The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1370: Escorted to court

Lord Zhao's face is also very ugly. Look at the emotions, although Zhan Hongyu who is speechless, but is reasonable, look at the Zhao family, who is silent, and the face is as dark as the bottom of the pot.

And the ironic eyes of the people onlookers, the Zhao family really lost face in Liujia Town this time.

"Master Zhao, what else do you have to say?" Master Zhao looked at Zhao Xun and said.

Zhao Xun said nothing, drooping his head and did not speak. At the moment, Mrs. Zhao on the side spoke: "Master Zhao, the Zhao family did not send anyone to kill the Zhan family. This was not sent by the Zhao family!"

It's not the Zhao family, who sent it? Zhan Hongyu looked disbelief: "These few people say they were sent by the Zhao family, not you, who else will be!"

"Nonsense, we don't know these few people. How do I know who sent it? Maybe it was your previous lover. I heard that you are pregnant and want to kill you, maybe." Madam Zhao said fiercely. .

Zhan Hongyu didn't care at all: "Mrs. Zhao, did you say that these people were not sent by you? This is obviously the person who fell into the flames on the night of the Qiao Qiao Festival, who was so dangerous to push the Anping County Lord!"

Zhan Hongyu pointed to one of them and said.

Many people know what happened that night. They all followed Zhan Hongyu's fingers and looked at the one among them. Sure enough, they saw one of them. It was clearly one of the people who pushed Gu Xiaowan into the fire that night.

"That's right, it's him, the county lord he pushed!" shouted a crowd of onlookers.

Upon hearing this, Master Zhao could ask sternly: "He pushed the county lord of Anping into the sea of ​​fire? What a courage!"

"Yes, Master Zhao, he pushed the Anping County lord, but fortunately, Anping County lord has a big life, and there is nothing to do. He saved a child in the sea of ​​flames!"

"Bold and spoil the people, don't plead guilty!" The sharp gavel, the shooting sounded, and the noisy lobby was immediately silent. I saw Mrs. Zhao with a stern face, staring fiercely at the one called Push Anping The county owner who entered the fire.

The man drooped his head, but didn't say a word, until a harsh voice from the court said: "Come here, use torture!"

The man was really scared now, his face pale in fright, he hurriedly knelt forward and climbed a few steps forward, yelling: "My lord, it is the second son of the Zhao family who made Caomin do this. It is the second son of the Zhao family. what!"

"You're talking nonsense, you are not the Zhao family!" Madam Zhao said coldly.

"Madam, am I the son of the Zhao family? I came with Son Song!" The man looked innocent: "Song son likes Miss Zhao, so the second son of the Zhao family used this to threaten my son and say to help him. If you don’t help him, don’t let Miss Zhao marry my son!"

"It's nonsense, it's up to me to marry my daughter!" Zhao Xun roared.

"Master Zhao, the minions are telling the truth. Moreover, the county lord of Anping was pushed into the sea of ​​fire last time on the Qiao Qiao Festival. It was the minions who did it, but your son told me to do this!" the man said with a stubborn neck. , Pushed all these things to Zhao Zijie.

"My Jie'er is not here now, so you will push all these things to him. You are the son of the Song family. In order to protect your master, you will push these things to him. What evidence do you have!" At any rate, Zhao Zijie is his own son, and now he is ruined. If Mr. Zhao is caught framing the county lord of Anping, it will really hurt the Zhao family! "If you don't believe Master Zhao, you can go back and ask Zhao Zijie!" The family member immediately cursed when Zhao Xun was covering up his son and framed his young master.

All of a sudden, you said yours, he said hiss, no one can show evidence!

The instigator of their dispute is not here now. Who instigated it, who was right and who was wrong, is really hard to decide!

"Don't fight!" Master Zhao slapped the gavel and snapped, and the noisy lobby was quiet again.

"Come here, take the suspects Zhao Zijie and Song Liancheng!" Since the father-in-law said that the father-in-law is right, then put the father-in-law in charge to see who is the real murderer!

Zhao Xun's face was black all the time, angry, ashamed, and angry, and a servant came out. Zhao Xun was just anxious, but he didn't have a word to say.

Madam Zhao looked at Zhao Xun worriedly, and even the hand holding Zhao Xun trembled a little.

"Master, what can I do!" Madam Zhao has never seen such a battle. If Zhao Zijie sent someone to push the county lord of Anping, then

She secretly looked up at the chao hall, and saw Master Zhao looking at the kneeling man on the stage with a dark face, she couldn't help but be surprised again, and bowed her head with some guilty conscience.

Zhao Xun drooped his head. He also heard Madam Zhao's words, but he really couldn't answer.

Zhao Zijie is his son, if he kills, he can't get rid of it.

Song Liancheng is his wife's nephew. If he kills, he can't take off the dry cleaning.

Soon, Zhao Zijie and Song Liancheng were escorted back by the Yamen.

During the whole process, Zhao Zijie didn't say a word, but Song Liancheng was cursing.

"You Zhao Zijie, a shameless thing, you dare to even your own sister, and you have to be shameless!" Song Liancheng yelled, if it weren't for the government officials holding him, he was afraid that he would have gone to Zhao Zijie. Fight in one place.

"Shameless things, Zhao Zijie, I'm never finished with you. I'm pooh"

Song Liancheng cursed, and suddenly, behind him was a crying and sad female voice: "Big Brother Song, Brother Song, I was wronged, I was wronged!"

The one who followed Song Liancheng was clearly Zhao Yun'er who had just been brought back by Zhao Xun.

"I'm pooh, don't touch me, your broken shoes! In vain, I thought you were Jinzhiyuye, Bingqingyujie, and you had already got along with Zhao Zijie! Pooh, now I see you two and I feel sick!"

"Yun'er, what are you doing here? Didn't I let you think about it at home?" As soon as Zhao Xun saw Zhao Yun'er, the blood rushed upward again. Is it too embarrassing enough?

Isn’t it really embarrassing to run here again to throw it away?

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