocent people. , So my master and I both come to see if we can pay some money to repair this house!"

When Zhao Xun heard it, his eyesight brightened, and he said hurriedly: "Yeah, sir, this house is too old, I am afraid it will fall down, if it hits innocent people, it will be really bad. I, Zhao Although the home is not the home of Zhongmingding Food, but the money for the repairs is still taken out, and I want to fix this old house more firmly, and don't hit the innocent people!"

Zhao Xun glanced at his wife with satisfaction, and gave her a thumbs up in his heart.

This is the true lady, a word or two will reverse the situation.

"Oh? Is that true?" Mrs. Zhao's face was full of doubts, but apparently he would not pursue further: "Master Zhao and Mrs. Zhao are dedicated to good for the people. In this town of Liujia, the Zhao family is in charge, but it is from Liujiazhen. The blessing of the people!"

Zhao Xun dared not be too busy and said: "They are all grown-ups with good leadership, and I am just a citizen of Liujiazhen!"

The onlookers looked at Zhao Xun with interest one by one, but no one dared to refute him.

If Zhao Xun is annoyed, with Zhao Xun's position in Liujiazhen, I am afraid that this life will not be better.

Therefore, no one spoke. Although they were all full of disdain, no one spoke.

When Zhao Xun saw the surroundings quietly, Master Zhao just glanced at him curiously, and said nothing. The heart that was hanging just now fell slightly.

"Master Zhao, why did you come to Liujiazhen free today?" Zhao Xun asked curiously.

It happens to be here at this place, at this time, it’s really

It's incredible.

"Oh, I have been walking around in the past few days, and I happened to be in Liujia Town today, so I will come and have a look!"

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