The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1368: Chasing James

Oh, that's good, it turned out to be here only accidentally, Zhao Xun touched a sweat, it's good that it didn't come specially!

Zhao Xun’s worries faded away a little more happily: "Master Zhao, it happens that I have something to report to you. If it's better, go to the next mansion and Caomin talk to the adults?"

Zhao Xun is quite prestigious in Liujiazhen. He looked at Zhao Xun's attempt to take him away. He felt amused, but he could only say: "Then it is better to be respectful!"

Madam Zhao also smiled and bloomed: "Xiaolian, go back and boil the water and make good tea!"

Then, Zhao Xun and his wife embraced Master Zhao and turned to leave.

Suddenly, there was a hysterical cry, mixed with horrified shouts: "Help, help!"

The hysterical cries resounded throughout the street. Lord Zhao turned around quickly and saw a woman running towards him with disheveled hair: "Save me, save me!"

That woman, with disheveled hair, looked panicked, not Zhan Hongyu, but who it is!

I saw Zhan Hongyu ran out of the house in a panic, yelling sadly as he ran: "Help me, help me!"

Behind her, followed by a few fierce and evil-looking people, with dazzling big swords in their hands, followed closely behind.

Zhan Hongyu was running near, and found that Mrs. Zhao was present. He looked happy and yelled for help: "Mrs. Zhao, help, the Zhao family is going to kill me!"

The complexions of Zhao Xun and his wife immediately changed.

The few fierce and sturdy men behind him were carrying knives and chasing a woman who had no power to bind a chicken. Moreover, there was someone in the woman who wanted to kill herself. How could they explain and refute.

Seeing this scene, the brawny men turned around in a little panic and were about to run. Lord Zhao was full of anger and shouted: "Come here, take these people down!"

Then, I don't know where a few quick-witted servants came out, and they subdued those strong men.

Zhan Hongyu was saved, and she knelt down on one knee in excitement: "Master Qingtian, you have to be the master for the peasants!"

Master Zhao turned his head and looked at the two couples, Zhao Xun who was silent, pointing at Zhan Hongyu and said, "This, how does Master Zhao explain?"

An ordinary woman who was in danger of being killed in the house, she was a magistrate who stood at the door and doubted, but he obeyed other people’s words and refused to go in. If this woman died here, then she would be full of her own life. The mouth is also not clear.

Master Zhao's face was dark and glared.

Zhao Xun hurriedly explained: "My lord, Cao Min, Cao Min doesn't know what's going on! The Cao Min doesn't know where this woman came from!"

"Zhao Xun, don't you know?" Zhan Hongyu heard Zhao Xun speak, and pointed to Zhao Xun angrily, yelling: "My lord, the women were chased and killed. Those family members were sent by the Zhao family, and the Zhao family will kill I quit!"

"Don't talk nonsense, when did the Zhao family send someone to kill you!" At the very least, Madam Zhao didn't know, she roared.

But Zhao Xun drooped his head and said nothing.

Master Zhao saw that they were arguing with each other, and did not let go: "Come here, take these people to the government office, and the officer must settle the case on the spot!"

When it was time for the palace, someone had already opened the gate of the palace.

Because Lord Fuya has not yet come down to take up the post, but someone manages the entire Liujia Town on his behalf.

At this moment, Lord Zhao was sitting on the palace hall. Although he was only dressed in plain clothes, his aura was not irritating. Seeing that the parties were already there, Lord Zhao hit the hall and the whole hall immediately fell silent.

"Woman Zhan Hongyu, what kind of grievances do you have on earth, really provoke it, and the official will take justice for you. However, if you indiscriminately frame others, the official will never take you lightly!" Mr. Zhao said fairly. .

After saying this, Madam Zhao felt much better.

I only heard Zhan Hongyu say: "My lord, the civilian woman is pregnant with the second son of the Zhao family, but the Zhao family dislikes the origin and identity of the citizen woman, so she doesn't want the citizen woman to give birth to this child, and sends someone to kill the woman. !"


As soon as I heard that Zhan Hongyu was pregnant, he was still carrying the flesh and blood of the Zhao family.

Just now, I was quietly facing the hall, and it was like a vegetable market at this moment.

"Zhan, don't talk nonsense, based on your character, who knows if the child in your stomach is from the Zhao family!" Madam Zhao said with a puff.

"Mrs. Zhao, your status is noble. Naturally, you look down on the lowly status of a civilian woman. But even if a citizen's woman is lowly, she is also a woman. She also knows that there is no way out, if she is really desperate, she will hold such a faceless woman. Tell me about the skinless things in public?" Zhan Hongyu's sad expression on his face, as if he had received a big blow: "If you didn't recognize my belly, I would go to you? Zhao Lang kept saying yes The person in charge, but in the end, a few people were sent to kill me! Oh my God, Lord Zhao, you have to be the master of the people’s wives!"

Zhan Hongyu's sadness, crying, no powder on his face, the whole person looks even more pitiful, graceful and charming.

It's just the wrinkles in the corners of the eyes that remind everyone that this woman is not young anymore.

"Zhan, you are slanderous. You are now in your thirties. My second son is only in his early twenties. He will look at you? Don't put gold on your face! Whatever my second son wants, he will look for it. It's here." Among them, one of the Zhao's family members poohed.

And these words made Zhan Hongyu more vigorous, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth, she glanced at the Jiading, and then at Zhao Xun and his wife, seeing that they were indifferent, with obvious disgust on her face.

The corner of Zhan Hongyu's eyes flashed anger. She lowered her head quickly, sobbed, and then raised her head and said, "My lord, Zhao Zijie is ten years younger than me. The people of the Zhao family kept saying that Zhao Zijie would not find a local woman. But adults. I don’t know, such a glamorous and beautiful second son of the Zhao family has such an affair with his own sister. How can such a person not find a local woman! Mr. Zhao, please comment, Zhao Zijie is a man of virtue. Lost, without shame, there is nothing he can't do!"

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